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If not already done at installation, allow BS.Player to install the codecs/filters it needs, by running codecmanager.exe which you can find in BS.Player's installation folder (default C:\Program Files\Webteh\BSPlayer [Pro]\). If that doesn't help I would indeed try to uninstall K-lite. (I havn't seen your fellow countryman adicoto on this forum for quite a while now, though I've seen him on this forum since.) ![]()
__________________ Help2Help (click) BSplayer: simply the best & most versatile (Build 1072 Dutch language here!) When posting always mention your computer's OS and the version and build number(!) of BS.Player as used by you, as well as - if applicable and especially when encountering problems - the type(s) of the file(s) mentioned in your post. Private messages/Visitor messages are NOT for seeking personal help with respect to BS.Player! Instead use the forums! |
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I meanwhile received a private mail Quote:
__________________ Help2Help (click) BSplayer: simply the best & most versatile (Build 1072 Dutch language here!) When posting always mention your computer's OS and the version and build number(!) of BS.Player as used by you, as well as - if applicable and especially when encountering problems - the type(s) of the file(s) mentioned in your post. Private messages/Visitor messages are NOT for seeking personal help with respect to BS.Player! Instead use the forums! |
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SAlutare! Stie cineva cum fac sa duc subtitraea pana in partea de jos a ecranului pe dunga neagra a filmului??? Acum am windows 7 , in XP nu am avut aceasta problema, foloseam Shift+down si mi se aranja..acum merge, dar numai cat e imaginea propriu zisa, va trimit si un print screen, poate stie cineva si ma ajuta sa pun subtitrarea jos de tot.... Multumesc |
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Pentru asta trebuie sa activezi optiunea optiuni - > preferinte -> Subtitrare -> general -> activeaza poz subtitrarii pe banda neagra in EVR (evr e default in seven ;) )
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Asa e...EVR e activat...dar la optiuni / preferinte / subtritrare - nu am gasit si optiunea "general" ..am facut un print screen, in postul anterior am omis sa postez print screenul, acum le pun pe amandoua...am bifat "afiseaza subtitrarea pe overlay" dar tot nu merge...desi am repornit programul...Am gresit ceva??? Sau imi recomandati o versiune anume de bs player? mostra film http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/a...a/Untitled.jpg Meniu BS player http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/a...Untitled-1.jpg Multumesc |
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Sorry, me bad Pentru asta trebuie sa activezi optiunea optiuni - > preferinte -> Subtitrare -> proprietatile subtitrarii-> activeaza poz subtitrarii pe banda neagra in EVR (evr e default in seven ;) Pentru a ajunge acolo, in ecranul de proprietati ale subtitrarii trebuie sa derulezi putin in jos. |
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From the menu-image as attached by lonutz it appears to me that he doesn't have the option you referred to! (I had a similar experience with another user lately.) He obviously misses the last three subtitle-options: [ ] Use new subtitle parser/renderer [ ] Enable drawing subtitles under image with EVR renderer [ ] Disable embedded subtitles. The new subtitle parser/renderer was introduced with version 2.41.1003, so the version he has must still be older. Subtitles below image with EVR was introduced with version 2.50.1012. (Of course most recent versions at this moment are 2.51.1022 resp. 2.52.1023beta.) I don't know when lonutz's Pro-licence expires/expired, but he could easily find out by logging into his user area. Pro-users can always download upto the latest Pro version within their licence-period of course. ![]() adicoto, did you already know that the new subtitle parser/renderer supports an 'unlimited' number of lines (as opposed to max 3 lines in the old engine). Provided they don't reach the upper black bar (if present). It now can indeed almost be used as a kind of telecue or teleprompter. ![]()
__________________ Help2Help (click) BSplayer: simply the best & most versatile (Build 1072 Dutch language here!) When posting always mention your computer's OS and the version and build number(!) of BS.Player as used by you, as well as - if applicable and especially when encountering problems - the type(s) of the file(s) mentioned in your post. Private messages/Visitor messages are NOT for seeking personal help with respect to BS.Player! Instead use the forums! |
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Me bad again. As I was at home on a "not so fast internet connection" didn't downloaded the images. Indeed, there is an older build. So, the single way to do that is to use "ïnternal renderer" that will disable Aero (screen will blink)
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![]() salut ;stie cineva de ce i-mi apare fereastra asta cu" AN ERROR OCCURED IN THE APPLICATION" SI CU 3 Optiuni " CONTINUE APPLICATION RESTART APPLICATION CLOSE APPLICATION cand deschit un film MERCI
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Cred ca ar fi bine intai sa ne spui ce faci exact cand iti apare fereastra aceea. Ce versiune de BSPlayer folosesti ? Ai instalat codecurile direct din BSPlayer ? Ce anume tip de fisier deschizi ? Ai apucat sa stergi fisierele de configurare ale BSPlayer ? |
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Ai putea sa-mi spui despre ce tip de fisier e vorba ? |
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Am tot citit pe aici sperand ca voi da de cineva care ar vrea sa afle acelasi lucru ca si mine si am gasit insa nu i s-a dat un raspuns clar (sau probabil am omis eu). Pana la urma unde se duc subtitrarile care de descarca automat??? Am avut mai demult o versiune mai veche si am gasit subtitrarile intr-un folder in directorul de instalare al programului. Insa acum nu mai e... ![]() Oare nu le descarca in calculator ![]() |
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Eu sunt de exemplu pe Windows 7 si ele se regasesc in Users/app data /roaming/BSplayer PRO/cache C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\BSplayer PRO\cache si au extensia dlsub. Schimba extensia in srt si gata Pe XP probabil sunt in documents and settings/user/app data/BSPlayer Pro/cache/ |
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![]() Da problema e ca eu nu pot gasii locatia aia...dupa document and settings nu exista "user" sau "app data". Am cautat insa in "Program files" si am gasit folderul "cache" dar e gol...am descarcat o subtitrare mi-o baga in film dar tot nu e acolo in "cache"...folderul ala e mereu gol
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Incearca ultima versiune de BSPlayer. Acolo poti sa alegi unde sa salveze subtitrarea. Quote:
c:\documents and settings\Vasilica\local settings\application data\BSPlayer (PRO) \cache. LA versiuni mai vechi ale BSPlayer am vazut ca ele dispar dupa un anumit timp (sau windowsu le considera fisire temporare si le sterge, nu stiu exact) |
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Am si eu o problema poate ma ajuta si pe mine cineva....pana acuma ceva timp am folosit foarte des optiune de "search subtitles online" dar mai nou de fiecare data cand gaseste subtitrarea si dau download o "da jos" dar nu o vad....nu imi apare nici unde...chiar nu inteleg care e problema deoarece a functionat pana acuma cateva saptamani... poate e ceva din setari dar nu cred deoarece am verificat si dupa mine totul ar trebuii sa fie ok...mentionez ca folosesc windows 7 ca si stem de operare si codec-uri klite codec pack...astept un raspuns . Va multumesc anticipat PS: am cautat si pe google dar nu gasesc nici un post sau vreo problema similara cu a mea ![]() |
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Nu vezi subtitrarea pe film imediat dupa descarcare ? Sau nu o gasesti apoi ? Poti sa-mi spui ce versiune folosesti ? Pentru ca s-a schimbat locul unde se salveaza subtitrarile de la build 1022 daca nu ma insel. Oricum, incearca inainte update la ultima versiune, 1026 si vezi daca s-a rezolvat. |
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