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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 19th January 2005
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Default Double superimposed subtitles - mpeg2 file

I have a movie in mpeg2 format along with the appropriate subtitle (srt) file. When I play the movie there are duplicate subititles, superimposed. One set is adjustable, can be resized and turned on and off, the other set is fixed in a larger font and can't be turned off, resized, etc.

At first I thought the fixed set was burned in, but if I rename the srt file both sets of subtitles disappear. Also, spelling corrections made in the srt file apply to both sets of subtitles.

Most of my movies are in DivX (avi) format and don't have this problem. I'm not absolutely sure it applies only to mpeg2, but it seems as if it does.

Player is 1.02 build 812, free version.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 19th January 2005
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Please read item 24 of F.A.Q. (click here)

(If that does not help you, please check and let us know which filter/codec BSPlayer uses for playing the file.
rightclick > Options > Filters > (Advanced).
If e.g. ffdshow check that filter's settings)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 19th January 2005
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Somersault is an unknown quantity at this point
Default Thanks, that helped, sort of.

You're quite right as to the cause. It is the vobsub filter, only search as I might I can't find a control panel for it. Presumably it was installed with a codec pack of some sort and they didn't bother to provide one.

Brute force works, though; for now I just renamed vsfilter.dll and the double subs are gone. Not that I like that approach, of course!

Many thanks,

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 19th January 2005
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I don't use (direct)Vobsub myself (never have), but it used to show in the system tray (south-east corner of the screen) as a green arrow. and its settings could be accessed from there.
Help2Help (click) BSplayer: simply the best & most versatile (Build 1072 Dutch language here!)
When posting always mention your computer's OS and the version and build number(!) of BS.Player as used by you,
as well as - if applicable and especially when encountering problems - the type(s) of the file(s) mentioned in your post.
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double, mpeg2, subtitles, superimposed

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