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forest 14th November 2003 11:50 PM

Re: div3 files shows gray screen

Originally Posted by testy_tester
In RC1, playing DIV3 files results in gray screen.

Have you adjusted the video codec properties? I had the same problem for months, until I realised that I was using the Microsoft video codec, and its contrast setting (IIRC) was all the way down to 0.

bald42 15th November 2003 02:22 AM

Changing aspect ratio zooms...
If you change aspect ratio on the fly the image get zoomed a little.

Just keep eg. "Shift-2" pressed for 3 seconds and you see what i mean...

Halle 15th November 2003 02:45 AM

I guess the non standard icons do not show up in explorer, as bsplayer is compressed.. (hint to bst: use " --compress-icons=0" switch ;)

alpha 15th November 2003 05:30 AM

Posted it in another thread but posting it here as well...

I know the engine was rewritten so here's a problem I'm having. My mpg files are playing UPSIDE DOWN with the new version. In the old version and other video players they still play fine. It's just a standard vcd compliant mpg file. I hope you can fix soon, until then I will be using the old version.

dealmaker 15th November 2003 07:40 AM

Bsplayer v1.00 Disappears Totally!!!
I have used Bsplayer v1.0 for 2 days and suddenly today, it just won't show the control and the display window anymore. It shows the icon on the Windows XP toolbar like it is minimized after I click on the bsplayer icon, but nothing shows up. I tried to maximize it in Windows Task Manager, but it just shows nothing but the top blue bar that every program's window has. I tried to reboot the computer but it still doesn't work.

Anyone got the same problem?

Have a nice day.

trodas 15th November 2003 07:29 PM

Ah, yes, i almost forgot - i expected from v1 that it allow me to change the resolution, to what BSplayer switch on fullscreen ON THE FLY, but its not there, sadly.
No futher problems, except what i mentioned i experiencing with it, but this should be added soon... :wink:

asdfgh 15th November 2003 10:45 PM

I'm using windows XP SP1. I can't open *.mpg files from explorer. I registered it in player but I can open them only from player. I tried "Open with" and "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file" in windows, but when i choose bsplay.exe it doesn't appear in program list so i can't do that.

testy_tester 16th November 2003 02:39 AM

Re: div3 files shows gray screen

Originally Posted by forest

Originally Posted by testy_tester
In RC1, playing DIV3 files results in gray screen.

Have you adjusted the video codec properties? I had the same problem for months, until I realised that I was using the Microsoft video codec, and its contrast setting (IIRC) was all the way down to 0.

Fixed problem. I uninstalled and re-installed ffdshow and it's working again. Weird. Anyway, .86 seems to be more stable for me

aaargh 16th November 2003 09:40 AM

1 Attachment(s)
playlist is kinda black..

ps: sorry for my english

provolino 16th November 2003 12:37 PM

Problem with subtitles in ogm movies
In 0.86 they was loaded automatically, now I need every time to select them manually...

kea 16th November 2003 12:41 PM

problem with "always start in full-screen mode" op
when this option is enabled and that I pause a movie, then when I unpause it, it switches back to windowed mode.

ZanderZ 16th November 2003 04:25 PM

Don't know if it has been said before, but here it is anyway:
Menu->Recent files->Clear history
This string is not in the .lng file and can't be translated!

Harts 16th November 2003 05:41 PM

Re: directvobsub+ogm = crash

Originally Posted by PcVII
when ever directvobsub loads in bsplayer with an ogm bsplayer crashes.

i switch the overlay to a different one and directvobsub stops opening but then i can't seem to get bsplayer 1.0's subs to run i'm guessing they aren't in rc1.

let me know what i can do to help get directvobsub to run with bsplayer with out crashing. This works in wmp.

I can't get directvobsub loaded in bsplayer 1.0, too. In other versions when I switched to video mode 2 directvobsub loaded, but with bsplayer 1.0 it doesn't. (i am using bsplayer 1.0 + the latest ffdshow and vobsub)

ZanderZ 16th November 2003 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by ZanderZ
Don't know if it has been said before, but here it is anyway:
Menu->Recent files->Clear history
This string is not in the .lng file and can't be translated!

The same goes for the playlist:
Filename, Type, Length, Full screen, Original, As previous, Default, Auto, Aspect and Pan&Scan.
All these strings are not in the .lng file

arcon 16th November 2003 08:12 PM

well, something i noticed:

options->preferences->general got no vertical scrollbar even though not all entries are visible (the line under "use overlay mode 2" shows only a few pixels, don't know what this entry should be and if it's the lase one)

key definitions: how can i assign space-bar to pause? if i click on the entry for pause and press space nothing happens. other keys work.

missing: properties->codec settings. how am i supposed to get to the dsfilter-properties if the properties entry from older builds is gone? someone please tell me where this option is hiding.

as soon as i can access the codec-properties i'll start testing this version, too :)

edit: found it :)

KHysiek 17th November 2003 12:40 PM

When I change options (in this case I disable Picture Properties, where I have settings with slight increased brightness) in ffdshow and then pause and enter to BSplayer Preferences in re-enables Pic.Prop. in ffdshow. (probably it reverts to it's own, start-up settings of ffdshow).

Sometimes key control is lost, - only mouseclicking works, but I'm not sure when/what causes this.

Killerattacks 17th November 2003 05:56 PM

Bugs I noticed:

- If you press pause/play too fast "pause" appers more than once at the top left corner
- There are huge problems to get subtitles working. Even with the option to use the ogg subtitler and to show them as overlay they dont appear very often...
- I get an error message clicking "Audio" at the preferences. (See PS)...
- The Player wont appear in full screen mode when the option "Show player at mouseclick" is activated.
- If video is paused and I open the context menu and click on something or click on the player the video playback resumes.

Very annoying but no Bugs:
- Option to play files in full screen mode at player start removed
- Possibility to change volume in full screen mode with mouse wheel removed.
- Possibility to change OSD charecteristics removed.

Bsplayer 1.0 RC 1 is so buggy :(

PS: The error...

BSPlayer v1.00.800, Unhandled exception at EIP: 004A6C74
If you click 'Close' application will be terminated.
Please report this info to the author with description what were you doing.
Access violation at address 004A6C74 in module 'bsplay.exe'. Read of address 00000000
, 0x004DFFFB, 0x004E01F9, 0x004534E7, 0x0044A832, 0x77D37B17, 0x77D3CDCE, 0x77D15696, 0x77D161F6, 0x71973F8C, 0x719903D2, 0x71992409, 0x719930FF, 0x719937A4, 0x77D37B17, 0x77D3CDCE, 0x77D15CC9, 0x77D15CE8, 0x00438367, 0x004357CC, 0x0046D880, 0x0044A832, 0x77D37B17, 0x77D3CDCE, 0x77D14435, 0x77D14D38, 0x004E0BC4, 0x77E5EB69

k0n@d 17th November 2003 06:02 PM

2 issues (Access violation with 2 sound cards;image problem)
Issue 1:
I've got 2 sound cards, and the new version bsp100b800 gives this error when going to Prefereces->Audio:
BSPlayer v1.00.800, Unhandled exception at EIP: 004A6C74
If you click 'Close' application will be terminated.
Please report this info to the author with description what were you doing.
Access violation at address 004A6C74 in module 'bsplay.exe'. Read of address 00000000
, 0x004DFFFB, 0x004E01F9, 0x004534E7, 0x0044A832, 0x77D43A50, 0x77D43B1F, 0x77D45453, 0x77D454B4, 0x71973B55, 0x7198FFFB, 0x71992032, 0x71992D28, 0x719933CD, 0x77D43A50, 0x77D43B1F, 0x77D45B2C, 0x77D45F73, 0x00438367, 0x004357CC, 0x0046D880, 0x0044A832, 0x77D43A50, 0x77D43B1F, 0x77D43D79, 0x77D44374, 0x004E0BC4, 0x77E814C7
Bytes at EIP: 8B 00 FF 50 0C 8D 45 E4 E8 47 F2 F5 FF 33 C0 55 68 F2
This was not happening with older versions.
Issue 2:
The movie window is bigger then the eral movie. Like this:
| | |
| movie | ? |
| | |
:) I just hope you've got what the problem is
This was not happening with older versions.

Tizio 17th November 2003 06:05 PM

Hi all!
Here is a link to my thread. There's a list of bugs I've found using BSPlayer RC1:

For those who wants SPACE as PAUSE key, take a look at this thread:
Hope this can come in help :wink:


powder 18th November 2003 05:27 AM

I have a couple more bugs to add.

1. Only when "Remember movie settings" is selected. Play a move and then stop it, then open up another movie. Part of the old movie window will remain in the window playing the new movie.

2. Press the mute button while playing a movie. Stop and exit BSPlayer. Open BSPlayer again and you will be unable to unmute the movie except by increasing the volume with the keyboard shortcut.

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