I am having a problem with embedded ass/ssa subtitles from mkv files, I mean the karaoke effect doesn't work at all. When I use a normal avi file then it works. Secondly I want to express that other programs like Media Player Classic, VLC player and what is funny even Windows Media Player perform this Karaoke effect without any problem

. I am using BSPlayer 2.61 Build 1065 and Media player codec pack v3.5. From my own experience I have noticed that DirectVobSub emulates this kareoke effect the best, as it does in Windows Media Player, in other players I don't remember. But in BSPlayer its capabilities are somehow limited. I suppose that it uses to many codecs/filters for subtitles. Ffdshow has options for subtitles, Haali media splitter as well. Believe me I tried every single option to change these settings but without any result. All codecs are up to date. I am not a programmer so I am talking gibberish right now, but I hope you understand me. This effect should be automatic and it is in the other media players, even Windows Media Player. Other people tried to discuss this problem, however no-one helped them.
One girl was talking about EXACTLY the same
Problem with mkv subtitles...please help >.<
and her main problem wasn't fixed. Another person wrote about something similar, maybe not really related, but I also tried the suggestions he received and it didn't work as well.
Embedded subtitles from MKV not being displayed
I hope that you don't want to be worse than Windows Media Player.
I would be grateful if you corrected this shortcoming. I wouldn't like to change BSPlayer to another one. I hope you will help me.