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  1. All my songs saved as BMPlayer files.
  2. [SOLVED] Registration problem will NOT go away.
  3. Bsplayer Free 2.31 Problem Windows Vista
  4. Faded colors in videos?
  5. Problem with playback
  6. [SOLVED] TV Tuner Problem - Video Displaying
  7. [SOLVED] BS does not play flv and mov
  8. BSI/Ini support
  10. [FIXED] M4A / MP4 file extension problem
  11. Error starting movie with BSplayer on my laptop
  12. Possible quartz.dll access violation solution
  13. Bs Player playback problem (weird)
  14. Auto Pan & scan bug
  15. [FIXED] Can play Rmvb files, but can't add them to ML
  16. [CONFIRMED] Bug found in version 231.973
  17. brightness problem
  18. [SOLVED] BS.Player incorectly zooms non-16:9 video
  19. [FIXED] Bug in beta version 231.971 (20080824 2245)
  20. [CONFIRMED] 24-Bit FLAC Won't Play
  21. embedded subtitles in .mkv do not show
  22. Bug in IPTV Playing
  23. Bugs in playing some kind of rmvb files
  24. dragging video window causes playback restart
  25. Above Normal eats CPU
  26. BSPlayer stops video playing after 2 seconds!
  27. Help! About playback speed
  28. Bsplayer 2.28 (build 964) crashing with vobsub subs in *.mkv
  29. [FIXED] Base skin bug
  30. [CONFIRMED] 2.30 Problem changing playback speeds and rewind
  31. [CONFIRMED] Keys and mouse not run in 2.30 version
  32. Bugs re GUI/translation of BS.Player VERSION 2.3x
  33. problem with playback speed changes BSP 2.28PRO
  34. [CONFIRMED] Subtitle Editor problem.
  35. [SOLVED] not entire screen
  36. [SOLVED] Language
  37. BSPlayer stealing focus in multi-monitor setup
  38. [SOLVED] Subtitle problem
  39. Can't get editing subtitles in BSplayer Pro 2.28 working
  40. BS Player 2.28 PROlite problem with menus and subtitles
  41. showing only audio not video
  42. Can't listen audio track from separate file
  43. auto hide main window problem
  44. Bug with full screen mode and subtitles size change
  45. [SOLVED] Some MP3 files don't play sound automatically
  46. [SOLVED] BS.PLAYER windows 2008
  47. [BUG] Pan Scan setting doesn't last in the playlist
  48. [VISTA] Blurry subtitles
  49. Problems with playing movies
  50. Cannot install bs player
  51. [SOLVED] External file audio with mkv
  52. Color controls don't work
  53. Always on Top not working
  54. saccades et accélération en lecture
  55. [FIXED] Captures format file
  56. [SOLVED] Captures
  57. DVD playback bugs
  58. BSplayer Error!! PLEASE HELP!!!
  59. Bsplayer high I/O reads at startup
  60. [FIXED] Command line "hide" cmd broken
  61. Screenshot takes a lot of time
  62. [CONFIRMED] Hotkey for Playlisttoggle not working properly
  63. [SOLVED] Problems playing DVD files.
  64. Vista sp1 problem with Bs player
  65. Monitor doesn't turn off (DPMS) after watching a movie.
  66. [SOLVED] Cannot play WMV files (scrambled video)
  67. Problem turning subtitles off
  68. [SOLVED] Jumps in movies with external audio track.
  69. BS PLayer not responding when playing MP4 format
  70. [CONFIRMED] Auto start BSP on tray icon?
  71. Reason for crashing on Vista: rendering mode
  72. Bug in 2.28 Build 964 : Subtitles disappear
  73. perhaps a bug in jump forward/back? (2.28)
  74. HELP !! .Avi crash driving me nuts
  75. [SOLVED] i have a problem with bsplayer 2.8
  76. VSFilter + latest version = problem
  77. VISTA Ultimate x64
  78. [CONFIRMED] Skin bug in version 2.28
  79. Bugs in v2.28 + others present in other versions
  80. Windows task bar appears during full screen playback
  81. Two problems of bsp2.28
  82. [MISSING FEATURE] TV tuner problem, No audio
  83. crush when using two audiotrack
  84. Colored Subtitles problem
  85. very saD!!!
  86. F1 (About) crashes
  87. Bugs in BS.Player 2.28 build 963
  88. Multiply bugs in dualscreen configuration
  89. "open directory" audio sync
  90. BSplayer desktop mode doesn't show subtitles
  91. Two annoying subtitle bugs.
  92. i get "[file] is not a valid win32 application error
  93. MKV with embedded subtitles
  94. bsplayer freezes when seeking forward
  95. Error EIP: 02BED67E
  96. bug with opening links and after that playing video
  97. DXVA not working on Vista64
  98. Sorting randomly makes player crashed
  99. Pixel issue
  100. How can you view video files encoded in x264 on Bsplayer?
  101. bs player doesn't work
  102. no ac3 sound for wmv files
  103. Problem about xvid and several audio streams
  104. DVD playback issue
  105. Help run QT MOV files in BSPlayer 2.27...
  106. Vista problem-reg.code
  107. bs player 2.27 audio problems
  108. problem with resolution of subtitles
  109. File association problems
  110. rared x264
  111. Fast Forward then bug
  112. Big problem with BSplayer
  113. Inherent bug in key usage (another free resize complaint)
  114. Bug in free resize? 2.27 959
  115. scaling problems in vista?
  116. Bugs in Beta builds 960/961
  117. depressing Num-5 in full screen mode => black screen
  118. Can't resize playback screen
  119. BS player - all codecs but no video
  120. [SOLVED] Sub title problem on bsplayer
  121. AVi file flipped upside down when using "Extend picture
  122. Weird configuration window
  123. Enormous pixels!
  124. Problems with BS player on my projetcor
  125. how to play broken avi. files with bsplayer
  126. Off topic (to be removed after having had a good look at it)
  127. Aliased fonts ?
  128. Can`t connect to [url]www.bsplayer.org[/url] and download new version
  129. Work-around for error: Please download updated version?
  130. Can't start the player, weird update message
  131. won't play .avi files with XviD MPEG-4 and DivX3 codecs
  132. Problem with playing DVD files on hard drive
  133. uninstall bs player
  134. Starts randomly with different FontSizes...
  135. always on top, key for increase saturation (hw)
  136. More Problems with PRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  137. Overlay Mode1 doesn't show video, while Mode2 captures blank
  138. Can't play sub titles on Vista
  139. Problem with Playing audio streams in BsPlayer
  140. V I S T A / W 7 OS installation and registration problems
  141. No audio when playing WMV files.
  142. 2.7 beta unavailable
  143. Browser and video issues?
  144. Can't screencapture!
  145. Report Here BUGS in BSplayer v2.27.957 (Beta)
  146. BUGS in BSplayer v2.27.957 (Beta)
  147. Crash randomly under vista
  148. Problems with video
  149. Can't see subtitles
  150. Frame by frame doesn't work
  151. Start from command line
  152. BS plays a sec forward every couple of minutes
  153. [CONFIRMED] Font script changing when editing subtitles
  154. BSplayer problem - slow playback when option dialog is up
  155. Crash in BSplayer with libmpeg2 / ffdshow
  156. i'm new and need help with subtitles
  157. Problem with DVD playback on BSPlayer Pro - Video Scrambled
  158. Video rendering other then default causes display bug!
  159. Error when opening .asx files!
  160. movie working, no sound ...helpp
  161. SRT blank line problem
  162. BS Player causing Vista to lose standards
  163. BSPlayer PRO gone mad!
  164. Changes in rendering engine since last 2-3 builds ?
  165. AVI Files- out of sync
  166. 2.26 bug - Old style of the playlist
  167. Version 2.26 and still cropped subtitle bug
  168. Pink overlay!?
  169. Window Size Increases Automatically
  170. Forum speed
  171. Crashing with MPG files
  172. FLV files
  173. BSPlayer can't work with Xtrap?
  174. Everytime that i try to open a file appear this message
  175. Always changes my aspect ratio
  176. Why any TV software works but BS Player
  177. Crashed after close-open notebook
  178. " Audio Track " problem HELP :'(
  179. Blank screencaptures when using multi monitors
  180. Can't seek backwards with this movie..?!
  181. [SOLVED] second monitor fullscreen bug
  182. Cropped subtitle show bug
  183. [SOLVED] speaker problem
  184. Multiple screen problems
  185. I reinstall window and now my video won't work
  186. [SOLVED]CAn't download BSPlayer PRO
  187. 2 media Library problems
  188. I cannot open some files
  189. Pause/Resume problem
  190. BSPlayer 2.23.953 and windows vista
  191. Weird Taskbar Button Problem
  192. Very weird Vista x64 Bugs, plz help!
  193. Bsplayer 2 Desktops
  194. bsplayer crashes
  195. [FIXED IN 2.25] Alt+F4 doesn't work anymore in v2.24??
  196. [SOLVED] Sudden shutdown without warning(v2.24)
  197. [SOLVED] Pan-Scan problem
  198. [SOLVED] BSPlayer 2.24 problems after new GPU driver install
  199. Spam (under a stolen username)
  200. Bsplayer 2.24 b954 choppy output to vmr9
  201. [SOLVED] tv channel playlist
  202. Bsplayer 2.24 bugs i have
  203. The best way to bug-free BSplayer versions
  204. Unhandled exception at EIP: 73A116C6
  205. dvr-ms playback and resize issue with 2.24
  206. Question
  207. movie display upside down
  208. [FIXED IN 2.25]2.24 regression-alt+f4 sometimes doesn't work
  209. Unhandled exception at EIP: 6B8E16C6
  210. My BSPlayer won't play anything correctly.
  211. Resizing Video Screen Bug / Issue
  212. Progress time display
  213. Unhandled exception at EIP: 018703A0
  214. BS Player 2.21 & x264 codec
  215. bug: percentage sticks around in full-screen too long
  216. multiple audio streams
  217. can't get playback (audio)
  218. full screen stripes
  219. quartz.dll in vista
  220. Embedded subtitles in mkv can't be disabled
  221. the "subeditor" is bugged
  222. Strange Behaviour Playing Divx files
  223. Always on Top bug
  224. Lag while OSD is present
  225. how can I change resolution in movie to 1680 x 1050?
  226. .mkv and Network Buffering causes ERROR with 2.22
  227. 2.22 bug with ac3codecs + winamp dsp plugin
  228. Does not detect subtitles in .mkv videos
  229. Weird subtitles bug under XP
  230. [FIXED]Error Message "Close file when 'Stop' button is
  231. very very boring bug -subtitles are cut off sides and bottom
  232. BSPlayer Pro v2.22.952 - Error loadind subtitles
  233. BSPlayer 2.22 PRO: Immediate crash when loading subtitles
  234. [FIXED] Bsplayer and monitor turn off
  235. BUG in Subtitle Editor on BS.Player 2.22
  236. Solved (reported issue appears to be no bug)
  237. SCREENCAPTURES 'what you see'
  238. BS.Player 2.2x bugs re GUI/translation
  239. Bugs in version 2.22.952
  240. Video: NO, Sound: YES, Format: AVI, OS: Vista fresh install
  241. Nvidia 8400 BSOD in Vista. Only when Using Bsplayer
  242. Bsplayer playsfine after I use windows media player
  243. BS Player error messages - Windows Media Player no problem
  244. Playing videos from Panasonic TZ3 camera
  245. BSplayer 2.21 pro does not work at all
  246. Bsplayer loses pan&scan settings when paused
  247. Where is mouse contol in new version???
  248. How to remove unwanted video codecs from windows
  249. Problems with Captures with Vista
  250. Show main windows (control) function problem