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Old 17th August 2005
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Originally Posted by NTuser
GSpot reports: "DirectShow claims to be able to play the file"
GSpot usually gives more information; like "The following combination of filters were used: ...". This is not so with you?
Also again: what IS shown under (rightclick >) Options > Filters > Advanced regarding video?
Further, when playing the .wmv file in WMP, please also check the (audio/)video codec (file > Properties > [file] > (Audio/)Video codec .?.)
(FYI: WMV8, 9, 10 codecs are microsoft's MPEG4 codecs; by the way, what version of WMP is installed?).
I understand you ran dxdiag; it could be of interest to know what is shown under display (e.g. with respect to display memory, AGP and DDraw status (and Test Result).

(Still seems to me it may be an overlay problem; you also tested using no overlay?)
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