22nd October 2013
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Oct 2013
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MP4's audio out of sync after Windows repair install
I have the same audio out of sync problem as reported here. I believe the problem started after I made the mistake of doing a repair install on my Windows XP installation. (A repair install doesn't reinstall windows, it just reinstalls the important components of windows so that you can boot Windows without losing your programs and settings.) Anyway turns out it was an unneeded repair, one that broke more things than it fixed. MP4 videos have never been in sync since the reinstall on my BSPlayer. (Actually some MP4s work but most don't.) I have to watch them in other players to get them to work, or watch them on my other computer. Other video formats are not affected such as XVID or DIVX avis.
I've tried a number of things but to no avail.
I'd dearly like to fix this. I like BSPlayer and would like to be able to use it.
I have BSPlayer version 2.51
Thank you.
P.S. Use CTRL + SHIFT + left/right arrow works as a temporary fix, but subs are still out of sync.