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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 25th November 2010
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kremnican is on a distinguished road
Default Media Library song order

I'm not really sure I did change a setting or something, but in the media library, I just can't the songs sorted by Track number. I did expect the first column to be track number, but as far as I can tell, whatever other column you sort by, the first columns is always 1, 2, ...

While normaly I don't mind having tracks in different order, I do have few CDs where tracks are continuous and it's quite annoying to be switched to a different track whan the one that should follow.

Anyone has an idea what to set to get the songs sorted by track #?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 25th November 2010
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I'm not sure, but I'm afraid that - at present - there is no function to automatically sort by tracknumber. You can sort by album, but the order of the tracks seems to be alphabetical (by title) and not by tracknumber (even if all files' tracknumbers are available in their ID3-properties).
Such a feature could be a very valid issue for the "feature requests"-forum I think.

However, for those (selected) files for which it matters there maybe is an acceptable manual work-around though by using playlist (instead of ML) directly or indirectly.
The direct way in Playlist itself (instead of ML) I needn't explain I think as in Playlist the users can freely (manually) change the playback order of files.
When you nevertheless prefer to use Media Library, the indirect way could be as follows:
When using 'old style' playlist (if using 'new style' playlist you may go directly to c):
a Select playlist (round button "PL" on control panel)
b Rightclick on it and select "Remove all"
c Now select "ML" Media Library.
1 In the left "column" click (+) Add playlist and select Add new playlist
2 Insert a name for the new playlist (e.g. for this example "FixedOrder").
3 Now select in Media Library (with [Ctrl]-key depressed and left-mouse clicks) the files which must be played in a pre-defined order.
4 When ready rightclick on one of the "highlighted" lines and select "Send to playlist" > "FixedOrder".
5 (Only needed when using 'old style' playlist) Now (in the left "column" under BS.Playlists) click on "Fixed Order", start the first file and then stop it.
( i ) Now switch to Playlist (hiding behind Media Library) and if using new style playlist select "FixedOrder"
( ii) In playlist simply re-arrange the order of the files by the drag and drop method.
(iii) When done (when the files are in the correct order) go back to Media Library.
(iv) Now (in the left "column") select "FixedOrder" if using 'new style' playlist, or, if 'old style' playlist is used by you select "Current Playlist"
( v) Click on the first file to play.
I don't think I need to say that playlists can be saved to file to be used on future occasions.
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library, media, order, song

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