27th May 2003
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: May 2003 Location: Israel
Posts: 8
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Problem playing files with big resolutions
Hi everyone, i have this weired problem.
Generally i play files with no broblem.
The problem comes when i try to open very big resolution files,like 640x480. Than i have this message" your hardware is not capable in color space.... .... switching to bgb" and it really swiches to rgb, as a side effect, as rgb takes much more cpu power than overlay - and my poor pII-400mhz can't keep up (cpu util=100%, normally -40-60%) and video is jerky and go out of sync. So The question is: why BSplayer can't open "big" files in overlay mode, but switches to rgb?
my info: build 494, cpu=PII-400, Win2k, Video=4mb, ram=192mb.
Thanks anyone who can help me.