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Old 8th April 2009
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Default Bugs/cosmetical issues re GUI/translation of BS.Player (still valid for 2.52.1031)

As a lot of issues mentioned in this post/thread were "repaired" from the time I first started it, I decided to make a new post with the remaining issues. This is the newer edition:

Bugs or cosmetical issues re GUI/translation of BS.Player 240/241/242/243/244/250/251/252
All points mentioned below (unless they are "greyed out") regretfully still remain valid for version 2.52.1031

Main window (first reported for version 2.22 of July 2007!)
=> Selection of Radio and TV tags opens ML-window, but has no effect on the extension at the right of main window. There the background of Radio or TV tag should switch to lighter grey like it does for any other option selected and - if applicable - the section at the right should slide back to its initial position, i.e. be "reattached directly to the main (blue) window" (if such is not the case by the earlier selection of another tag (video/dvd/audio)).

Menu / Options / Preferences > Audio > Output
=> No translation for (separated tag) "Output"
. . . Also existing translation for "Output device" not working
immediately above (in grey text) solved in 2.40.995β (200904111026)

Menu / Options / Preferences > Subtitles
Setting Skins-options:
[_] Disable skinned windows
[V] Disable skinned menus
[V] Completely disable skinned menus
=> Border of the buttons [Font][Color][Background] should be transparent (or background matching grey)
(colour used to indicate the part which ought to be transparent or background matching grey)

Menu / Options / Preferences > Subtitles > [Online Subtitles]
=> Space for translation of "Don't show available subtitle list (download all in background)" too narrow.
immediately above (in grey text) solved in 2.40.995β (200904111026)

Menu / Options / Preferences > Keydefinitions & WinLIRC [Windowed mode]&[Full screen mode]
=> Border of button "Reset to default" should be transparent (or background matching grey)
(colour used to indicate the part which ought to be transparent or background matching grey)

Codec manager (at start up)
=> No translations.

Full screen skin (General remark)
=> change of language not effective before closing and reloading videofile.

Full screen skin - Fonts (see image below)
=> "Font" (at the top) incorrectly corresponds with (='links to') function 'Load subtitles' fixed in 2.52.1029
. . . (is it intended and supposed to be a link? Supposedly not I think.)
=> Clicking on Background Left or Right incorrectly corresponds with "Repeat A-B" fixed in 2.52.1029
=> texts "prev font" and "next font" untranslated fixed in 2.52.1029
=> texts "subtitle color", "color-" and "color+" untranslated (not in language file)

Full screen skin - Aspect Ratio (see image above)
=> "Original" not translated
=> If e.g. 4:3 is clicked, this should either also be reflected below "Custom"
. . . or (alternatively) the ratio which may - at that time -be shown below "Custom" should be wiped!
immediately above (in grey text) solved in 2.52.1027β (201003161513)

Media Library > (rightclick)
=> No translation for "Send to iPod" (option removed in 2.40.995β / 200904111026 ??)
=> Properties: No translation for texts of "File info", i.e.:
. . . "Size", "Length", "Bitrate", "Sample rate" & "Channels"
immediately above (in grey text) solved in 2.40.995β (200904111026)

=> Properties: No translation for texts of "Art work"/"Type Artwork", i.e.:
. . . "Front Cover", "Back Cover", "Leaflet Page", "Media", ... etc.
(not in language file)
immediately above fixed with languagefile of 2.52.1027β (201003161513)
=> Properties: No translation for button-texts of "Art work", i.e.:
immediately above (in grey text) solved in 2.40.995β (200904111026)
. . . "Add...", "Remove", "Change..." & "Save as..."
. . . Also these buttons should be horizontally aligned....done in 2.52.1027β (201003161513)

=> When (under XP) Rendering mode EVR (Vista/Win7) is selected and trying to open a video:
. . . Untranslated "Warning" pop-up window (not in language file):
. . . "Failed to allocate subtitle surface. / Subtitles will not be available."
. . . (By the way: video does play , using (in XP SP3) MS's Enhanced Video Renderer 'evr.dll'.)
immediately above fixed with languagefile of 2.52.1027β (201003161513)

Added 13 July 2009:
Menu / Options / Preferences > General > Audio
=> A tooltip which I added re. "Auto load external audio" (WID14 12H) doesn't show.
immediately above (in grey text) solved in 2.50.1013β (200910131220)

Menu / Options / Preferences > General > [General settings]
=> Option "Seek when mouse button is released (requires restart)" ("requires restart" should be indicated in the option text.)
immediately above fixed with languagefile of 2.52.1027β (201003161513)

Added 08 October 2009:
Menu / Options / Preferences > General > [General settings]
=> No translation for label "When finished"
immediately above (in grey text) solved in 2.50.1013β (200910131220)
Menu / Options / Preferences > Audio > IntervideoAC3
=> Existing translations for "Vocal options" / "No vocal" / "Left vocal" / "Right vocal" / "Both vocal" do not work (any more).
immediately above (in grey text) solved in 2.50.1013β (200910131220)
Menu / Options / Preferences > Key definitions & WinLIRC
=> Existing translations for labels "Windowed mode" / "Full screen mode" / "Boss buttom configuration" / "Multimedia keyboard keys" / "WinLIRC" do not work any more.
immediately above (in grey text) solved in 2.50.1012β (200910111954)

Added 12 October 2009:
Concerning Menu / Options / Preferences > General [General settings]
this in the context of language-file [WID8] (and indirectly [WID48])
Language file:
No longer used and may be removed:
[WID8] 13 & 13H "Close file when finished"/" "
[WID8] 14 & 14H "Shutdown computer when finished"/"Shutdown computer at the end of the movie."
Remark: meanwhile indeed silently removed in English language file (however, sofar never mentioned in lang_changes.txt)
mentioned in lang-changes.txt of 2.52.1027β (201003161513)

[WID8]-15="Open locked media files (files in use)" shows tooltip 13H=" " (can be text in other languages-files, like in Dutch)
[WID8]-16="Close file when 'Stop' button is pressed" shows tooltip 14H="Shutdown computer at the end of the movie."
[WID8]-17 (=[WID48]-1) ="Check for new version of BS.Player at program startup" shows tooltip [WID8]-15H="If checked BSplayer will try to open files that are in use (still downloading, recording...)"
[WID8]-18="Seek by keyframes (AVI and MKV files)" shows tooltip 16H if present
[WID8]-19="Seek when mouse button is released" shows tooltip 17H if present
[WID8]-20="Show media time also in msec" shows tooltip 18H if present
immediately above (in grey text) solved in 2.50.1013β (200910131220)

Added 04 February 2010:
Incorrect OSD-Message [NOT FIXED; see below]
If none of the possible options is selected under
Preferences > Video > OSD options
depressing i-key repeats the most recent OSD message.
E.g. also if "Pause" was the most recent OSD-message: the movie (of course) simply continues playing when depressing i-key, however continuously showing the OSD-message: "Pause" (even when paused and unpaused after that).
Edit 08 March: this bug changed for v. 252.1025ß (9-Mar: ditto for 1026ß / 22-Mar: ditto for 1028/1029):
The above-mentioned bug was not fixed, but a quick and dirty work-around was implemented so that depressing i-key now (with nothing selected under OSD options) results in always showing 'Movie time/remaining time' AND at the same time (in the background) simply also setting "Movie time/remaining time" under OSD options.

Added 28 February 2010 (for v. 2.52.1024ß) :
Language file (this thread refers):
Originally Posted by BouRock View Post
[WID35] has already these lines:
120="Internal filters"
121="Use internal AVI parser"

These are changed or it must be 122 and 123.

120=Put on blacklist
121=Put on whitelist
immediately above (in grey text) solved in 2.51.1025β

Width for text in this window in Preferences/Audio narrowed (for no apparent reason):

'Key definitions & WinLIRC'-window
Window narrowed (for no apparent reason):

immediately above (in grey text) solved in 2.50.1025β

Added 05 March 2010:
Free version start-up message in movie window
'This version of BS.Player is for non-commercial and personal use only! You may NOT use it for any type of commercial activities.'
If 'Enable OSD' is deselected only the 2nd sentence is shown.
immediately above (in grey text) solved in 2.50.1025β

Menu / Options / Preferences > Subtitles
It would be more logical to move all 'subtitle font sizes' related options under the same tag [Font sizes], i.e.
'Auto resize font if line is too long' and' Resize OSD and subtitle font automatically' (together with the new 'Enable font resizing according to resolution')
Info that selection of 'Enable font resizing according to resolution' overrides 'Resize OSD and subtitle font automatically' option should be added to the language file (i.e. 11H and 131H (to be added) of [WID17]). (Note: an added 131H-textline doesn't work at present)
immediately above (in grey text) implemented in 2.50.1025β
immediately above (in sand-coloured text) no longer required as selection of one option switches off the other (and v.v.).

Added 06 March 2010:
Development pop-ups in all preferences windows
In beta version 2.52.1024 (201002251216) clicking on the grey area surrounding the close button (meaning the whole area of the same "level" as indicated by the red line in the image below) results in several pop-ups (intended for the development-environment, but not for public versions).
This is valid for any preferences-window. Contents of pop-up message depends on window and on the position where clicking is done. I copied some pop-ups in the image by way of example:

immediately above (in grey text) fixed in 2.50.1025β

Further the remaining items from BG's reply-post to this post:
3) Text in movie window at video start: "This version of BS.Player is for non-commercial and personal use only. You may not use it for any type of commercial activities."
BSPeter 08-Mar-2010: Start-up message of Free version now (from v. shown translated (if translation made). However always on a solid black background (so selection of "Transparent" for OSD messages doesn't work for it any more). IMHO: this really is very very ugly!
BSPeter 18-Mar-2010: 'Transparent' re-established in Free2.52.1027β (201003161513)

5) In ML ID3:
The "Track #" string in File info
BSPeter: though translation exists it doesn't work!
BSPeter: only partially fixed in 2.50.1013β (200910131220), i.e. for File info and ID3v1 only!
BSPeter: this still remains an issue for ID3v2
BSPeter: fully fixed (also for ID3v2) in 2.52.1027β (201003161513)
ID3v2 tab; "Blues", "Classic Rock", "Country", "Dance", "Disco", "Func"… etc. in Genre pull-down menu.
BSPeter: remains (not in language file)
immediately above fixed with languagefile of 2.52.1027β (201003161513)

Still todo:
Originally Posted by BG's View Post
No translation for letter "k" in "kbit(VRB) kHz, Stereo" string in main window.
No translation for # sign in extended view in ML.
Added 18 March 2010:
A really extensive list of music genres is now in translation file for 'properties'.
However apparently there is no (inter)connection with the 'Genre-list' used for main "ML-Audio-window" (see the very bottom-left corner of picture above). Ditto for 'Genre-list' Radio.
Further: however extensive, the list will almost never be complete for local use in several countries. (Like e.g. in The Netherlands we've got "Nederpop", "Levenslied" and "Nederhop" and "Piratenmuziek".)
Maybe it's an idea to have a(n additional) user-defined list (instead)?

Added 23 March 2010:
In Subtitle-editor the lines are not interrupted at titles (see picture below)

The above mentioned issue was solved in 2.52.1031

Added 24 March 2010:
Properties of executable still mention as version info (whereas BS.Player's "about info" indicates 2.52.1030).
The above mentioned issue was solved with 2.52.1031

Added 27 March 2010:
Not in translation-file:

An apparently possible sequence of pop-ups :

(previous post "BS.Player 2.33/2.34 bugs re GUI/translation" overhere)
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 15th April 2009
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Still untranslated:

1) Main menu "FAQ" string in Free version.
Edit BSPeter: fixed in 2.50.1013β (200910131220)
2) Both versions Free and PRO: "kbit(VRB) kHz, Stereo" in main window.
Edit BSPeter: fixed in 2.50.1013β (200910131220)
3) Text in movie window at video start: "This version of BS.Player is for non-commercial and personal use only. You may not use it for any type of commercial activities."
Edit BSPeter: remains (but is unlikely to change)
Edit BSPeter: translated if translation made from 2.52.1026β
4) In Registration info window: "Register for all users (Administrator rights required)."
Edit BSPeter: though translation exists it doesn't work!
Edit BSPeter: fixed in 2.50.1013β (200910131220)
5) In ML ID3:
The "Track #" string in File info
Edit BSPeter: though translation exists it doesn't work!
Edit BSPeter: only partially fixed in 2.50.1013β (200910131220) for File info and ID3v1 only!
Edit BSPeter: still remains for ID3v2
and ID3v2 tab; "Blues", "Classic Rock", "Country", "Dance", "Disco", "Func"… etc. in Genre pull-down menu.
Edit BSPeter: remains
Edit BSPeter: fixed in 2.52.1027β (201003161513)

Last edited by BG's; 19th April 2009 at 11:53 AM.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 16th April 2009
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3) I think this will never be translated, because otherwise one could edit the lng file with an empty (or 1 char, or meaningless) translation, and the purpose of that message would be nullified
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Old 21st May 2009
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Another one: In Playlist -> Add URL (Open URL), "Open" string untranslated.
Edit BSPeter: fixed
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Old 21st May 2009
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@BG's: Thx very much for your contributions!
Originally Posted by Tizio View Post
3) I think this will never be translated, because otherwise one could edit the lng file with an empty (or 1 char, or meaningless) translation, and the purpose of that message would be nullified
Though not a protection to a meaningless line of text, checking length of the string could be used to prevent an empty (or very short) opening message (in which case the default English text could be displayed). With respect to "meaningless": if the user doesn't know any English at all, it will be meaningless to him/her anyhow (that's why we make translations isn't it?).
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Old 9th October 2009
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The following added to the main (=opening) post:
Introduced in beta versions 2.44.1010/2.50.1011:
No translation for label "When finished" (Preferences > General > [General Settings]
Under Preferences > Key definitions & WinLIRC the existing translations for labels
"Windowed mode" / "Full screen mode" / "Boss buttom configuration" / "Multimedia keyboard keys" / "WinLIRC"
don't work any more.
Further added:
Existing translations for (Preferences > Audio > Intervideo AC3)
"Vocal options" / "No vocal" / "Left vocal" / "Right vocal" / "Both vocal"
don't work anymore (since version??)
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Old 12th October 2009
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The following added to the main (=opening post) for beta-build 1012 of 11-Oct:
Concerning Options > Preferences > General [General preferences]
in the context of language-file [WID8] (and indirectly [WID48])
[WID8] No longer used and may be removed: 13+13H "Close file when finished"/" "
[WID8] Ditto: 14+14H: "Shutdown computer when finished"/"Shutdown computer at the end of the movie."
[WID8]-15="Open locked media files (files in use)" shows tooltip 13H=" " (can be text in other languages-files, like in Dutch)
[WID8]-16="Close file when 'Stop' button is pressed" shows tooltip 14H="Shutdown computer at the end of the movie."
[WID8]-17(=[WID48]-1)="Check for new version of BS.Player at program startup" shows tooltip [WID8]-15H="If checked BSplayer will try to open files that are in use (still downloading, recording...)"
[WID8]-18="Seek by keyframes (AVI and MKV files)" shows tooltip 16H if present
[WID8]-19="Seek when mouse button is released" shows tooltip 17H if present
[WID8]-20="Show media time also in msec" shows tooltip 18H if present

The non-working of translation of labels under "Key definitions & WinLIRC" now fixed.

Please refer to the opening post of this thread for all remaining "bugs" re the GUI/translation.
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Old 12th October 2009
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Will check it, thx.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 15th October 2009
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No translation for letter "k" in "kbit(VRB) kHz, Stereo" string in main window.

No translation for # sign in extended view in ML.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg ML.JPG (17.5 KB, 6 views)

Last edited by BG's; 15th October 2009 at 05:41 PM.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 15th October 2009
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Why would you need to translate k as in kilo?
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Old 15th October 2009
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For languages using non-Western fonts.
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Old 15th October 2009
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 4th February 2010
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If none of the possible options is selected under
Preferences > Video > OSD options
depressing [i]-key repeats the most recent OSD message.
E.g. also if "Pause" was the most recent OSD-message: the movie (of course) simply continues playing when depressing [i], however continuously showing the OSD-message: "Pause" (even when paused and unpaused after that).
(Note: also added to main=initial post of this thread; fixes will be mentioned in main post)
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Old 28th February 2010
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Regretfully no fixes have been made for the open issues of my above list since 13 Oct 2009!
Today added:
Language file(this thread refers):
Originally Posted by BouRock View Post
[WID35] has already these lines:

120="Internal filters"
121="Use internal AVI parser"

These are changed or it must be 122 and 123.

120=Put on blacklist
121=Put on whitelist
Width for text in this window in Preferences/Audio narrowed (for no apparent reason):

'Key definitions & WinLIRC'-window
Window narrowed (for no apparent reason):

(Note: also added to main=initial post of this thread; fixes will be mentioned in main post)
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Old 6th March 2010
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In beta version 2.52.1024 (201002251216) clicking on the grey area surrounding the close button (meaning the whole area of the same "level" as indicated by the red line in the image below) results in several pop-ups (intended for the development-area, but not for public versions).
This is valid for any preferences-window. Contents of pop-up message depends on window and on the position where clicking is done. I copied some pop-ups in the image by way of example:

(Note: also added to main=initial post of this thread; fixes will be mentioned in main post)
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Old 17th March 2010
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Quite a few bugs/cosmetical issues solved/fixed in 1027ß.
Not all though. Still several on todo-list. =

Such as (but not that only!) the annoying (and unneccessary) problem with space for text in BS.Player's IntervideoAC3-window still unsolved in build 1027ß:

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Old 22nd March 2010
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A few additional bugs/cosmetic issues (full screen) fixed in 1029-build.
But still several outstanding (including the 2.51->2.52 narrowed width for text in BS.Player's IntervideoAC3-window in Preferences/Audio).
We still keep our fingers crossed!
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Old 23rd March 2010
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Lines behind titles of Subtitle-editor are not interrupted (see picture)

(Note: also added to main=initial post of this thread; fixes will be mentioned in main post)
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Old 24th March 2010
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No fixes found in 1030.
New : properties of executable still mention as version info
(whereas about info indicates 2.52.1030).
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 26th March 2010
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Default Missing line

There is a missing line in english language file. Also it was included to my own translation. I hope it is not problem to be added.
22=Use separate taskbar button for main and video window (test option, restart required)
Closed Thread

beta, cosmetical, gui or translation, issues

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