7th March 2010
Junior Member BS.player Regular User | | Join Date: Mar 2010 Age: 43
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[FIXED] Upgraded from 1.37 to 2.51 Now having problems w/autoplay next part.
Hello community of BS.Player.
I have finally decided to upgrade from version 1.37 to 2.51, since I have been avoiding BS.Player because of WhenU. Well, I'm glad to see that new versions don't include that anymore, so I'm up-to-date again.
But I'm not as happy as I could be. I love EVR support, but have problems with automatic advancement of the playlist.
Let me explain. If I have a movie, that has CD1 and CD2, when CD1 is finished, CD2 opens, but it doesn't automatically play! In version 1.37 this worked OK.
How can I fix this? Where do I change that setting? And please don't tell me to enable Auto play, because in 1.37 that wasn't necessary and I don't like that feature.