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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 27th September 2003
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Default Resizing Video during decode

Hi all,

I was just curious if anyone knew of another filter like fddshow that could resize video during the decode but with any other decoder you wanted to use. Say, resizing while using the official divx 5.1 codec, or xvid, etc. I've been looking around for awhile (pretty much the whole day) and haven't come up with anything. Any help you can give would be much appreciated!

PS. Ya I know fddshow can play divx and xvid and many other codecs. I just think the official divx codec looks nicer then the fddshow one, but if I can't resize the video it's a no go (since I use tv out alot to watch vids)
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 27th September 2003
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Why would you need a filter to do that?
Couldn't you simply use BSPlayer's in-build possibilities to resize movie-window?
E.g. look in the "about"-information, of which I hereunder quote some lines by way of example.
Keys on Numeric keyboard in full screen mode
+/- Zoom in/out movie and keep it centered
4,6,8,2 Move picture left, right, up, down
Ctrl and +/- Zoom in/out movie
Ctrl+4/6/8/2 Free resize movie Left,Right,Up,Down
5 Reset
Don't those features meet with your requirements?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 27th September 2003
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I've tried that already, it seems to me that it would be a huge hassle to do every movie. Sometimes I get them in different resolutions (wouldn't that mean I resize the player each time?) Plus, it doesn't work too well on tv out unfortunately.
So back to something that will automatically resize the video to a specific resolution, since that's what I have my tv out specifically set for. Something like fddshow's "always set the video resolution to 640x480". If anyone's got an idea, I'd be more then happy to hear it :). Thanks again for the help.
Intel: P4 2.4GHZ, 800MHz FSB
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 27th September 2003
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On "General"-tab of "Options"/"Preferences", you can set "At start switch to" or "For full screen mode switch to" both with a range of possible settings, amongst which also 640x480x16 and 640x480x32.
Would that be a possibility for you to use?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 27th September 2003
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Nopers, that will only change the screen resolution for the primary moniter, not the video resolution. Not to mention the annoying aspects of bsplayer crashing (it happens :)) leaving me to manually change the resolution again (which is a pain when your at the tv watching your stuff and the computer is about 20 feet in the other direction).

Is there nothing else out there that will cooperate with decoders and resize the video to your preference? I hate to be stuck with fddshow 100% of the time :(.
Intel: P4 2.4GHZ, 800MHz FSB
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 28th September 2003
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Then I'm afraid I cannot really help you.
The only thing I could still suggest to you is to play with settings "Remember movie window size" on "Video"-tab and "Remember movie settings" on "General"-tab of "Preferences"
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 28th September 2003
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I appreciate you trying at least :). Anyone else have a suggestion? I know there has to be some sort of resizer filter out there somewhere, I just can't find it hehe.
Intel: P4 2.4GHZ, 800MHz FSB
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Corsair: 512MB(x2) - TWINX1024-3200LL
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 28th September 2003
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there is such a filter in Nimo's codec pack [at least the name suggests it would be something like that]
it's called Moonlight scalar filter

I wasn't able to find any place to download it
I guess you can download Nimo's codec pack, find the filter file and install it separately

[found a screenshot here: de utilidad ]
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 28th September 2003
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WOW!! Thanks a ton Quietseb!! That did the trick. I looked around in the Nimo codec pack ( build 8 ) and there they were! It came with a bicubic resizer and the moonlight scalar you mentioned. I can't seem to get the moonlight scalar to work at the moment with the overlay I have selected (otherwise the ATI theater mode doesn't go) but then again I haven't the will power to restart my computer.

On a sad note however... neither work with bsplayer (at least I can't get it to work, maybe someone more competent? :) ) So I'm using MPC (Media Player Classic) . It has tons of features bsplayer doesn't (mainly a codec management system) but also lacks some :( . Ah well, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Hopefully they will add some sort of codec / filter management system with bsplayer like they did with MPC.

Thought I'd let all of you know if your tired of fddshow's quality but need the filters it comes with. Thanks again for all your help guys :) .
Intel: P4 2.4GHZ, 800MHz FSB
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Corsair: 512MB(x2) - TWINX1024-3200LL
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 4th October 2003
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I tested the bicubic resizer yesterday evening

results show that it's autoloaded only if bsplayer is used with video overlay mode 2 (at least on my laptop, didn't conduct further tests)
it's not loaded in overlay mode 1 or without overlay.

btw I found it as an independant download at doom9's ( )

I was not able to use the other one (moonlight)

I've not had a look at MediaPlayerClassic for a while, indeedan advanced codec management system seems to be an interesting feature
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 4th October 2003
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I'm liking it so far :). I like the extra power it entitles me over MY own system hehe. It's also crashing a bit less with reclock then bsplayer did (although that's more of a fault of reclock then bsplayer). Ah well, if I could remove the darn filter without my movies skipping... that's a topic for another time though. I certainly hope bsplayer adds a few features that are in MPC, I certainly miss my osd messages to overlay feature.
Intel: P4 2.4GHZ, 800MHz FSB
Abit: IS7
Corsair: 512MB(x2) - TWINX1024-3200LL
ATI: Radeon 9800 Pro
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decode, resizing, video

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