28th June 2015
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Feb 2011 Age: 43
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Playlist bugs
I'm using BS.Player Pro 2.68 build 1077. I'm having some issues with the playlists under win7 x64 ultimate that persist across multiple PCs/laptops. Restarting the application or the OS does not help.
- New style playlist won't show when the playlist button is clicked. I've tried with at least a dozen different skins, checking/unchecking "Disable skinned windows", "Enable full screen skin", "Disable skinned menus", and "Completely disable skinned menus". I've also tried disabling plugins. Nothing seems to work.
- When using the "Support for v0.8 skins format" plugin, old style playlist works. However, when I remove n items from the playlist that come before the currently selected file in the list, the index of the selected file remains the same, but this effectively means that a different file is now selected in the playlist (i.e.: when I have file 123 selected and playing, and I remove files 12 and 23, the selected file in the playlist is still 123, but the file that is actually playing is now in 121). I don't know if this problem occurs in the new style playlist as well.
Last edited by werecow; 28th June 2015 at 11:34 PM.