- Problem with bs and new Ati graphic card
- subtitles problem
- Subs&Avi problems in Win 7
- problems with filenames containing special characters
- Not sure if this is bug...
- Having problem getting sound on 720/1080p series/movies
- [FIXED] Codec manager vs Proxy
- "DirectShow not installed" error on Win7
- How to crash latest BSplayer easily.
- BS.Player administrator tool
- Win7: BSplayer + ffdshow 'resize & aspect ratio' = crash.
- Crash when opening Preferences
- alt+enter bug?
- BS.Player doesn't remember changes to preferences
- Improper display of text in the menu / subtitles. Errors switching subtitles. Etc...
- AC3 filter
- Codec wars
- BS.Player freezes when i load subtitles
- subtitle editor
- [FIXED] bug in 2.51.1018B (codecmanager.exe)
- BS Player 2.50 1017 takes long time to load and open movie files
- Bugs with v2.51, and some suggestions
- No Audio with MP4 Movies
- Playback Speed Problem
- Use Windows Media Player
- [FIXED] Grayish black bars
- Aspect ratio not right.
- BSPlayer PRO serious BUG! Please fix it, NEED Bsplayer Webteh OFFICIAL TEAM.
- Codec finding Error
- skip forward in unfinished WMVs doesn't work
- 2.50 new subtitle render doesn't work
- Bsplayer PRO, NSIS error, license. NEED Bsplayer Webteh OFFICIAL TEAM.
- BS Player using too much CPU
- Picture is not steady - pro 2.50.1017
- Subtitles problem
- Windows 7 features
- Problems with all versions after 2.41.1003
- Problem with the new version
- Problems with SoftSub by using DirectVob
- Can't download BSPlayer PRO
- remeber last movie position problem
- [SOLVED] BS Player has stopped working Vista Error msg
- Problem: FPS subtitle
- Playlist with Random or Shuffle enabled
- I cannot play FLAC files
- Bug in BSPlayer ver 2.5 regarding MP3
- Display problem
- BSPlayer doesn't obey MKV track flags
- Want to add a filter,bsplayer crash.
- Some Options are not saved on file
- screen dont turn off after using b.s
- My time @ Movie don't work...
- FLV Videos not works
- Problems...or bugs?
- Quality on wide screen 16:9
- remeber settings problem
- BSPlayer problem with windows 7
- New Subtitle Parser/Renderer Issue
- Please help, I have 2 problems...
- Computer restarts on opening certain files
- BSplayer is not able to read diacritic
- flickering with subtitles on...
- Bs player 2.43 issues
- Color Controls - Remember settings issue
- Local Subtitles message
- command line parameters
- Player closes when subtitle search is complete.
- Background audio loud, voices soft
- [CONFIRMED] Cursor not dissapearing
- Movie scrolling by slidebar no longer possible
- Subtitles won't work properly
- missing checkbox in Slovak language (v2.43 build1008)
- codec problem - annoying presume
- Jumps/freezes
- m2ts
- Crash after searching online for subtitles
- windows 7 problem
- Slowly drawing subtitles
- Codec manager: Can't update Codec
- passthrough doesn't work
- ControlBar doesn't control BS.Player
- Problems with OGG and Haali
- Screen Captures now look like photo negatives
- BSPLayer PRO omits tracks/subtitles from M2TS
- cannt install bsplayer
- Bsplayer _ sub&idx subtitles
- Capturing frame with original size
- Bsplayer don't display some subtitles
- Bs Player 2.42 in Windows 7
- [SOLVED] Stripes in movies!
- Video overlay fails on security popup
- 2.41 freezes on close
- 2.42 does not like MKV files
- Ratio screen problem
- [SOLVED] 2.42 missing codecs ??? (What??!!)
- 2 Problems about BSplayer settings - Help
- [SOLVED] flv problem with bs player 2.42
- .RM file
- Problem: Load File WMV
- Play same movie
- [SOLVED] movie on full screen
- [SOLVED] Player Looses Focus And Keyboard Shortcuts
- Movie is shaking on full screen
- Error - i can hear sound but there is no picture (movie)
- need codecs
- BSPlayer 2.41 - audio device setting issue
- Playlist Won't Load Properly
- Cannot uninstall BS player 2.41 free
- [Youtube] on bsplayer free ?
- [CONFIRMED] [Online Subtitles Window] Mouse disappearing
- [Menu position] secondary VS primary display
- All Skins In List Shown Twice
- [SOLVED] Trackbar: Bug or Design?
- Error while opening avi files
- video plays just 1 sec
- Movies with AC3 codec just working on 2 Speakers
- problem definig key definition when using Gyration keyboard
- [FIXED] Bug conc. subtitle pop-up window
- play same movie
- install problem
- bug in new version 2.41 b
- MKV files & subtitles (Bug maybe)
- youtube
- m2ts / Runtime Error
- Audio but not video
- Spdif is not working
- Error occures once i start Bs Player PRO
- Slow playback on fullscreen (not resolved yet)
- subtitle load problem
- winlirc + bsplayer = not works sometimes
- For some reason i get "NO SUBTITLES FOUND"
- Many Problems!!!
- windows 7 RC and missing codec message
- Sharing files
- BSplayer freezes when I close it
- "Gannet" BSPlayer
- 5.1 system sound not working?
- help please! :-(
- Unexpect behavior of frame by frame playing
- Problem with mp4
- version 2.40: problem with mp4
- Video freezes
- Capture picture with subtitle
- BSplayer error problem with games
- Playback Rate not working for 3gp
- Major Annoyance with default install of BSplayer!
- [CONFIRMED] Wrong Decimal Separator in Subtitle Editor
- The film is not starting
- Bugs/cosmetical issues re GUI/translation of BS.Player (still valid for 2.52.1031)
- odd problems
- BSplayer freezes on close
- BUG when using "LoudMax" [SOLVED?]
- Hello developers The subtitles do not stay in sync when manually adjusted
- BSPlayer 2.35/2.36 bug on taking snapshots
- Subtitles problem
- "Cycle audio streams" not working
- Bug in the display
- [SOLVED] I can't reopen the same film BS 2.36 is playing!!! ( Now 2.41 )
- Cannot play .MOV files (?)
- BSPlayer CPU usage drops down to 2%...
- some problems
- Playlist bug?
- 2.36.990 Pro options design view issue
- Real Bug for dx50 files
- Subtitle download manager
- [SOLVED] Bsplayer 2.35. hangs in full screen mode
- bs 2.35 crashes
- Full screen issue in Vista
- Bug: run.Execute with BSplayer > 2.34
- Cannot open "cd2" if "cd1" is playing
- Full screen problems
- BSplayer pro v2.35.985 vista x64sp1
- Advanced filter configuration crash BSPlayer
- Doesn't remember pan-scan in secondary display vista
- No Audio
- Video playback freezes when window is resized
- [CONFIRMED] Problematic Screen Captured File Names
- [CONFIRMED] Problem with switching audiostreams in MKV+Haali
- ML and Radio don't work for non Administrator/installer user
- Windows 7
- File associations behaving strangely
- Key allocations not always working
- Sh F6 (Decraase speed) really speeds up play
- I'm facing problems with none english video files
- Internal renderer doesn't work under Windows 7
- Color Controls Error
- menu Position on 2th monitor configuration
- Problem with seting
- Video opens with fake zoom Level (Aspect Ratio?)
- interrupting line in the middle of the screen
- screen doesn't turning off after using bsplayer
- New Monitor, BSplayer sound but no video.
- bsplayer 2.34 doesn't work on Vista SP1
- BS.Player Pro glitches - DVD and EVR
- Main window position
- Uninstall ?
- BSP crashes when i press the Subs button without subs.
- Problem with volume
- 16:9 aspect ratio
- 4-line subtitles
- The dvd show freezes over and over again
- Freezing
- bsplayer color controls/nvidia forceware
- Problem with play list
- Unable to load Playlist and or MediaLibrary.
- BSplayer no sound playing vob files
- BsPlayer 2.32 Build 975 craches while opening files
- aspect ratio bug in 2.33.976
- [FIXED] Remember last movie position for ALL movies
- [FIXED] Site bug
- Problem with BSPlayer about brightness
- BSPlayer gives error when opening AVI files..
- Aero switching off bug will be fixed in Windows 7!
- full screen not responding on secondary monitor
- playlist consisting of urls (e.g. wmv movies) doesn't work
- DTS audio doesnt play
- Crash at the end of the video under Vista
- Bugs/Issues re GUI/translation of v. 2.33.977 / v. 2.34.980
- problem is very worrying -windows vista VS subtitles
- [FIXED] Full screen exit (2.32.975)
- [CONFIRMED] Unicode charset not fully supported
- BS.Player keeps freezing on Vista (30 Oct 2008)
- [CONFIRMED] "extend picture"-feature (vobsubs to b
- [CONFIRMED] Global keys bug
- error in bs
- BS.Player breaks file associations!
- [SOLVED] "file name" drop-down list in the "o
- [SOLVED] problems in other software after installing 2.32
- External subtitle doesn't get displayed
- CRC Error
- Playlist Problem!
- Video stops after 10-15 min
- Codec management
- [SOLVED] AAC error
- You cannot make another search so soon after your last
- Certain extensions
- v2.31. Settings always at default. Help.
- help
- when forwarding the movie, the sound gets louder
- [SOLVED] BS Plyer unable to play its own CHF file
- [SOLVED] Problems with full-screen on LCD TV
- [CONFIRMED] 1st and 2nd subtitles won't display together
- [SOLVED] Volume boost (Gretech Audio Decoder)
- Subtitle resizing & screen resolution
- [SOLVED] Problems with installation
- BsText on captures
- [SOLVED] MKV Playback Problems
- BS.Player 2.31.974 frozen when tried to close
- BSplayer dual screen problem