7th November 2013
Junior Member BS.player Regular User | | Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 10
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SOLVED - Player assumes all extentions against my will
Hello there!
Everytime I run the software, the 1st thing I see is a box telling "can't save configuration file. Please reinstall with default settings or choose folder with write permition". Well I did it but the bugs keep occuring.
When I right click on a file that is read by another default software, BS player assumes it's extention and becomes it's default player. Not just to this specifically extention, but for ALL of them.
Can you guys please help me to fix it?
Thank you.
Last edited by Marcelo_Neri; 19th November 2013 at 07:12 PM.
Reason: As the problem is finally solved, I just insert the word "SOLVED" at the title. Thanks.