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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 3rd March 2005
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register4bugreport is an unknown quantity at this point
Default playlist bug

if the playlist is saved in the folder C:/movies and the player resides in C:/Apps and the movies in C:/movies are added to the playlist, on each start of the player and loading of the playlist the movies are not found on the disk, cause under certain circumstances the address of the movies is stored under a relative path. Eg if i load the list from C:/movies and add a new movie from C:/movies the addr is relative. On start up the player loads its list not from C:/movies but from C:/Apps and cant find any movie stored under a relative addr, cause there are no movies in C:/Apps. So each time i have to reload the list manually from C:/movies which is really annoying.

To fix this, plz store any movie in the list under its absolute address.
oh my god, i have to register to report a bug...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 3rd March 2005
BSPeter's Avatar
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BSPeter is on a distinguished road

I don't think its a bug you're reporting, but a feature (earlier requested by other users).
For saving a playlist there are two options:
  1. Save to file >
  2. Save to file (relative paths)... >
For your purpose you should apparently always choose the first option.
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