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Search: Posts Made By: Kordo
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 17th August 2006
Replies: 1
Views: 44,041
Posted By Kordo
Hi Sal, Have you had a look at the Skin Doc?...

Hi Sal,

Have you had a look at the Skin Doc?

This would not be hard to convert to a skin especially since you’ve got it as a PSD.

Just work through the doc and focus on getting the play,...
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 28th July 2006
Replies: 1
Views: 43,454
Posted By Kordo
Could we also get an option to search for skins...

Could we also get an option to search for skins or authors of skin?

Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 28th July 2006
Replies: 1
Views: 43,454
Posted By Kordo
Still not able to log in to upload skin

Has anyone else been able to log in to upload a skin?

Cheers. Kordo.
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 21st June 2006
Replies: 3
Views: 59,243
Posted By Kordo
Thanks Tizio, I try changing the figures on...

Thanks Tizio,

I try changing the figures on the base skin and know see what you mean. I don’t see why you would need the Final X and Final Y figure. It just seems to cut the image off if it’s less...
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 21st June 2006
Replies: 3
Views: 59,243
Posted By Kordo
Slide Buttons (DVD,Video etc)

I'm trying to put this feature in my new skin but seem to have some issues.

Does anyone know if you are able to make the slide buttons used in the base skin go to the left? Any would be great...
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 19th June 2006
Replies: 4
Views: 64,579
Posted By Kordo
Thanks Tizio, Was going mad trying to find...

Thanks Tizio,

Was going mad trying to find what I was doing wrong. Have you be able to create an account to post skins? I've not had any luck.

Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 18th June 2006
Replies: 4
Views: 64,579
Posted By Kordo
Title Font does not seem to change

Is anyone else having a problem with BS2 not picking up specific fonts for the Title? All other fonts seem fine.

; Movie title/file name
; Max width of title, if...
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 14th June 2006
Replies: 6
Views: 78,845
Posted By Kordo
Thanks Guys, I hope to put a new version of...

Thanks Guys,

I hope to put a new version of TNT out in the next few weeks. Like Tizio I'm finiding it hard to get the time to do this sort of stuff. Here a little preview of what I'm putting...
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 13th June 2006
Replies: 6
Views: 78,845
Posted By Kordo
BSP Skinmaker for version 2

I am currently in the process of recreating my TNT skin for the new version. Are there any moves to have Skinmaker work for version 2? Otherwise I'll have to do it the old fashion way.

Kordo. :D
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 8th June 2006
Replies: 6
Views: 84,362
Posted By Kordo
OK the clock has counted down to 000000 but I do...

OK the clock has counted down to 000000 but I do not see version 2 anywhere.
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 6th June 2006
Replies: 6
Views: 84,362
Posted By Kordo
BSPlayer 2

Are there any new features for skins in version 2?
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 1st August 2005
Replies: 5
Views: 20,110
Posted By Kordo
When it does happen I have some great ideas for...

When it does happen I have some great ideas for skins. Will this be possible?
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 26th May 2005
Replies: 2
Views: 11,134
Posted By Kordo
What is your web site? What sort of image do...

What is your web site?

What sort of image do you want for your player?

Why not just use one of the skins off the site?
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 7th April 2005
Replies: 4
Views: 13,801
Posted By Kordo
Does anyone else find it annoying that people...

Does anyone else find it annoying that people grab skins from the site change it slightly if that and then stick their name as the creator? If you look at each of the categories I sure there is a...
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 16th March 2005
Replies: 4
Views: 13,801
Posted By Kordo
It would be nice if you could manage your skins...

It would be nice if you could manage your skins as well. If you create an update, it would be nice to be able to replace the old with the new, and keep the counters going.
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 5th September 2004
Replies: 10
Views: 16,531
Posted By Kordo
Hi David, I sent the guys at a...

Hi David,

I sent the guys at a copy of my "how to" doc and asked that they post it if they think it is worthy. Contact Mat2000 if you want a copy.
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 18th August 2004
Replies: 6
Views: 12,763
Posted By Kordo
All done Stone. Uploaded to the Stylish...

All done Stone.

Uploaded to the Stylish section. Just give it a few days for the webmaster to publish it.

Cheers Kordo.
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 17th August 2004
Replies: 6
Views: 12,763
Posted By Kordo
I downloaded the CBRadio skin in the 3D section...

I downloaded the CBRadio skin in the 3D section and then uploaded the file. It seemed to take some time, so I clicked the send button twice. As a result the file uploaded twice. My file is 545KB so...
Forum: General Talk And Support 16th August 2004
Replies: 6
Views: 7,738
Posted By Kordo
OK if you are looking for codecs follow this...

OK if you are looking for codecs follow this thread:

If you press Ctrl + P you should get the prefferences window up and you should see...
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 16th August 2004
Replies: 6
Views: 12,763
Posted By Kordo
What is the error that you get, what does it say?...

What is the error that you get, what does it say?

How big is the skin (100KB)?
Are you uploading a zip or bsz file?

Pls give some more detail. :?
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 5th August 2004
Replies: 0
Views: 7,843
Posted By Kordo
Skin Counter

Is there some way the Skins page can show you the sections that have new skins to download? It would just save you time, instead of having to click on Gerneral then 3D Skins etc.

If the counter...
Forum: General Talk And Support 30th July 2004
Replies: 3
Views: 5,875
Posted By Kordo
How big do you want the seek bar to be? The...

How big do you want the seek bar to be?

The TNT skin I have done here...
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 21st July 2004
Replies: 3
Views: 9,372
Posted By Kordo
Dont worry about the number of times you have...

Dont worry about the number of times you have uploaded the file. I have done it myself. Although I'm sure the webmaster would preffer to only have one file to deal with. Your skin will be posted in...
Forum: General Talk And Support 21st July 2004
Replies: 1
Views: 3,684
Posted By Kordo
I don't think BSplayer will play DVD's like...

I don't think BSplayer will play DVD's like WINDVD etc. You can open the VOB files and play them, but found that the latest version 810 crashes after a while. I saw a skin for BSplayer Pro under...
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 21st July 2004
Replies: 3
Views: 9,311
Posted By Kordo
gttisk, Your skin has been converted and...


Your skin has been converted and posted in the general section:

Forum: General Talk And Support 20th July 2004
Replies: 4
Views: 4,958
Posted By Kordo
Thanks BSplayer team. It's a great media player...

Thanks BSplayer team. It's a great media player and creating skins for it is so simple, I haven't had so much fun in a long time. Keep up the good work.
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 19th July 2004
Replies: 4
Views: 6,090
Posted By Kordo
Can I ask are you getting the same results with...

Can I ask are you getting the same results with all the skins you use. I found out that if you create a skin without the rgn.dat it is slower (see below) to load. I now include the rgn.dat file with...
Forum: General Talk And Support 10th July 2004
Replies: 3
Views: 4,460
Posted By Kordo
Type in your Name, Email address (can be hotmail...

Type in your Name, Email address (can be hotmail account), Password (make one up), Select the Country your from and that's it.
Forum: Feature Requests, Feedback And Suggestions 10th July 2004
Replies: 2
Views: 7,787
Posted By Kordo

If you use the search you will find a range of topics on codecs here is one with a range of codecs you can use.

hope this helps. :)
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 3rd July 2004
Replies: 2
Views: 13,546
Posted By Kordo
I have just finished a "How to Doc". I've...

I have just finished a "How to Doc".

I've emailed it to the Mat2000 and now it's in their hands.
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 3rd July 2004
Replies: 2
Views: 9,338
Posted By Kordo
I don't think there is a difference if they have...

I don't think there is a difference if they have rgn.dat file with the file. I've just recently been told that the skin loads faster if it has a rgn.dat file with it.

Email form bst:

Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 29th June 2004
Replies: 4
Views: 3,268
Posted By Kordo
What skin are you using? What are your PC...

What skin are you using?
What are your PC specs?

Have you tried the base skin for a while to see if it is your system or the skin?
Forum: Feature Requests, Feedback And Suggestions 28th June 2004
Replies: 1
Views: 2,967
Posted By Kordo
Better Skins.

Hi everyone,

I am the creator of the Robby the Robot skin and a few others. One thing I have noticed about the skin process is that you are not able to work outside the set boundary. The boundary...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 24th June 2004
Replies: 8
Views: 6,242
Posted By Kordo
OK I did a little test. I uninstall BSplayer...

OK I did a little test.

I uninstall BSplayer 809 and went back to 808. Loaded my new skins and opened a DivX file. Moved it to half way and press fast rewind. No problem. Updated it with 809 and...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 24th June 2004
Replies: 8
Views: 6,242
Posted By Kordo
Hi BSPeter, I have just realised that my...

Hi BSPeter,

I have just realised that my fast rewind is not working on the last few skins I created. Using the Englsih.lng file I have tried:

Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 22nd June 2004
Replies: 3
Views: 3,691
Posted By Kordo
Can I ask what skin you were using when you ran...

Can I ask what skin you were using when you ran BSPlayer?
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 21st June 2004
Replies: 1
Views: 13,294
Posted By Kordo
Just downloaded Showtime v1.4PH and tried what...

Just downloaded Showtime v1.4PH and tried what you said. No problems here.

Running XP
P3 600MHz 256Meg
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 19th June 2004
Replies: 1
Views: 17,619
Posted By Kordo
The only button option I know of are the ones in...

The only button option I know of are the ones in the list and 2 new ones for fast forward (105) and fast rewind (106), which are not in that list. If anyone knows of any others can you add them to...
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 18th June 2004
Replies: 4
Views: 11,637
Posted By Kordo
Shake, I will be putting a document together...


I will be putting a document together this weekend. I have just created 2 new skins Robby the Robot and Switches which I will be using as examples for the tutorials. You will be suppriesed...
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 18th June 2004
Replies: 2
Views: 9,068
Posted By Kordo
I've just tried to ad the EQ in a new skin I just...

I've just tried to ad the EQ in a new skin I just posted and I got the same thing. You can get it up by right clicking on the skin but the button alocation does not seem to work. Also tried it with...
Forum: General Talk And Support 31st May 2004
Replies: 3
Views: 5,605
Posted By Kordo
A book on how to build skins for BSPlayer...

I am considering putting a PDF document together on how to build/create skins for BSPlayer. It is easy to do but I do not want to waste my time if no one will use it. Is there anyone out there who...
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 27th May 2004
Replies: 2
Views: 9,386
Posted By Kordo
Hi BSPeter, I have seen and use that list. ...

Hi BSPeter,

I have seen and use that list. The other day i noticed that Gixer_1l (TKW-2b) had used fast forward and rewind in his skin. Looking into the skin.ini file I found codes 105 and 106...
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 24th May 2004
Replies: 3
Views: 8,746
Posted By Kordo
Error has been fixed and skin has been uploaded. ...

Error has been fixed and skin has been uploaded. I did have an incorrect number seqeunce in the ini file. Thanks Anthony.
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 22nd May 2004
Replies: 3
Views: 8,746
Posted By Kordo
Thanks, Anthony Had a feeling that might be...

Thanks, Anthony

Had a feeling that might be the case. I'm am re-working the skin for scratch and see if I get the same error.

Thanks again.
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 20th May 2004
Replies: 3
Views: 8,746
Posted By Kordo
Can someone try this StarTrek skin for me?

I am still having a problem when I exit the player. Everything else works ok. Can someone try it and tell me if they have it error when you exit the player.

Just wondering if its my PC.
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 19th May 2004
Replies: 1
Views: 8,776
Posted By Kordo
Ok just to tested a theory (because I have done 3...

Ok just to tested a theory (because I have done 3 single skins with no problems) I removed the sfskin.ini and just used the skin.ini file and created a bsz file. All works fine. Do a need to...
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 19th May 2004
Replies: 1
Views: 8,776
Posted By Kordo
Error on Exit

I have just completed another skin but I keep getting this error when I exit the player:

BSPlayer v1.00.808, Unhandled exception at EIP: 00403064
If you click 'Close' application will be...
Forum: General Talk And Support 18th May 2004
Replies: 6
Views: 6,520
Posted By Kordo
I've just grabbed this BSCDmaker and it work like...

I've just grabbed this BSCDmaker and it work like a treat. Very easy to use.
Forum: BS.Player Skins and Skinning 18th May 2004
Replies: 1
Views: 8,081
Posted By Kordo
rangdabar, Can you try this. 1. Go to...


Can you try this.

1. Go to the skins page and select a skin e.g.
Forum: Feature Requests, Feedback And Suggestions 17th May 2004
Replies: 4
Views: 5,723
Posted By Kordo
Have you tried to select the VOB files and press...

Have you tried to select the VOB files and press play?
Showing results 1 to 50 of 55

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