- BS Player no longer opening incomplete files
- cpu usage 100% on bsplayer
- Edges get cropped in fullscreen-- help please
- Can't create channel list
- "BSPLAYER caused an invalid page fault..."
- Serious overlay problem
- .rmvb File Problems
- DivX 6.0X
- Again strange bug with pan-scan size in full screen 1.36 825
- big problem...
- Tooo slow openning
- cannot play ogg streams with http auth
- Major playback issue
- SUBTITLES display bug
- Error opening XVID.MP3 encoded video
- WMR-9 resize artifacts
- Exit error when maping ESC key
- Player won't stay NOT on top...
- .mkv subtitle issue
- bug music stops when working at other file
- I can't play mpg files
- Subtitles / anamorphic
- Help
- sound is too quiet
- help bs error
- Problem with ver. 1.36 - Unknown file format
- bsplayer hangs up
- Error occurs after clicking 'Stop' in v.1.36 b.825
- Open Office 2.0 Bug
- 1.36 (b825) bug
- Application error...
- Application Error
- Subtitle Manual Correction problem
- key definitions
- preferences corruption (BSPlayer.name.xml)
- error with audio video synchro
- Recent problem
- when full mode; no apect ratio original
- Stack Overflow on .mkv or h.264 files
- Problem when enabling ffdshow for Xvid.divx....etc!?
- error: directshow not installed
- Problem With HW Color Controls
- Can't add subtitles
- bug: vmr9 fullscreen rendering
- AC3 files don´t play in newest BSPlayer pro
- Trouble w/ Subtiles on and off and trancparency of subtitles
- "Can't open file"
- Unable to open files directly from BSplayer
- 1.36.825 crashing on embedded fonts in mkv?
- Explorer process exploding in task manager
- BUGS in BSplayer v1.36.825 (Normal/Pro)
- HELP no video
- screencapping problem
- i have error, help!!!
- Can't play locked files
- Bug when taskbar is put up
- This error with only one video file
- Bsplayer unhandled exception
- "can't open file" for no apparent reason.
- Matroska Problems (NOT A SUB OR AUDIO ISSUE!)
- bsplayer crash
- Videos deleted after closing BSplayer
- BSPlayer permanently screwed my display!
- Problem while closing video
- Screencap problem
- Seeking problem...
- Vobsubs not working
- BSplayer Pro version 1.35 (b823) Crash Too Much!
- HDTV playback broken even more
- bsplayer (1.3.5) random "close button" crash
- Garble of Equalizer
- Nvidia Geforce 6600 GT TV output
- probleeeem
- BUGS in BSplayer v1.35.823 (Normal/Pro)
- Subtitles Problem
- command line -ar don't work in free version
- an "old" problem: the audio path in .bsi files
- BSplayer crashes with DivX 6.0
- Unhandled exception
- Is it a bad joke or what? (nightly builds)
- Total time doesn't show
- Funny problem with mkv file
- please help me with this problem
- Fix High Bitrate MP3 Audio and VSFilter Problems Please
- No sound in avi with equalizer
- when i try open any file my computer freeze
- Couple Simple Problems
- Access violation
- Player freezing when I try to "Open Device" (TV Tu
- Video output is disformed when using Real Alternative codec
- more volume????
- capture image with subtitles?????
- Why Does'nt My Bs Player Any Links?
- Opening capture device error
- Svcd bug in ver. 1.32 build 820 non pro
- wmv and asf files sometimes shock/stutter incredibly?
- skipping through file breaks subtitles
- Little bug with translations
- "Enqueue in BSplayer" don´t work
- usf subs in mkv support?
- mp3 play restarts on laptop running on battery...
- Pan-scan bugs in 817-820 builds (maybe in another too)
- Bug in tag?
- Prblems with Matroska Files with different audio channels
- External exception
- BSPlayer crashes on small resolution files
- BSplayer Error x__x
- What's the matter?
- tray icon bsplayer 1.32 build 820 June 23/05 and mp3's
- Stretched captured image
- Bug in subtitles
- Wmv can't play under vmr-9 and vmr-9 renderless mode 1 or 2.
- Aspect ratio reseted each time the video is paused
- seeking and window size changes
- need some help
- strange bug in build 818
- Why only play @ 320x240?
- increase brightness (HW) again
- AR in 1.32
- Matroska problem in 820
- Some hotkeys don't work in the fullscreen mode
- DIVX6 & subtitle problem
- increase brightness (HW)
- BUGS in BSplayer (Normal/Pro) Build 820
- Divx 6 and build 819
- skin bug in 818?
- DivX 6 and BSplayer version 1.30 build 818
- Untranslated strings in version 1.30 build 818
- increase/decrease playback rate problem
- BS .85 displays correctly but BS 1.22 doesnt?
- BSplayer can't no more read asx files why?
- subtitles related bug in 1.22.817 Pro
- XVids Stutter
- playback rate returns to default when movie repeats
- NEW BUG here is stats
- *.m2v Support?
- anormal playback rate behavior
- BSPlayer expend picture on TV
- BSPlayer Latest version is 1.22.817+ High Definition Video
- BSplayer crashes when the stop button is pressed
- BSP SkinMaker v1.02
- Incomplete subtitles
- Odd problems, all of a sudden....
- BSplayer vs Real Alternative woes :S
- conflict with vsfilter
- Problem: Green screen
- Error in playing .avi and MPEG files
- Dat files played by Vlc but not by BSPlayer
- 5.1 Output Problem
- Embedded subtitles not showing
- error with .avi en .ogm
- Spanish subtitles
- watching a movie on RAID system and nonRaid disk
- BS Player Crashes...no error..
- Playback rate crash
- Some stripes on screen by playing .mpg or .avi
- BSplayer crashes....
- Command line switches and BSI/INI files mutually exclusive?
- .ogm and .mkv problems
- Loading MP4 files takes very long/freezes
- [resolved] *.wmv unknow file format ()
- Access violation at address 004f4a21 HELP.
- BSPlayer song length?
- Standalone DivX CD: BSPlayer + ffdshow = crash?
- Problems with MKV (Real Video)
- Cannot read mkv files
- bsplayer in command line...
- Buffering
- What does this mean please:
- General bugs with 2 monitors
- Problems with OSD
- Bug exits in bsplayer pro 1.20 Build 817
- Two annoying bugs
- Internet radio with BSplayer 1.22 (free) problem
- Plug-in+TVcapture
- Problem with SDK and BSP_LoadAudio
- oldskin.dll
- Eats up CPU after a long time / full-screen issues
- Won't remember my settings in preferences..??
- rm/rmvb problems
- Bug!: Playback stops when navigation-slider reaches the end.
- Problem with m2v.
- Problem with mpeg2 codec
- unpleasant behaviour of dialog windows
- Consistent Freezing Problem with BSPlayer
- BIG BUG in version BSplayer version 1.2 Build 815! ERROR
- network buffering causes crashs all the time
- Double subtitles
- bsi and 2 CDs
- Some movies don´t work!
- String translation bug Win98
- Automatic shutdown dont work
- RealMedia Splitter
- 1.22 817 shutdown computer option problem
- subtitles slowing film
- DirectShow not installed (codec probs) :(
- playlist bug
- Random errors
- Not playing any DVD
- .mkv files
- mpg bug
- Capture Mode is unavailable!Whit Conceptronic CTVFMi (bt848)
- Bsplayer plays avi video file, but no sound! plz help
- Error Increase Brightness(HW)
- [BSplayer 2.2 Bug]: Remember movie settings streches movie
- BUGS BSplayer Pro build 817:
- Untranslatable string (build 817)
- Is there a way to use directvobsub everytime it loads...
- Video is not visible when in FullScreen Game ...
- Windowed mode problem
- Where do I find this codec?
- Error messages in pop up
- movie size report not correct VMR9 scaling not correct
- No "Desktop Mode" in VMR-9
- BSplayer v1.10.814, Unhandled exception
- v1.2 won't remember movie window position
- BUGS (builds 815/816)
- VMR-9 renderless broken in 1.2
- Desktop mode and Minimize to Tray problem
- Movie Name in system tray icon doesn't update
- Untranslatable strings (b .815/816)
- before I reformat...
- Lock up when pausing .ogm
- BSplayer wont recognise several audio formats
- Cpu load very hight during/after watching
- Can't play .wmv files.
- image is frozen and sound still going on
- subtitle margin width does not work on TV mode
- Intervideo preferences not saved/don't have effect
- Problem with overlay mode 1 and 2
- video plays with 1.00.812 but not with 1.00.814
- 2 or more files
- Volume bar in full screen
- Problem with XVID
- Error when opening file
- Audio stream... problem
- problems with Divx subtitles on TV PHILIPS DVD PLAYER
- autofocusing
- need restart to apply brightness change
- BsPlayer and Real Alternative
- False 'No Removable Media' Error
- freeze during installing
- fast forwarding with arrow
- PS player eats cpu to 100% when certain xvid file is played