22nd February 2006
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Feb 2006
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MKV + Subtitles on TV
Strange thing happens with few latest versions of BSP...
When a MKV file is played subtitles (wich is out of MKV file (.SUB or .SRT))
are screwed up when video window is dragged on secondary display (TV)
Some characters (characteristic for Central European languages like ŠĐČĆŽ) are not shown. This all works fine with 1.20 version but with 1.37 and latest 1.39 I can't get ŠĐČĆŽ on my TV. Funny thing is that AVI and OGM files with subtitles plays perfectly and MKV on primary screen (monitor). The screw up occurs when video window is dragged from monitor to TV. :?: