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  1. BS Player no longer opening incomplete files
  2. cpu usage 100% on bsplayer
  3. Edges get cropped in fullscreen-- help please
  5. Can't create channel list
  6. "BSPLAYER caused an invalid page fault..."
  7. Serious overlay problem
  8. .rmvb File Problems
  9. DivX 6.0X
  10. Again strange bug with pan-scan size in full screen 1.36 825
  11. big problem...
  12. Tooo slow openning
  13. cannot play ogg streams with http auth
  14. Major playback issue
  16. SUBTITLES display bug
  17. Error opening XVID.MP3 encoded video
  18. WMR-9 resize artifacts
  19. Exit error when maping ESC key
  20. Player won't stay NOT on top...
  21. .mkv subtitle issue
  22. bug music stops when working at other file
  23. I can't play mpg files
  24. Subtitles / anamorphic
  25. Help
  26. sound is too quiet
  27. help bs error
  28. Problem with ver. 1.36 - Unknown file format
  29. bsplayer hangs up
  30. Error occurs after clicking 'Stop' in v.1.36 b.825
  31. Open Office 2.0 Bug
  32. 1.36 (b825) bug
  33. Application error...
  34. Application Error
  35. Subtitle Manual Correction problem
  36. key definitions
  37. preferences corruption (BSPlayer.name.xml)
  38. error with audio video synchro
  39. Recent problem
  40. when full mode; no apect ratio original
  41. Stack Overflow on .mkv or h.264 files
  42. Problem when enabling ffdshow for Xvid.divx....etc!?
  43. error: directshow not installed
  44. Problem With HW Color Controls
  45. Can't add subtitles
  46. bug: vmr9 fullscreen rendering
  47. AC3 files don´t play in newest BSPlayer pro
  48. Trouble w/ Subtiles on and off and trancparency of subtitles
  49. "Can't open file"
  50. Unable to open files directly from BSplayer
  51. 1.36.825 crashing on embedded fonts in mkv?
  52. Explorer process exploding in task manager
  53. BUGS in BSplayer v1.36.825 (Normal/Pro)
  54. HELP no video
  55. screencapping problem
  56. i have error, help!!!
  57. Can't play locked files
  58. Bug when taskbar is put up
  59. This error with only one video file
  60. Bsplayer unhandled exception
  61. "can't open file" for no apparent reason.
  62. Matroska Problems (NOT A SUB OR AUDIO ISSUE!)
  63. bsplayer crash
  64. Videos deleted after closing BSplayer
  65. BSPlayer permanently screwed my display!
  66. Problem while closing video
  67. Screencap problem
  68. Seeking problem...
  69. Vobsubs not working
  70. BSplayer Pro version 1.35 (b823) Crash Too Much!
  71. HDTV playback broken even more
  72. bsplayer (1.3.5) random "close button" crash
  73. Garble of Equalizer
  74. Nvidia Geforce 6600 GT TV output
  75. probleeeem
  76. BUGS in BSplayer v1.35.823 (Normal/Pro)
  77. Subtitles Problem
  78. command line -ar don't work in free version
  79. an "old" problem: the audio path in .bsi files
  81. BSplayer crashes with DivX 6.0
  82. Unhandled exception
  83. Is it a bad joke or what? (nightly builds)
  84. Total time doesn't show
  85. Funny problem with mkv file
  86. please help me with this problem
  87. Fix High Bitrate MP3 Audio and VSFilter Problems Please
  88. No sound in avi with equalizer
  89. when i try open any file my computer freeze
  90. Couple Simple Problems
  91. Access violation
  92. Player freezing when I try to "Open Device" (TV Tu
  93. Video output is disformed when using Real Alternative codec
  94. more volume????
  95. capture image with subtitles?????
  96. Why Does'nt My Bs Player Any Links?
  97. Opening capture device error
  98. Svcd bug in ver. 1.32 build 820 non pro
  99. wmv and asf files sometimes shock/stutter incredibly?
  100. skipping through file breaks subtitles
  101. Little bug with translations
  102. "Enqueue in BSplayer" don´t work
  103. usf subs in mkv support?
  104. mp3 play restarts on laptop running on battery...
  105. Pan-scan bugs in 817-820 builds (maybe in another too)
  106. Bug in tag?
  107. Prblems with Matroska Files with different audio channels
  108. External exception
  109. BSPlayer crashes on small resolution files
  110. BSplayer Error x__x
  111. What's the matter?
  112. tray icon bsplayer 1.32 build 820 June 23/05 and mp3's
  113. Stretched captured image
  114. Bug in subtitles
  115. Wmv can't play under vmr-9 and vmr-9 renderless mode 1 or 2.
  116. Aspect ratio reseted each time the video is paused
  117. seeking and window size changes
  118. need some help
  119. strange bug in build 818
  120. Why only play @ 320x240?
  121. increase brightness (HW) again
  122. AR in 1.32
  123. Matroska problem in 820
  124. Some hotkeys don't work in the fullscreen mode
  125. DIVX6 & subtitle problem
  126. increase brightness (HW)
  127. BUGS in BSplayer (Normal/Pro) Build 820
  128. Divx 6 and build 819
  129. skin bug in 818?
  130. DivX 6 and BSplayer version 1.30 build 818
  131. Untranslated strings in version 1.30 build 818
  132. increase/decrease playback rate problem
  133. BS .85 displays correctly but BS 1.22 doesnt?
  134. BSplayer can't no more read asx files why?
  135. subtitles related bug in 1.22.817 Pro
  136. XVids Stutter
  137. playback rate returns to default when movie repeats
  138. NEW BUG here is stats
  139. *.m2v Support?
  140. anormal playback rate behavior
  141. BSPlayer expend picture on TV
  142. BSPlayer Latest version is 1.22.817+ High Definition Video
  143. BSplayer crashes when the stop button is pressed
  144. BSP SkinMaker v1.02
  146. Incomplete subtitles
  147. Odd problems, all of a sudden....
  148. BSplayer vs Real Alternative woes :S
  149. conflict with vsfilter
  150. Problem: Green screen
  151. Error in playing .avi and MPEG files
  152. Dat files played by Vlc but not by BSPlayer
  153. 5.1 Output Problem
  154. Embedded subtitles not showing
  155. error with .avi en .ogm
  156. Spanish subtitles
  157. watching a movie on RAID system and nonRaid disk
  158. BS Player Crashes...no error..
  159. Playback rate crash
  160. Some stripes on screen by playing .mpg or .avi
  161. BSplayer crashes....
  163. Command line switches and BSI/INI files mutually exclusive?
  164. .ogm and .mkv problems
  165. Loading MP4 files takes very long/freezes
  166. [resolved] *.wmv unknow file format ()
  167. Access violation at address 004f4a21 HELP.
  168. BSPlayer song length?
  169. Standalone DivX CD: BSPlayer + ffdshow = crash?
  170. Problems with MKV (Real Video)
  171. Cannot read mkv files
  172. bsplayer in command line...
  173. Buffering
  174. What does this mean please:
  175. General bugs with 2 monitors
  176. Problems with OSD
  177. Bug exits in bsplayer pro 1.20 Build 817
  178. Two annoying bugs
  179. Internet radio with BSplayer 1.22 (free) problem
  180. Plug-in+TVcapture
  181. Problem with SDK and BSP_LoadAudio
  182. oldskin.dll
  183. Eats up CPU after a long time / full-screen issues
  184. Won't remember my settings in preferences..??
  185. rm/rmvb problems
  186. Bug!: Playback stops when navigation-slider reaches the end.
  187. Problem with m2v.
  188. Problem with mpeg2 codec
  189. unpleasant behaviour of dialog windows
  190. Consistent Freezing Problem with BSPlayer
  191. BIG BUG in version BSplayer version 1.2 Build 815! ERROR
  192. network buffering causes crashs all the time
  193. Double subtitles
  194. bsi and 2 CDs
  195. Some movies don´t work!
  196. String translation bug Win98
  197. Automatic shutdown dont work
  198. RealMedia Splitter
  200. 1.22 817 shutdown computer option problem
  201. subtitles slowing film
  202. DirectShow not installed (codec probs) :(
  203. playlist bug
  204. Random errors
  205. Not playing any DVD
  206. .mkv files
  207. mpg bug
  208. Capture Mode is unavailable!Whit Conceptronic CTVFMi (bt848)
  209. Bsplayer plays avi video file, but no sound! plz help
  210. Error Increase Brightness(HW)
  211. [BSplayer 2.2 Bug]: Remember movie settings streches movie
  212. BUGS BSplayer Pro build 817:
  213. Untranslatable string (build 817)
  214. Is there a way to use directvobsub everytime it loads...
  215. Video is not visible when in FullScreen Game ...
  216. Windowed mode problem
  217. Where do I find this codec?
  218. Error messages in pop up
  219. movie size report not correct VMR9 scaling not correct
  220. No "Desktop Mode" in VMR-9
  221. BSplayer v1.10.814, Unhandled exception
  222. v1.2 won't remember movie window position
  223. BUGS (builds 815/816)
  224. VMR-9 renderless broken in 1.2
  225. Desktop mode and Minimize to Tray problem
  226. Movie Name in system tray icon doesn't update
  227. Untranslatable strings (b .815/816)
  228. before I reformat...
  229. Lock up when pausing .ogm
  230. BSplayer wont recognise several audio formats
  231. Cpu load very hight during/after watching
  232. Can't play .wmv files.
  233. image is frozen and sound still going on
  234. subtitle margin width does not work on TV mode
  235. Intervideo preferences not saved/don't have effect
  236. Problem with overlay mode 1 and 2
  237. video plays with 1.00.812 but not with 1.00.814
  238. 2 or more files
  239. Volume bar in full screen
  240. Problem with XVID
  241. Error when opening file
  242. Audio stream... problem
  243. problems with Divx subtitles on TV PHILIPS DVD PLAYER
  244. autofocusing
  245. need restart to apply brightness change
  246. BsPlayer and Real Alternative
  247. False 'No Removable Media' Error
  248. freeze during installing
  249. fast forwarding with arrow
  250. PS player eats cpu to 100% when certain xvid file is played