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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 25th June 2005
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Default using "old" .bsi files in new bsplayer

i've searched the forum, but didn't find a suitable solution for my problem. i want to use the .bsi files, which were created to be used with version 0.86 (build 499), in the new bsplayer. you may have guessed that this doesn't work. when i open the file with the new version (any version above 1.0), all except the audio is fine (audio is completely missing). here is an example for a .bsi file I use:


Title=Reservoir Dogs
FName=Reservoir Dogs Video.avi
AudioFile1=Reservoir Dogs Audio Englisch.ac3
AudioFile2=Reservoir Dogs Audio Deutsch.ac3

Sub1=Deutsch|Reservoir Dogs Untertitel
Sub2=Englisch|Reservoir Dogs Untertitel


and again: when i open it via the old version, it all works just fine. according to the help in the doc folder (which could use an update), all should be alright, too. i don't want to play them from cdrom. my movies are stored on harddrives. in most cases, they have multiple audio and subtitle files. usually i don't mux video, audio and subtitles for several reasons. so the bsplayer was the number one choice for me. i hope there'll be an easy solution...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 16th August 2005
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well, i really could use some help with this problem! there either must be someone who has encountered the same problem or got a similar configuration working.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 16th August 2005
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I don't know where the problem resides.. It seems the code is right. Maybe try to encapsulate AudioName(s) between "" (eg: AudioFile1="Reservoir Dogs Audio Englisch.ac3").

Maybe you can use DragonFighter's HWmaker to create/edit your BSI files (here's a direct link to the file).

Give it a try and then please let us know if you were able to fix your problem.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 16th August 2005
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first, thanks for your reply, Tizio. unfortunately, i've already tried quotation marks and also the hwmaker, which gave out the same code, except for the directory path, which starts with ".\" (didn't make a difference.).
when you try such a constellation, does it work on your machine?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 16th August 2005
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Usually I don't use BSI/INI files for my movies, but I'll try your configuration and then I'll post a reply! :)

I hope to find out where the problem lays
BSP SkinMaker (v1.07) the one and only Skin Editor for BSplayer
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 16th August 2005
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I made some tests with your BSI configuration, I only changed the filenames, the directory path (for the directory I used only "." since my movie files reside in the same dir as for the BSI file), and the type of audio (I tested with MP3s since at the momet I don't have AC3 streams, and I don't have time to create/extract one now).

It worked fine except for one thing, the playied audio was the one included in the AVI file, this because BSplayer appends the addition audio files to the ones already present in the movie. The only thing I had to do was to go to the righ-click menu of BSplayer and select one of the two audio streams I entered in the BSI file, and BSplayer worked great by playing them in sync with the video stream.

Then I closed BSplayer, added the following line:



in the BSI file, then restarted BSplayer with the new created BSI file, and BSplayer automatically playied the first added audio stream!

I don't know if, for you, the problem resides in the fact that you playied an AC3 stream, or the default audio stream in your Movie is a mute track or whatever else, but, do you have the possibility to select the audio stream through BSplayer's menu? (right-click -> Audio -> Audio streams -> STREAM_NAME)

If you have this opportunity, then simply select the one of your interest, or change your BSI file just by adding the "Audio=2" line under section [Options], otherwise, maybe there is an incompatibility issue between your AC3Filters and BSplayer v1.xx.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 17th August 2005
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here's what i found out up to now: i wondered why it worked for you and tried to figure out the difference. so, at first i tried a movie with mp3 streams. this didn't work neither. then, i changed the directory to "." and put the bsi file into the folder with the movie files - surprisingly, that worked!!! and it worked with ac3 streams, too. well, it nearly worked. now, i could choose the audio stream in the audio menu (which wasn't possible before), but by default none was selected. so i added the line "Audio=1" to the "[Options]" section. this didn't work (none was selected). i changed the value to "2" and it worked - the second stream was selected and played when opening the bsi file. same for the third and probably further on. then i tried a configuration (similar to yours) with a video with an audio stream muxed in. now value "1" worked - the muxed in stream was played and the others were available in the audio menu. but it's the same with "Audio=1" deleted from the "[Options]". (the old) BSPlayer plays the first stream by deafult. that's also an answer to your question: when i open the bsi file displayed in my first post, the old BSPlayer plays the movie with the first audio stream (it's not mute by default).

for me, it seems quite clear, that we have two bugs here:
1. the "Directory" key in the "[Movie]" section doesn't work (properly).
2. same for the "Audio" key in the "[Options]" section.

what do you think? what happens, when you put the bsi file one dir up and set the "Directory" key to the relative path?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 18th August 2005
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At the moment I'm not at my home, when I'll be, I'll try with relative paths.
It seems there's a bug or a bad behaviour in BSI routines...
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 18th August 2005
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when i searched the forum for the first time, i wasn't able to get to the bug report section, because i hadn't signed in. now, i've found a thread, which can explain, what's going on (you have to be logged in BEFORE you click on that link. perhaps it's my browser (opera 8), but when you click on the link and aren't logged in, the log in screen will open. when you've logged in, an error message appears, saying the thread/topic wouldn't exist. when you log in before clicking on the link, all works fine.):

well, that post is rather old. i hope, we'll be heard someday!
i will now open a new thread in the bug report section and put a link to this thread in it, as it obvious, that's this problem refers to a bug in BSPlayer and not to a user's wrong code...

many thanks for your help, Tizio!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 24th August 2005
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It's fixed in night build (here or here)
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 7th September 2005
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HWmaker is back! :D
Well, a small update is available here:

Download the zip file and extract it into your installation directory overwriting the old one (you must have the version2.5 already installed)

Caution: Only the alpha version is ready, the beta version will be released at 15/9
Please read BSPeter's Help2Help topic
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 8th September 2005
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Glad to see that your application is still alive
Good job :)
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