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Old 8th November 2008
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Default Re: how to save corrected subtitles

Originally Posted by electroqute
I just corrected and adjusted subtitles in BS player to fit my movie and just can't seem to find a way to save the corrections ....
After I am done correcting the sub the next time I try to play it on my PC it goes back all wrong?
So you must be a BS.Player Pro user, using BS.Players Subtitle editor.
To save your edited subtitle simply click on "Subtitle" at top left and then select "Save subtitle (*.srt)"... etc.
Next time you play the movie BS.Player can use the subtitle as edited by you.

A subrip (.srt) subtitle-file can be loaded manually after having loaded the video-file, by a right-click followed by selection of "Load subtitles" ...etc. (Many skins also have a button for this.)
However, if a subtitle-file is placed in the same folder as the movie-file and has the same name as the movie (except for the file-extension of course), you need not do so, as it will then load automatically (unless you've disabled subtitles under (rightclick >) Options > Preferences > Subtitles.
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