-i noticed BSPlayer freeze sometimes when loading a codec. and when i try to terminate the program(ctrl+alt+delete) it says something about active window and when i try to reboot my computer, it goes back in Windows, so i can't reboot it normally...
-and i was playing a movie, and at a moment in it, you heard a girl crying loudly(with a lot of treble in it) and BSPlayer just crash(saying something about a Xvid codec). so i have to reboot because Windows think it's still using the codec or something like this.
-and i noticed this movie is quite slow when it gets a lot of motions(kind of a latency, but comes back to normal after a while when it gets less motions, like a non-moving camera, but it gets really annoying to see the audio and video getting out of sync for that time! and it just do it again and again when it gets a lot of motions...) example: when the camera rotate and you see a lot of animations at the same time.
is that a very common bug in BSPlayer?
i use Windows 98SE with the latest patches and K-Lite codecs pack (full version, that include all the DivX codecs and other ones) and i used BSPlayer 1.00 RC1 build 808 at the time i noticed the bugs
while i'm waiting for those annoying bugs to be fixed, i use Windows Media Player...don't get me wrong, i prefer BSPlayer a lot more, but right now those bugs are too annoying.
thanks for telling me about them and if they will be fixed soon.