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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 17th October 2008
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Default Subtitles correction

I am using bsplayer 2.31. So, the problem is when I intend to correct subtitles timing. I'm changing them so they can go with the video, but after a few seconds/minutes it's like I never did the correction. Why is this happening?

Note: This doesn't happen with all the video files I watch.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 17th October 2008
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This happends when the subtitle you have doesn't match the same framerate as the video file (for example, the subtitle is for 25 fps and the video file is at 23,976 fps). To resolve this problem, the best thing is to download a subtitle for the same framerate as the video file or to convert it to the desired framerate. For example, when you open a video file, on the skin, BSplayer will tell you the resolution of the video file and the framerate:

720x480 @ 25
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 18th October 2008
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But if the subtitles are the same framerate as the movie - will it even need correction at first place??
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 18th October 2008
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No, normally shouldn't need any corection, but it's possible that you version doesn't match the one the subtitle it's build for. For example you have AXXO version as the movie file and the PUKKA version as the subtitle.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 20th October 2008
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So when I have this problem and the subtitles can't get corrected through BSplayer - I should convert them to the desired framerate?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 20th October 2008
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Seems a logical conclusion! Perhaps see this thread (for links to some free sub-utilities):
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 21st October 2008
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Ahaa, so BSplayer has a built-in subtitle converter in the editor part. Nice! I will check it out tomorrow and get back here. Thank you for the link! :)
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 21st October 2008
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Originally Posted by Lililita
Ahaa, so BSplayer has a built-in subtitle converter in the editor part. Nice! I will check it out tomorrow and get back here. Thank you for the link! :)
Note this feature is only in BS.Player-PRO!! But in the thread referred to in in my post I also mention (and provide links to) 4 free subtitle editors, which support frame rate conversion.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 24th October 2008
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Hi again.

I tried converting them to the video framerate, but they already were the same framerate! I didn't notice this before, so I didn't mention it.

Now what could I do? The subtitles don't fit the video stream!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 24th October 2008
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If the subtitle is the same framerate as the video file then there are 3 explanations:

1. The framerate is not the same (this is valid for 75 % of the subtitles). If the subtitle is in srt format, usually it's not converted correctly. I am sure it's your case from the behavoiur you describe.

2. The subtitle is not for the release you want to use (see upper post about Pukka vs Axxo)

3. The movie you have is different from the subtitle. For example, the movie you have is theatrical version and the subtitle is director's cut.

So, my advice, tell us (if you prefer more privacy use PM) the movie you talk about and the subtitle file ;)
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 8th November 2008
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Default how to save corrected subtitles

I just corrected and adjusted subtitles in BS player to fit my movie and just can't seem to find a way to save the corrections so I can burn the movie. After I am done correcting the sub the next time I try to play it on my PC it goes back all wrong?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 8th November 2008
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Default Re: how to save corrected subtitles

Originally Posted by electroqute
I just corrected and adjusted subtitles in BS player to fit my movie and just can't seem to find a way to save the corrections ....
After I am done correcting the sub the next time I try to play it on my PC it goes back all wrong?
So you must be a BS.Player Pro user, using BS.Players Subtitle editor.
To save your edited subtitle simply click on "Subtitle" at top left and then select "Save subtitle (*.srt)"... etc.
Next time you play the movie BS.Player can use the subtitle as edited by you.

A subrip (.srt) subtitle-file can be loaded manually after having loaded the video-file, by a right-click followed by selection of "Load subtitles" ...etc. (Many skins also have a button for this.)
However, if a subtitle-file is placed in the same folder as the movie-file and has the same name as the movie (except for the file-extension of course), you need not do so, as it will then load automatically (unless you've disabled subtitles under (rightclick >) Options > Preferences > Subtitles.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 8th November 2008
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I just downloaded BS player PRO and tried to modify and adjust subtitles, but I still can't find the "save" under Subtitles in Preferences... unless you refer to that Players Subtitle editor which I am supposed to find/download from where?

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 8th November 2008
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From where did you download BS.Player Pro?
And the activation of Pro-features went without problems?
Subtitle editor in BS.Player-Pro can e.g. be found:
(rightclick > ) Subtitles > Primary > Subtitle editor
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 8th November 2008
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Originally Posted by electroqute
I just downloaded BS player PRO and tried to modify and adjust subtitles, but I still can't find the "save" under Subtitles in Preferences... unless you refer to that Players Subtitle editor which I am supposed to find/download from where?
Can you perhaps explain to me what you meant when you earlier (in your first post) said
I just corrected and adjusted subtitles in BS player
What exactly did you do (apparently without using the editor?)
And what type of subtitles are we talking about?
:?: :?
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 8th November 2008
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I downloaded BS pro, played the movie, loaded subtitles ".srt", corrected the subtitles TIME (ctrl+right and ctrl+left) and all I need to do now is to save the corrected time
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 8th November 2008
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Originally Posted by me earlier
From where did you download BS.Player Pro?
And the activation of Pro-features went without problems?
And the answer is ...?
Anyhow, what you did is just "time-shift" the display of the subtitles in BS.Player. Or in other words: you instructed BS.Player to display the subtitles earlier or later than the time as indicated in the subtitle-file itself. This leaves the subtitle-file itself untouched and unedited/unchanged (and therefore still out-of-sync with your movie-file).

I'm not sure if BS.Player also "remembers" this delay/advance instruction for subtitles.
Most likely it doesn't. You could try by selecting (if not already checked/selected):
(rightclick >) Options > Preferences > General [General settings] "Remember movie settings".

To edit the subtile-file itself: you need to do that with a subtitle-editor.
This can be BS.Player's Pro editor or any other editor.
Perhaps see this thread (click here).
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 8th November 2008
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Sorry I missed your previous question.
I downloaded BS pro from [link removed by BSPeter] and while installing it there were some warnings about certain codecs which were recommended to be uninstalled, but after clicking ok, the installation was fine. The player runs well.
I clicked the Save of movie settings, but in my free download version the Subtitle editor doesn't open.. I will go with the advice in the thread and try Vladimir's subsync
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 8th November 2008
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You apparently didn't download from BS.Player's official download site (but from a site offering a cracked version). Therefore I removed the link posted by you. Note that such illegal versions most of the times are not the most recent versions and may also have "hidden properties" which may cause problems which cannot be explained or remedied by us.
I would suggest to always download from the official site. For your purposes I think BS.Players official Free version would probably do to start with. It enables you to find out most of the features of BS.Player (and maybe convinces you in due time to purchase the Pro or Pro-Light version). Click here for BS.Player's official download pages.
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