15th July 2013
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Jul 2013 Age: 49
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Originally Posted by burekas The only thing I have notice is before I'm closing the bsplayer.exe through the task manager the memory next to it increasing to hundreds of K | I would uninstall bsplayer and all its' remnants in registry. Download and install last version and don't install internal filters via filter manager. Uninstall all codec packs if you have them and install just LAV filters (0.58 are latest). 32bit verions is what you need for bsplayer is 32bit application. set them as preferred filters: LAV audio, LAV video, LAV splitter.
BS.Player memory usage depends on played material. It is more than 100 MB for 1080p mp4 video after few mins and stays on that level. far less is for low resolution avi files etc.
For video rendering you should use EVR under win 7.