- problem with ogg audio in ogm videos
- Color Controls not working for all my vids...
- ASF Files :: Video, but no sound?
- Big Problem
- Violation 004B043A
- Problems upon opening Player
- Pixelate (mosaic) effect on all videos
- [BUG] Windows XP sp2 v2055 and BSPlayer
- cpu load very high with new bsplayer
- Seek troubles with latest version
- BS and ATI Radeon TV OUT
- Bsplayer crashes upon playing certain files
- MPEG2 video program error
- can't play DivX
- bottom of playback window doesn't refresh - becomes stripey
- desktop keeps crashing
- I only see stripes..
- [BS1.00.803]Error while playing videos
- Video Problem
- Crash on trying to play files
- unsupported format
- pb with avi file
- Add directory to playlist
- Subtitles in overlay mode - need help
- problems with BSplayer
- Problem with video properties
- image captures..black screen help pls
- subtitle won't play
- subtitle
- Who can help this girl out? :P need help
- Oh no!!, borders in my Bsplayer 1.00.803...
- .dat files
- Files are locked
- Problems with OGM
- This is a WTF problem
- Problems with bsplayer and svcd
- It has been so long ... since the last update
- [bug] Vobsub causes bsplayer to crash
- BS Player crashes "cant open file."
- Aspect ratio problem in 803
- Run time error after burning a AVI file
- Choppy Video Problems on RC1 803
- Problem Solved
- minor bug with multiple audio streams (v1.00RC1 build 803)
- New version only, problem with brightness
- BSPlayer v1.00.803, Unhandled exception at EIP: 004DE803
- shutdown when finished
- [solved]BSPlayer language stays english after french install
- Video-to-left-bug in RC1 803, Win XP
- overlay subtitles are scrambled
- Minor Bug about low priority
- Multiple cds, and bsi support
- Open Audio File Bug!!!!
- Error with .VOB files
- Bug in version 100.803: Couldnt create DirectDraw object !
- Overlay troubles with Radeon Ati 9800
- Install-> 1 file opened&closed -> opening next fil
- WinLIRC and mpg Video
- BSplayer 1.00.803 bug
- blank screen on closing
- OGM Playback bug
- Some nasty bugs :(((
- Bug in RC1 build 803
- Subtitles in OGM Files
- Bsplayer may have ruined my system
- -39% sound level playing Underworld xvid
- Scrambled subtitles in overlay mode + more issues in RC1
- subtitles displaying too long
- Problem
- pb with XVID format ?
- Crash when trying to open an Xvid encoded file
- bsplayer gave me a virus.
- choppy playback
- why don't bsplayer allow me to change the brightne/gamma ect
- Audio sync problem in RC1 build 803
- BSOD + Reboot in RC1 build 803
- Volume doesn't stay put
- cause of .srt-bug found
- No Sound when trying to play an AVI
- Problem playing WMV video
- Bugs concerning OGM Subtitles (v.1.00 build 803)
- enqueue in bsplayer error
- unknown file format (XVID)
- Some Bugs [1]
- [BSplayer 1.00.803]: Mouse pointer doesn't disappear
- Bsp RC1 is slow on my computer...
- bsi not OK with v100.803 but OK with v100.800
- 2 CD Subtitle showing bug
- Can't make vobsub(2.23) loads
- Subtitles bug - BSPlayer 1.00.803
- Error message
- TV-out problem
- Unable to play WMV
- Bug
- Unhandled exception at EIP: 77FCCE36
- Missing File Detail Tab after the Install of BSPlayer
- hard reboot in launching loading some divX
- 3 minor issues
- changing file associations
- No video Window after load avi or ogm file
- The Sound Quality is Poor
- "cannot create directdraw surface"
- black subtitles
- New Version - Black Screen
- error exiting wma file
- Can't play anything
- The new version hangs and crashes more often than older ones
- Unexpected aborting
- cannot capture image from videos.....
- Video Mixing Renderer 9 Troubles
- (no) video in clone mode
- black screen
- Volume control do not work
- Italic expressions/frases on sub extensions subtitles [v1.0]
- external VBR-mp3's out of synch
- problem with opening new .mpg
- mouse pointer doesn't reappear when press shift+O
- Full screen problem...
- mp3s stranger background noise
- My screen SHAKES
- [1.00 build 803] bsplay almost always crashes on this avi
- [BSPlayer 1.00.803 bug]: Crash with ffdshow
- Subtitle disabler doesn't work
- Random selected subtitles - ver. 1.00 803
- Using BSplayer to play DVD's
- WinLIRC + BSPlayer
- Nothing happens when opening file
- BSplayer problem
- subtitles
- error ?
- subtitles with mkv : BSP=> KO. mpc, wmp9=> OK ???
- Garbled lower section of screen, and strange error
- [ChaptersX] sections only accept one digit
- Videosettings disabled
- Unable to configure winamp plugin
- the movie shows upside down...
- RESIZE frames remain in FULLSCREEN
- Sub problems with Matroska
- all codecs but still no sound
- Sub Bug
- How do i Screen Capture ijn BSplayer
- Video playback problems...
- BSplayer crashes
- Hard Problems with my computer´s screen
- Aspect Ratio Bug - BS Player 1.00 RC1 803
- impossible de lire le film sur ma TV
- Winamp won't start after BSPlayer 803 has ran once
- NextCD not work correctly
- the "Always on top switch" doesn't work!
- passage divX en SVCD ou VCD
- Level of Volume
- I need help for my problem w/ Bsplayer v.1
- Frame captures have a black line around
- Inverted Video in BSPlayer v1.00.803
- BSPlayer v1.00.803, Unhandled exception at EIP: 00413AD5
- error message
- v1.00 rc1 build 803 burn
- Load Subtitles
- "File is corrupt. Seeking will be very slow"
- Desktop mode will not work....any ideas
- BsPlayer 1.0 Double click & Volume Change
- everytime i do a playrate adjustment ,the progressbar can't
- sometimes it displays a black screen when i play a avi file
- Problems with CD Burned
- HELP! Problem with OGG file
- Problems Screen Capping..
- Hotkey to play movie from Playlist?
- Bsplayer&war3
- BSPlayer V1: cannot use divx5dec+ffdshow togheter anymore :(
- To download, I can't download!!!
- Problem with pan-scan or something... I think.
- 1.0 does not support multiscreen anymore
- Distortion in Waveout after playing files with AC3 audio
- Volume control in Fullscreen
- Screen moved to the left in window mode
- Bsplayer 1 build 803
- Build 803 doesn't remember AC3 settings
- MPEG-4 B-Frame Decoding lag removal causing incorrect timing
- 1.00.803
- Problems every time trying to play XvID movies
- Please help! SVCD problem :(
- Subtitles
- cannot handle multiple selections(or multiple file names)
- error playing ogg file
- BSP RC1 (803) doesn't play MPEG-2 when PowerDVD is installed
- avi file.. i get sound but no vidio ..
- Windows Media Files
- bsp 803 dont work with dsp dee
- Error on Playlist, causes crash
- upside down
- Problem with version 1.00.803 on CD
- avi
- wont play another video after first bsplayer 803
- My screen captures all turn out black!
- SPDIF does'nt work properly with BSplayer100.803
- the BS player crashed
- "Unknow file format (DIV3)" same with DIV3.
- BSplayer 803 & TVTool
- Subtitle Bugs in 803
- Frame Capture will not work
- Color controls - v1.0build803
- [BSplayer 1.00.803]: Problems with ATI videocard & overl
- Audio
- File associations
- Won't load up avi file properly!
- Shaking picture on mpeg in ver. 1.00 but NOT in ver. 0.86
- AVI files: get sound but no visual (1.00-803)
- Build 803 Multi Monitors - Hide Main Window Bug
- OGM with subtitles wont play correctly.
- Unable to read DIV 3 ?
- fast forward/rewind
- Build 803, Matroska MKV files and subtitles
- problems watching FLCL
- Unhandled exception - teething problems?
- Post fucked up.. this forum is buggy!
- XVid and ffdshow
- frame doesn't disappear when switched to full screen
- Problem with explroer in xp
- BSplayer 1.00 RC1 Build 803 not playing DivX 5.xx movies ?
- AC3 as secondary audio stream crashes
- BSplayer does'nt work om my tv anymore?
- Fast forward Option ???
- [v1.00 RC1 build 803] problem with custom subtitles position
- Subtitles problem, don't display any...
- Problem with subtitles
- I can't capture frames!
- regaining focus with bsplayer re-start?
- Chapter Skipping
- File associations + mouse doesn't disappear (again)
- A little translation bug
- VMR9 OSD #803
- crash playing mp3s using drag-and-drop with multiple files
- 1.0 Build 803 bug thread :-)
- Video does not work correctly...
- mouse button assingment for volume up/down in windowed mode
- BROKEN BSPLAYER 1.00 RC 803 download!!!
- [BSplayer 1.00.803]: Great improvement, a few bugs remain.
- Please: bplay.exe instead of bSplay.exe
- Ogg Media container + External Subs problems
- No "Frame saved to ..." in 1.00.803
- Still Problem With On Screen Info