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Old 3rd December 2010
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BSPeter BSPeter is offline
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Meanwhile I tested by (temporarily) renaming xml-file so that BS.Player then creates a fresh xml-file. From this test it appeared that - with a fresh xml-file - the problem is gone. When I renamed the 'old' xml-file back to its initial name: the problem was back!

So people who always install a new version over an existing version apparently have to act similarly as I did for this test. However, thereby effectively losing all their (non-default) personal settings!!

What's more: As I've installed (for testing purposes) several versions/builds of BS.Player on my system (Free and Pro, final and beta but e.g. also still 0.68 and 137), I always choose - at installation - BS.Player's installation folder as the folder to store all BS.Player's auxiliary (setting) files. However, after I (temporarily) renamed the BSplayer.xml-file for this test, it appeared that BS.Player had created (under XP SP3) the new xml-files in
C:\Documents and Settings\[MyName]\Application Data\BSplayer PRO !!
No doubt under Vista and Win7 BS.Player will (similarly) do so in
C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\BSplayer [Pro]

So only users who installed BS.Player with all default options at installation can suffice by renaming/deleting the BSplayer.xml-file and re-starting BS.Player.
Users which have chosen another option at installation have to rename/delete the BSplayer.xml-file and then re-install BS.Player (with the users' preferred installation settings).
(Again: all users will loose their previously selected personal settings.)
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