hi, i used gom and vlc exclusively, but both failed in playing mkv files satisfactorily, specifically in showing subtitles. BS player, which i downloaded just yesterday was great in that area, but for some reason, it always messes up windows explorer. It doesn't even have to be activated. After downloading bs player, i can just open up the folder with the video files in question, click on them once, drag them around, etc... and within a micro-second, windows explorer will shut down and restart.
What's most distressing is that even after i've uninstalled bs player, the problem persists.... is it because of the 4 codecs that i had to downoad or something?
As you can tell by the bear paw in the files, i've associated the mkv files back to gom, but still messes things up. I've restarted my computer but same thing.
Thanks for any helpful replies. I'm kind of tech-retarded btw, so a simple, straightforward explanation/solution would be most helpful. Once again, thanks.
