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BS.Player Skins and Skinning Comments on skins, new ideas, skinmaker, skinmaker documentation, or anything else concerning BS.Player skins

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 29th March 2012
BS.player Regular User
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Default Skins are listed twice in the Skin-List under Windows7.

All Skins in the BSP Skin-List (Options > Skins) are listed twice. My PC runs on Windows7 64-bits.
It’s just a small problem, but becomes annoying when many Skins are installed.

I tried several versions of BSP, also Free and pro, but it makes no difference.
Every time I have only one version installed.
To make sure all settings are deleted at uninstall, at the installation I choose to save settings in the installation folder. At uninstall I check the installation folder, and remove everything that is left. (and run a registry cleaner).

Also I deleted left-over folders from previous installations:
C: > users > Username > AppData > Local Row > BS_Player.
C: > users > Username > AppData > Roaming > BSplayer and BSplayer PRO.
It doesn’t solve the problem.

On the same PC I have WinXP installed (dual boot on a different partition)
In XP there is no problem. So it looks like a Windows7 issue. Perhaps a 64-bit issue.
It’s not a Dual-core issue. My PC is Quad-core, and under XP the Skin-List is fine.

BSPeter, thanks for the suggestions per PM. ICO-Man, is this something for the BSP-Team? Thanks..

Note: there are two other bugs, that may be related to this problem:
1. If I have a BSZ-version and a Folder-version of the same skin in the Skins-folder, the Skin is 4x in the skin list. But BSP always shows the Folder version if I click on all 4 of them. So the BSZ-version can't be showed.
2. The Test-function in BSP-SkinMaker doesn't work. If I click it, a message says: "Error. BSZ-files are not properly registered to BSPlayer..". But if I double-click a BSZ-file, BSP starts in that Skin..
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 29th March 2012
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Originally Posted by SergeNL View Post

Note: there are two other bugs, that may be related to this problem:
1. If I have a BSZ-version and a Folder-version of the same skin in the Skins-folder, the Skin is 4x in the skin list. But BSP always shows the Folder version if I click on all 4 of them. So the BSZ-version can't be showed.
2. ...
Like I've meanwhile PM-ed to you, I tested again but (with both a zipped .bsz version and a folder-version of a skin with the same name) I only see its name mentioned twice in the list (as it should be) and not four times like you apparently do. I'm testing under XP SP3. I also concluded that whichever version of both "same name"-skins is opened upon selection seems to depend solely on the date/time stamp of the folder/file in windows. Of the two versions (folder or .bsz) always the most recent one will be opened by BS.Player (which - in actual practice, while still working on a skin - will generally be the folder-version).
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 29th March 2012
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Thanks Peter! I am very happy to be wrong here, and understand why:
I am always terribly precise with everything, often thinking I'm an idiot to do so. And I become arrogant, because I am mostly right after being very precise. But now I was wrong, and my experiments were not good enough, I have good reasons to continue my bad habit of being too precise.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 13th March 2013
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Default I have the same

I have the same - all skins are twice at list... And it not look good...

What is wrong? I tried reinstall, but it not solve it. Can I do somethink or I must wait for upgrade?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 15th March 2013
BS.player Regular User
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Did you install the last version of BSplayer?
Also note, if you have extracted BSZ-skinfiles to a folder in the Skins folder (just to see what's in it), the skin will be listed twice: Bsplayer recognises the BSZ-file AND the folder as a skin.

But I can't remember if I ever solved this. I installed Bsplayer on my new Win7 (64 bits) installation, and copied my existing Skins-folder to that. It looks fine now. But you could try this:

Take 1:
Close Bsplayer.
In Windows Explorer go to: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\BSplayer PRO
Delete bsp.dat.
Restart Bsplayer to see if it worked. (it might. I have no idea)

Take 2:
Save your Skins-folder somewere (copy/paste).
De-install Bsplayer.
In Windows Explorer, make sure the Bsplayer-folder in Program Files is completely deleted.
Also delete the folder Bsplayer PRO under: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\BSplayer PRO
Run a Windows-regcleaner.
Reinstall Bsplayer. Try to change the skin, and look if they are listed twice. If Yes, I don't know what to do next. If No, close Bsplayer. In Windows Explorer, change the name of the Skins-folder to “Skins-original” or something. Copy/paste your saved Skins-folder into the BSP-installation-folder.
Now check again, by changing the Skin.

I dont know more.. Good luck!

(Excusing for never having finished the remaining sticky-topics nrs 2, 3, and 5 due to bad health and too much work.. But I might still do so..)
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listed, skinlist, skins, windows7

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