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Nu stiu ce fel de întrebare pot să vă întreb, dar sunt sigur că răspunsurile dvs. vor fi profesională ![]()
__________________ BSP SkinMaker (v1.07) the one and only Skin Editor for BSplayer BSP Definitions Manager (v1.02) BS.Player's FAQ (by BSPeter) | Italian language file (v2.57 build 1051) |
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Nu stiu ce intrebare va pot adresa, dar stiu ca raspunsurile vor fi profesioniste. Not bad, but still, differences are made by wrong words. But the ideea can be understand. Non male, ma ancora, le differenze sono fatte da parole errate. Ma la ideea pu? capire. |
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Well, blame google translator for that :oops: My Romanian skills are equal to that of a... Botswanian dik-dik :lol:
__________________ BSP SkinMaker (v1.07) the one and only Skin Editor for BSplayer BSP Definitions Manager (v1.02) BS.Player's FAQ (by BSPeter) | Italian language file (v2.57 build 1051) |
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as vrea sa stiu daca se poate cam cat de curand veti scoate o versiune compatibila cu windows 7 (seven) !! va multumesc anticipat ! I would like to know when will be released a Windows 7 compatible build. Thank you in advance. |
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Wow, you're early. We will have to wait a bit till Windows 7 will be really there. Anyhow, BS.Player is working fine under Vista and MS has stated Quote:
![]() No doubt adicoto will also respond to your post in Romanian (which I regret am unable to do.)
__________________ Help2Help (click) BSplayer: simply the best & most versatile (Build 1072 Dutch language here!) When posting always mention your computer's OS and the version and build number(!) of BS.Player as used by you, as well as - if applicable and especially when encountering problems - the type(s) of the file(s) mentioned in your post. Private messages/Visitor messages are NOT for seeking personal help with respect to BS.Player! Instead use the forums! |
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La ora actuala Windows 7 se bazeaza inca destul de mult pe Vista si respectiv Aero si EVR. Imbunatatirile aduse vor fi aplicate ca SP2 la Vista ce va aparea undeva la inceputul anului viitor, marind astfel distanta la care va fi lansat 7. Cat despre compatibilitate, atata timp cat se dezactiveaza Aero ar trebui sa mearga fara probleme. Undeva pe saptamna viitoare am sa revin cu detalii practice dupa instalare, Asteptam beta-ul...dar.... At this moment, 7 it's based a lot on Vista, Aero and EVR. The improvements made to 7 will be reflected in SP2 for Vista, due something at the beginning of the next year, so 7 bill be delayed once again. As for the compatibility, as long as you disable Aero, should work OK. Next week I will come up with more specific details as I intend to install it. I was waiting for the beta release...but.... |
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cum vezi youtube video & save flv cu bs player PRO v2.34? :?: am cautat peste tot prin meniu si numai in preferinte am gasit in ultimul rand ceva cu streaming... always try to play YouTube videos in HD :!: , alceva nimik, deci cum se face? :?: |
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@Mirkegrafer: question answered in English forum: http://www.bsplayer.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13504 Please don't double ![]() ![]()
__________________ Help2Help (click) BSplayer: simply the best & most versatile (Build 1072 Dutch language here!) When posting always mention your computer's OS and the version and build number(!) of BS.Player as used by you, as well as - if applicable and especially when encountering problems - the type(s) of the file(s) mentioned in your post. Private messages/Visitor messages are NOT for seeking personal help with respect to BS.Player! Instead use the forums! |
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In principiu, daca nu gresesc, se specifica despre termenul de acceptare de 2 zile de la data platii. Daca aceste 2 zile au trecut, atunci devine o problema. Au mai fost astfel de cazuri si s-au rezolvat pozitiv. Cu siguranta vor cere data platii si adresa de mail de pe care s-a facut inregistrarea. Tote acestea trimise pe adresa de contact http://www.bsplayer.org/en/contact_us/ IIRC, there is a 2 days gap between payment and the accept for the payment. If the 2 says passed, there is a problem. It's not the first time and all were solved. |
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Salutare....as vrea sa stiu dak pot modifica site-ul pe care bsplayer cauta subtritarile si sa-l schimb...la preferinte/subtritari/subtritari online am vazut ca nu poti adauga un site. Ms |
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Deocamdata este o functie in curs de implementare. Pentru a putea accesa un site de subtitrari, acesta trebuie sa aiba implementat un anume protocol. Cand acestea vor fi puse la punct, se vor putea adauga. Deocamdata nu se poate.
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Buna ziua, Am si eu o problema care ma supara de ceva timp, pana acum cateva zile cand mi-am reinstalat windows-ul, fisierele video care rulau cu BS.Player le vedeam previzualizate, iar acum vad doar icoana de la BS.Player. Poate ma poate ajuta cine cu vreun raspuns. Multumesc ![]() |
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As dori sa stiu unde se salveaza subtitrarile descarcate online, in ce folder, sau daca se poate seta un folder anume pentru asta. Am cautat la Preferite dar nu am gasit. Multumesc !
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Ma tem ca problema tine de instalarea de windows. Ai setat in fereastra de explorer ca fisierele sa fie vazute ca "large icons" ? |
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Online subtitles question |
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Dau click pe editor subtitrari, de la Subtitrare/Secundara si nu se intampla nimic, nu-mi apare nimic ![]() ![]() |
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In mod normal, daca incarci o subtitrare, ea va fi considerata cea principala si nu cea secundara. Deocamdata, din cauza ca opensubtitles.org nu mai furnizeaza acest serviciu de cautare a subtitrarii nu pot sa testez exact functionalitatea. Am sa postez totusi la feature request acest lucru. |
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Ok, multumesc ca tii cont de parerea mea. Am observat in seara asta ca desi dau sa caute nu gaseste nimic, deci e clar ca nu mai merge si imi pare rau ca nu mai este aceasta functie. Sper ca cei de la Webteh sa se apuce de lucru fiindca concurenta e mare intre playere.
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