27th February 2004
I cant find BS Player's repeat option!!
Hey all .. I cant find the BS Player's repeat option, and somehow i have flipped it on.. Its really starting to piss me off, but i must be totally blind because i cant find it.. Can someone please help me.. It would probably be best if you can reply to me by email, but i will check back for an answer.. Thx a lot.. And if it doesnt have a repeat option and always just repeats the video that is cool i would just like to know.. Sorry i am really high i hope this post makes sense.. ^_^ Thx..
Reply by Email to Rauscheknospam@hotmail.com (gotta take out the nospam part) Whoo hoo please help and Thx seriously in advance.. I feel like a moron because it should be there right? i just cant find it..