Believe me or not, I dont know were go subtitle uploaded near the end of movie. I find some my unfinished subtitles at (and haved some problems about that). Can this upload be prevented in BS?
Sorry if similar queston is already posted. In such case, I ask mod to send me link and delete this post. Thank you.
P.S. PM which I recive on one forum.
you are so bad, very bad. i think that you are better a stupid than a translator. i have seen the movie "the family " with Robert de Niro. Michelle pfeiffer and Tomy LEE JONES . But your translation is too bad , very bad . horrorouus, to spanish. Why you do not work as a bomber or a cleaner of stones. please go to the hell you and your family.. and rest in peace. you make a bad job. you dont know how translate .you make a bad job. you dont know how translate please work in another thing. you are so bad bad bad. go to hell. you dont know how translate . i watched the film with your translate. i saw all the film. please god save me. you works bad bad bad bad bad ,Is easy to write the text in a machine and it writes without verbs . etc. One day you will pay-When the film finished. it says . " TRANSLATion OF SUADNOVIC " God forgive you. because I'm not going to do
You can imagine yourself what's happened.