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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 9th October 2003
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gadz is an unknown quantity at this point
Default window resizing BUG

I'm not sure if this has already been reported as a bug but here it is anyway:

1. open a video and play it
2. move the video to the right side of the screen until it sticks to the edge
3. now click on the bottom right-hand side of the video and *slowly* resize it
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 9th October 2003
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Hmmm, using latest build from 09 17 and i can't repeat any problem there. Could you be more specific on what's going to happen?! :?
Or your system, GFX drivers and so on?
Mine are W2k SP3 GForce FX nVidia Detonators 52.10 and i don't seen anything wrong or bad there.
Sorry, tried many times. Maybe specific movie size???
Your experience?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 9th October 2003
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Ok well I'm using the latest 17/9 build (501).
It happens on both my computers, one is winxp/Radeon 9800 Pro Catalyst 3.8 and the other is also winxp using a SIS630 chipset.

This is probably a better way to duplicate the bug:

1. open a movie and let it play
2. move it over towards the right-hand side of the screen but not all the way
3. now resize the movie (make it bigger) slowly by clicking on the bottom-right corner of the video and dragging it to the edge of the screen
4. as soon as it reaches the edge of the screen it'll start to resize itself by growing smaller and flickering at the same time (if it doesn't it could be cuz you're resizing it too fast; or try keeping the mouse button clicked down and moving it left and right)
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12th October 2003
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Default tested

Tested this on my xp, radeon 9800 pro w/ driver and the 16. Sept. BSP 501 build.

>1. open a video and play it

check (an xvid)

>2. move the video to the right side of the screen until it sticks to the edge

I just moved it to the right side, not till it stuck

>3. now click on the bottom right-hand side of the video and *slowly* resize it

A small flicker, then the video window was gone.
Restarted BSP, window still missing
Tried another video-file (a divx), still missing
Looking and changing settings on preferences for 10 minutes, window still missing
Reinstalling BSP, window still missing
Uninstalling, Reinstalling, voila, back.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12th October 2003
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Im still unable to reporoduce this. Perhaps a ATI-related bug? Their drivers are crappy, no dubt about...

Step 1 is obvious.
Not all the way means not until it stick to the screen edge? Or just not over the edge? Just close, i assume... Into both cases, no problem with resizing up...

Step four - movie very correctly get resized all the way up, even after it grow over the edge.

So i assume that there is time to ask ATI, what the hell they are doing with overlay video zoom (resize)
(i ofcourse used Overlay 1 for test, this is just force rgb for showing it, hehe... )
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12th October 2003
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well I'm glad muad had the same problem cuz I was wondering whether I was the only one. I'd like to say it's an ATI specific bug but it also happens on my other computer which doesn't have a graphics card in it but rather uses it's inbuilt chipset (mainboard is: ASUS CUSI-FX/chipset is: SiS630).

A small flicker, then the video window was gone.
Restarted BSP, window still missing
Tried another video-file (a divx), still missing
Looking and changing settings on preferences for 10 minutes, window still missing
Reinstalling BSP, window still missing
Uninstalling, Reinstalling, voila, back.
The reason it flickered and disapeared with you muad is cuz when you resize it (make it bigger) and then it touches the edge of the screen instead of stopping like it should, it starts instead to resize itself SMALLER. The same thing happened to me where it seemed to disapear, what happened was it had resized itself OFF the screen and really small. What fixed the problem was I changed the resolution (smaller and then bigger) and it appeared again on the screen, then I just made it bigger again.

I hope there are more people out there who can reproduce this...
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12th October 2003
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gadz is an unknown quantity at this point

Here's a small (xvid) screen capture so you can see what happens.
Notice as soon as the video is sized to the edge of the screen (the mouse cursor is in one place with the button still clicked down) the video starts to resize smaller by itself.
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File Type: zip (17.4 KB, 72 views)
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