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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 2nd March 2006
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Originally Posted by adicoto
What's that S doing there :evil: ?
I ment "Better" :oops:
:lol: I do a lot of those errors :lol:
I didn't noticed that before you posted this reply
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 9th October 2006
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cn someone teach me how to do this:

2. Copy DLL or AX files in system32 folder
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 9th October 2006
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why does real alternative not work with bsplayer i install it and it works only with media player calsic and maybe windows media player... i don't know

is this normal???
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 9th October 2006
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First of all take a look at this:
Also take a look at this:
And if you still have problems try this:

I hope at least one of these posts can help you
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 23rd October 2006
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I think you should seriously reconsider this list of "recommended" things for users to get. Half of these things are going to conflict if many of them are installed. This entire post gives almost no sense of direction to someone about which filter they should be using. Which should be the point of telling people what they need to be able to decoder certain formats, right?

OggDS: The most ancient and still buggy OGM splitter. Has been undeveloped for almost a full 4 years. Likely to cause more issues with up to date decoders combined with it. Why you are recommending it, I have no idea. And just for semantics, there is no Ogg codec...since it is a container.

VorbisACM: I can see you don't really know what this is for, and people might be thinking they are installing a Vorbis decoder when you recommend this. Obviously this filter has nothing to do with playback of Vorbis (in Ogg or outside of). It was once used in some ancient time as a way to secret Vorbis into AVI through VfW. However failed and went off the board extremely quickly. Any Vorbis in AVI files are likely to be unplayable in nearly any player/interface, and this filter is not going to help anyone for playback.

Gabest Ogg, MKV, MP4: Are being recommended side by side with Haali Media Splitter which parses the SAME formats...Why? Not to mention Haali's filters are actively developed and contains a stream switcher (not that that matters for BSPlayer). Just so you also know Haali's splitter has been the Matroska Team's recommended splitter since about January 2005. If anything you should not be recommending Gabest's MKV Splitter.

3ivx: does quite alot of things which will not mix with other things. Contains an AAC decoder, MP4 and MOV splitter, and an MPEG4 ASP decoder which can take over all decoding. It won't work out nicely with the other things you recommend here, not to mention it has no specific purpose.

MPEG2 decoders: jeese you recommend a ton.... I have no idea why. You could make this list so simple by telling people exactly 1 WORKING filter they need for each format. Not that it matters but I would just go with Gabest's MPEG2 Decoder. It has essentially been the number 1 opensource mpeg2 decoder since forever. The few others were early versions of it with different names, you'll usually see gabest credited in it somewhere.

This list really has no direction for a definitive way for someone to easily know what they need to install for said format. Of course that would require _you_ to actually go mucking about and testing all of them to see which is the most widely supported/stable. But really this list is causing more issues then fixing any for other people who are trying to solve playback issues when someone randomly installs a dozen filters because some site told them to. Please think about updating this list or at least focusing 1 filter per format, and try to pick one that at least has a developer that doesn't disappear for 6+ months. Most of these recommendations could obviously be erased if you just pointed to ffdshow with very bold font. You could even make a "BSPlayer recommended" ffdshow build by turning on all the required formats and turning off the others you don't want it to use.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 23rd October 2006
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I have tested each and every codec\filter that I've posted in my list.
I dont' like nor use FFDshow, and as long as I am the starter of this thread I am sure I can make this list a little more suited to what I like or not. But as I tend to be impartial, I also recommend ffdshow as a replacer for allmost every filter described in the list. I think is better if you can have the choice between two options.
Ogg is an audio compresion format AND a container.
Gabest\Haali - same as for FFDshow, the choice is yours. (I use Gabest for example and I have files that Haali did not split corectly)
MPEG2. Hm, if you want my option, I'll bet on Elecards.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 3rd January 2007
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Lol, I guess the internet translates bad into Romanian. Ogg is not an audio compression format. Vorbis is the audio compression format, Ogg is ONLY the container. You can find volumes of information about this at the xiph website, where they tell you the exact same thing.

Gabest is FAR from the same as Haali. First of all Gabest's contains no audio switcher whatsoever, that part he intended to be in MPC. Whereas Haali's is entirely self contained and actually up to date with current features in Matroska. Not to mention it doubles as an excellent OGM and MP4 and now even TS splitter. Haali's splitter will work with every player (except for maybe BSPlayer because it is half broken) whereas Gabest's will only work in players that already have a stream switcher in place. Next why don't we go into the fact that Gabest's software in total is also becoming quite obsolete with no developer at the wheel...for what almost a year now? Check the SVN for exact dates if you have to. I understand you seem to think this whole "choice" thing is important, but why tell people to choose between crap and up to date software with a developer? Maybe you didn't take note that around january 2005 declared Haali their official DShow splitter. Or you just like ignoring perfectly good advice/knowledge.

I'm sorry but you fail for giving people information on what decoders and splitters to use. I hope no one likes taking information from someone who hasn't even educated themselves.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 3rd January 2007
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Yes, you are right, maybe the translation isn't good. In wich language you try to translate what is written in here ?
As I am trying to tell people what to use WITH BSPlayer (solutions that works not the ones that won't work), and as long as we know that BSPlayer do have a problem with Haali I will recommend Gabest because in fact that splitter DO work with BSPlayer (or BSPlayer work with it).
I never stated Haali is the same as Gabest, but the problem selecting Gabest/Haali is the same as selecting FFDshow. It's up to you wich one to use.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 6th January 2007
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unknown file format... .mkv file...
does it tell you anything???
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 6th January 2007
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rv4 is a RealMedia compresion format. So instal realAlternative.
For mkv files you need a mkv splitter. Read the original post and find where to download them from.
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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 5th March 2007
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what about rmvb files. Is there a codec that allows to play rmvb files in BSplayer?
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 5th March 2007
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Yes, there is.
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 22nd January 2008
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Default Unabe to play xvid on Bs player

Unabe to play xvid on Bs player. Please let me know if it does on a win 2k operating system with a processor speed of 333mhz.

thank you
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 22nd January 2008
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Install XviD 1.0.1, disable all postprocessing and should be able to play allmost fine.
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 31st October 2008
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how about DIV4, I have a problem with this, if I open my video, always said unknown format file DIV4???????????? :roll:
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 31st October 2008
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DIV4 can be decoded by DivX codec (I prefer 5.21), XviD-codec or ffdshow.
(Only one needed.)
Which version of BS.Player are you using? Maybe update. (Codec-manager should prevent such problem.)
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 20th January 2009
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1. I installed K-Lite Codec pack 4.4.5 (standard) is this ok to play everything? I installed on default and i didn't turned on/off nothing.

2. Why BS player has black list od codec? I do not get it do i have to change something there? :oops:
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 20th January 2009
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1. As you have read in here, most of BSplayer's users don't recommend codecpacks. Many times, installing such a pack does more bad to the system than good. And after that, uninstalling get worst.
2. A codec pack is designed to decode any file possible.
3. A newly installed codec it's preferred instead of the old ones (you installed a new one because the old one isn't good, isn't it so ?)
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 20th January 2009
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The good thing of K-Lite codec pack is that it sets almost all streams to be decoded by ffdshow and haali splitter

If I correctly recall K-Lite v4.45 used another splitter instead of the system default (quartz.dll)
If you still want to use K-Lite CP I suggest you to uninstall it and reinstall the 4.53 latest release
Anyway you can uninstall every codec you installed and use BSplayer codec manager to download the most used ones (go to BSplayer install dir and start bspcodecdl.exe file)

Pay attention to not have codecs installed both locally (BSplayer) and in the system since there could be compatibility issues (I had the Flash codecs in the system and BSplayer and wasn't able to correctly play them until I uninstalled one of them)
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old 21st January 2009
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But how will e.g. .mov files? I downloaded K-lite bcz ver. which i had did not work with mov files. I tried to play with Media Player Classic.

Anyway if i use only BS Player i do not need any codec pack? I use BS Player only for video files. For sound i use other program..


What is wrong with 4.5.5?
Can i install only basic 4.53?
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