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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 1st June 2003
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Default Troubles with .bsi files

I have created sample bsi script which I wanted to use as a template for my CD's (it's attached at the bottom of this message) but I have lots of troubles with it. (btw: I'm using bsPlayer Version 0.86.494)

First, Fullscreen from Options section doesn't work for me, when I start this .bsi, movie goes fullscreen without respect to Fullscreen variable. Same applies to Lang variable - whenever I run .bsi file, player starts using default english.

btw: It's quite frustrating that even in this forum I can't use national-specific characters (which are converted into bloody ampersand values and displayed like &# and numbers) to describe my problem :(


Title=Čertven?? trpasl?*k

Sub2=Česky podle dabingu|four_rooms_CZ_2verze.sub

1=00:05:34 Chyběj?*c?* ingredience (The Missing Ingredient)
2=00:22:32 Nespr??vn?? člověk (The Wrong Man)
3=00:40:58 Mal?* neposluchov?© (The Misbehavers)
4=01:04:38 Mu?? z Hollywoodu (The Man From Hollywood)

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 5th September 2003
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Yes Mr Tao,
and now, I try version 500 and 501.

What are the *.BSI file ? These are text files that run bsplayer when clicked to indicate the location of the movie file dig in a subdirectory and the availability of multilingual subtitles and chapters lists, for good old AVI files (that do not integrate this information like it is now available in OGM or MKV container file formats). Do you agree ? Bsi are smart to implement on a CD. CD could be made autoplayable on cd insertion using some kind of autorun.ini.

In BSI files,
FName=file even with spaces in it.avi
seems to be the minimum for a bsi file: those 3 lines give the correct path to open the movie
in upper of lowercase but no abbreviation allowed...

have no effect in the current version, local preferences are used
Title=Mission for Pluto
Single and double quotes are allowed not required but the title is
is totally discarded, I tought it would appear in the Video Info contextual screen at the Title/author/copyright frame. (It appeared on the second avi when bsi are chained or is replaced by any line from a subtitle file).
AudioFile1=Spanish_audiotrack.mp3   (or wav)
are simply ignored, only the single AVI audio track is available. It must be made manually using the right click menu. (Chaining bsi files permits to show the second audio track but with problems..)

have no effect at all. Files are not opened, bsplayer subtitle language choice remains empty, and we need to manually open the files. It worked in version 493.
0=00:02:59 Intro
are simply ignored when placed in bsi files
works as announced : at the end of the FName, other BSI files on the directory are parsed in order to find a file with
(or n+1) If such a file is not found, it asks "Next CD required, Please insert CD number 2". Note that de second BSI file can have any filename, and for debugging purpose, ilt is good not to have 99 different BSI files in the same directory.

Note also that on the second AVi file , the Title (given in the [Movie]field will be displayed correctly on the BSPLAYER front instead of the filename. NumberCDs=3 must be repeated in each bsi file in order to stop the iterative search after the 3rd AVI file. The Lang=Nederlands that was present in the first BSI file is suddenly taken into account at the beginning of the second Avi file, strange, and the Chapters and subtitles present in this second BSI file, strange, strange ! Chapters times are countet from the first reel, selecting chapter 1 at 00:00:00 asks for the first CD or reopens the first AVI file.

So after long experiments, it worked just a bit like described by Quietseb in is . except for the first AVI file (or Quietseb, you will have to check and report your BSplayer version to me...)

In BSI files, [Main][Movie] and so on are not case sensitive but
in CHF files, [Charters] tag have a strange behavior, sometimes it requires CHAPTER to be written in uppercase to be taken into account. Some times, the chapters are displayed but it is not possible to skip to a given chapter, and if the file was opened with the help of a BSI file and then the CHF file was manually selected the chapters are selectable. Strange... Why ?
If someone has the time to check my assertions, I would be pleased to know if I am right, or wrong.

So the questions are:
Who is in charge of this software ? Has he published its email ?
How could I participate as a reviewer or as a programmer ?
When did he left the support of BSI files ?
Why has he suppressed the chaining of videos thanks to BSI files.
Why could we still find an old version of .\bsplayer\doc\ini_files.html from 2001 that is absolutely not correct ?
Why have you changed the parsing of CHF files which rejects the [Chapters] tag and need the uppercase?
When will it be fixed ?

There is long time since people asked to come back to what was available in old BSplayer versions (before 493). Every new version of BSplayer gives some hope, immediately disappointed. Several friends come back on the forum with old bsi solutions that are absolutely inoperant, no more available.

I would be pleased if the author gave more transparency in his work (Change.log history say nothing between 499 and 500 for instance) and prepared an up-to-date documentation of the actual BSplayer functionalities. ANd a verbose switch would help debugging the syntax of faulty bsi files...

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 6th September 2003
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Exactly, there were many new builds since me and others asked about bsi files but this problem wasn't addressed in any of them. I'm asking why? Reading configuration files can't be such a challenging part, especially compared to rest of great work done on bsPlayer. I realize that since I discovered bsPlayer, I liked idea of bsi files a lot so I ended with HD full of movies and waiting for new builds hoping that finally now I can burn my CDs. :lol:
I believe that many of us will greatly appreciate correct syntax of bsi files description as well as fixed handling of them.

but hey, I just downloaded build 501 dated 5. August and things seems to be working!
lang and fullscreen is working!
title is working!
sub is working!
chapters seems to be working too!

btw: its necessary to make absolutelly sure that there are no empty spaces at the end of the line.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 6th September 2003
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I know there are problems with .bsi files. Last few builds don't have any changes/fixes with .bsi files and probably there won't be any more in 0.8x versions.
As you know I'm rewriting player.
I can't give you exact date but version 1.0 should be finished real soon now.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 9th September 2003
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Nice to meet you bst,
Thank you for your advice and the time you spent to that great project.
I discovered that on the first bsi, chapters and subs are not loaded but if a followup is present in a second BSI file, everything works fine !
So I found a nice way around ! And it works for versions 499 to 501-5sept.

I have created a very short AVI file (2 seconds) named P1.avi and the first bsi file refers to it. At the end of the dummy movie, BSplayer searches for another bsi file and find P2.bsi that contains the full load of subtitles and the pointer to the intended movie :

Un tueur pour cible.BSI looks like :

Title=Un tueur pour cible
P2.BSI file contains :


Title=Un tueur pour cible
FName=Un tueur pour cible.avi

Sub2=Ne?©rlandais|replacement_killers [Nl].srt
Sub3=Anglais|The Replacement Killers [Eng].sub
Sub4=Allemand|The_replacement_killers [Ger].sub
[Chapters] can be added in the second file, they will appear but they will not be operational, it is the same as the chapters are present in a separate Un tueur pour cible.CHF file: they are displayed but not selectable on last 501 version. Is there also a way around??
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 9th September 2003
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I use #501 and chapters are working for me (tested only on 1CD project), but only when VMR9 is not selected. If it's selected and bsPlayer was started using above bsi file, it displays warnings which can be bypassed by clicking continue, but Chapters submenu is empty (in fact it isn't even displayed).
This comes first
BSPlayer v0.86.501, Unhandled exception at EIP: 004B12A0
If you click 'Close' application will be terminated.
Please report this info to the author with description what were you doing.
Access violation at address 004B12A0 in module 'bplay.exe'. Read of address 00000000
, 0x004CA6A3, 0x004CA91D, 0x004526D3, 0x00449D3E, 0x77D57AD7, 0x77D5CCD4, 0x77D34455, 0x77D34D58, 0x004DDDBA, 0x77E814C7
and this window follows
Bytes at EIP: 8B 00 FF 50 44 85 C0 75 30 A1 F4 2B 4E 00 8B 80 D4 03
Without VMR9 chapters seems to be working ok.

btw: VMR9 works when bsPlayer isn't started using bsi file.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 13th September 2003
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Originally Posted by Mr. Tao
btw: VMR9 works when bsPlayer isn't started using bsi file.
that's why bsi synthax NEEDS (and deserves) a little update.
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