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  1. Problem with bs and new Ati graphic card
  2. subtitles problem
  3. Subs&Avi problems in Win 7
  4. problems with filenames containing special characters
  5. Not sure if this is bug...
  6. Having problem getting sound on 720/1080p series/movies
  7. [FIXED] Codec manager vs Proxy
  8. "DirectShow not installed" error on Win7
  9. How to crash latest BSplayer easily.
  10. BS.Player administrator tool
  11. Win7: BSplayer + ffdshow 'resize & aspect ratio' = crash.
  12. Crash when opening Preferences
  13. alt+enter bug?
  14. BS.Player doesn't remember changes to preferences
  15. Improper display of text in the menu / subtitles. Errors switching subtitles. Etc...
  16. AC3 filter
  17. Codec wars
  18. BS.Player freezes when i load subtitles
  19. subtitle editor
  20. [FIXED] bug in 2.51.1018B (codecmanager.exe)
  21. BS Player 2.50 1017 takes long time to load and open movie files
  22. Bugs with v2.51, and some suggestions
  23. No Audio with MP4 Movies
  24. Playback Speed Problem
  25. Use Windows Media Player
  26. [FIXED] Grayish black bars
  27. Aspect ratio not right.
  28. BSPlayer PRO serious BUG! Please fix it, NEED Bsplayer Webteh OFFICIAL TEAM.
  29. Codec finding Error
  30. skip forward in unfinished WMVs doesn't work
  31. 2.50 new subtitle render doesn't work
  32. Bsplayer PRO, NSIS error, license. NEED Bsplayer Webteh OFFICIAL TEAM.
  33. BS Player using too much CPU
  34. Picture is not steady - pro 2.50.1017
  35. Subtitles problem
  36. Windows 7 features
  37. Problems with all versions after 2.41.1003
  38. Problem with the new version
  39. Problems with SoftSub by using DirectVob
  40. Can't download BSPlayer PRO
  41. remeber last movie position problem
  42. [SOLVED] BS Player has stopped working Vista Error msg
  43. Problem: FPS subtitle
  44. Playlist with Random or Shuffle enabled
  45. I cannot play FLAC files
  46. Bug in BSPlayer ver 2.5 regarding MP3
  47. Display problem
  48. BSPlayer doesn't obey MKV track flags
  49. Want to add a filter,bsplayer crash.
  50. Some Options are not saved on file
  51. screen dont turn off after using b.s
  52. My time @ Movie don't work...
  53. FLV Videos not works
  54. Problems...or bugs?
  55. Quality on wide screen 16:9
  56. remeber settings problem
  57. BSPlayer problem with windows 7
  58. New Subtitle Parser/Renderer Issue
  59. Please help, I have 2 problems...
  60. Computer restarts on opening certain files
  61. BSplayer is not able to read diacritic
  62. flickering with subtitles on...
  63. Bs player 2.43 issues
  64. Color Controls - Remember settings issue
  65. Local Subtitles message
  66. command line parameters
  67. Player closes when subtitle search is complete.
  68. Background audio loud, voices soft
  69. [CONFIRMED] Cursor not dissapearing
  70. Movie scrolling by slidebar no longer possible
  71. Subtitles won't work properly
  72. missing checkbox in Slovak language (v2.43 build1008)
  73. codec problem - annoying presume
  74. Jumps/freezes
  75. m2ts
  76. Crash after searching online for subtitles
  77. windows 7 problem
  78. Slowly drawing subtitles
  79. Codec manager: Can't update Codec
  80. passthrough doesn't work
  81. ControlBar doesn't control BS.Player
  82. Problems with OGG and Haali
  83. Screen Captures now look like photo negatives
  84. BSPLayer PRO omits tracks/subtitles from M2TS
  85. cannt install bsplayer
  86. Bsplayer _ sub&idx subtitles
  87. Capturing frame with original size
  88. Bsplayer don't display some subtitles
  89. Bs Player 2.42 in Windows 7
  90. [SOLVED] Stripes in movies!
  91. Video overlay fails on security popup
  92. 2.41 freezes on close
  93. 2.42 does not like MKV files
  94. Ratio screen problem
  95. [SOLVED] 2.42 missing codecs ??? (What??!!)
  96. 2 Problems about BSplayer settings - Help
  97. [SOLVED] flv problem with bs player 2.42
  98. .RM file
  99. Problem: Load File WMV
  100. Play same movie
  101. [SOLVED] movie on full screen
  102. [SOLVED] Player Looses Focus And Keyboard Shortcuts
  103. Movie is shaking on full screen
  104. Error - i can hear sound but there is no picture (movie)
  105. need codecs
  106. BSPlayer 2.41 - audio device setting issue
  107. Playlist Won't Load Properly
  108. Cannot uninstall BS player 2.41 free
  109. [Youtube] on bsplayer free ?
  110. [CONFIRMED] [Online Subtitles Window] Mouse disappearing
  111. [Menu position] secondary VS primary display
  112. All Skins In List Shown Twice
  113. [SOLVED] Trackbar: Bug or Design?
  114. Error while opening avi files
  115. video plays just 1 sec
  116. Movies with AC3 codec just working on 2 Speakers
  117. problem definig key definition when using Gyration keyboard
  118. [FIXED] Bug conc. subtitle pop-up window
  119. play same movie
  120. install problem
  121. bug in new version 2.41 b
  122. MKV files & subtitles (Bug maybe)
  123. youtube
  124. m2ts / Runtime Error
  125. Audio but not video
  126. Spdif is not working
  127. Error occures once i start Bs Player PRO
  128. Slow playback on fullscreen (not resolved yet)
  129. subtitle load problem
  130. winlirc + bsplayer = not works sometimes
  131. For some reason i get "NO SUBTITLES FOUND"
  132. Many Problems!!!
  133. windows 7 RC and missing codec message
  134. Sharing files
  135. BSplayer freezes when I close it
  136. "Gannet" BSPlayer
  137. 5.1 system sound not working?
  138. help please! :-(
  139. Unexpect behavior of frame by frame playing
  140. Problem with mp4
  141. version 2.40: problem with mp4
  142. Video freezes
  143. Capture picture with subtitle
  144. BSplayer error problem with games
  145. Playback Rate not working for 3gp
  146. Major Annoyance with default install of BSplayer!
  147. [CONFIRMED] Wrong Decimal Separator in Subtitle Editor
  148. The film is not starting
  149. Bugs/cosmetical issues re GUI/translation of BS.Player (still valid for 2.52.1031)
  150. odd problems
  151. BSplayer freezes on close
  152. BUG when using "LoudMax" [SOLVED?]
  153. Hello developers The subtitles do not stay in sync when manually adjusted
  154. BSPlayer 2.35/2.36 bug on taking snapshots
  155. Subtitles problem
  156. "Cycle audio streams" not working
  157. Bug in the display
  158. [SOLVED] I can't reopen the same film BS 2.36 is playing!!! ( Now 2.41 )
  159. Cannot play .MOV files (?)
  160. BSPlayer CPU usage drops down to 2%...
  161. some problems
  162. Playlist bug?
  163. 2.36.990 Pro options design view issue
  164. Real Bug for dx50 files
  165. Subtitle download manager
  166. [SOLVED] Bsplayer 2.35. hangs in full screen mode
  167. bs 2.35 crashes
  168. Full screen issue in Vista
  169. Bug: run.Execute with BSplayer > 2.34
  170. Cannot open "cd2" if "cd1" is playing
  171. Full screen problems
  172. BSplayer pro v2.35.985 vista x64sp1
  173. Advanced filter configuration crash BSPlayer
  174. Doesn't remember pan-scan in secondary display vista
  175. No Audio
  176. Video playback freezes when window is resized
  178. [CONFIRMED] Problematic Screen Captured File Names
  179. [CONFIRMED] Problem with switching audiostreams in MKV+Haali
  180. ML and Radio don't work for non Administrator/installer user
  181. Windows 7
  182. File associations behaving strangely
  183. Key allocations not always working
  184. Sh F6 (Decraase speed) really speeds up play
  185. I'm facing problems with none english video files
  186. Internal renderer doesn't work under Windows 7
  187. Color Controls Error
  188. menu Position on 2th monitor configuration
  189. Problem with seting
  190. Video opens with fake zoom Level (Aspect Ratio?)
  191. interrupting line in the middle of the screen
  192. screen doesn't turning off after using bsplayer
  193. New Monitor, BSplayer sound but no video.
  194. bsplayer 2.34 doesn't work on Vista SP1
  195. BS.Player Pro glitches - DVD and EVR
  196. Main window position
  197. Uninstall ?
  198. BSP crashes when i press the Subs button without subs.
  199. Problem with volume
  200. 16:9 aspect ratio
  201. 4-line subtitles
  202. The dvd show freezes over and over again
  203. Freezing
  204. bsplayer color controls/nvidia forceware
  205. Problem with play list
  206. Unable to load Playlist and or MediaLibrary.
  207. BSplayer no sound playing vob files
  208. BsPlayer 2.32 Build 975 craches while opening files
  209. aspect ratio bug in 2.33.976
  210. [FIXED] Remember last movie position for ALL movies
  211. [FIXED] Site bug
  212. Problem with BSPlayer about brightness
  213. BSPlayer gives error when opening AVI files..
  214. Aero switching off bug will be fixed in Windows 7!
  215. full screen not responding on secondary monitor
  216. playlist consisting of urls (e.g. wmv movies) doesn't work
  217. DTS audio doesnt play
  218. Crash at the end of the video under Vista
  219. Bugs/Issues re GUI/translation of v. 2.33.977 / v. 2.34.980
  220. problem is very worrying -windows vista VS subtitles
  221. [FIXED] Full screen exit (2.32.975)
  222. [CONFIRMED] Unicode charset not fully supported
  223. BS.Player keeps freezing on Vista (30 Oct 2008)
  224. [CONFIRMED] "extend picture"-feature (vobsubs to b
  225. [CONFIRMED] Global keys bug
  226. error in bs
  227. BS.Player breaks file associations!
  228. [SOLVED] "file name" drop-down list in the "o
  229. [SOLVED] problems in other software after installing 2.32
  230. External subtitle doesn't get displayed
  231. CRC Error
  232. Playlist Problem!
  233. Video stops after 10-15 min
  234. Codec management
  235. [SOLVED] AAC error
  236. You cannot make another search so soon after your last
  237. Certain extensions
  238. v2.31. Settings always at default. Help.
  239. help
  240. when forwarding the movie, the sound gets louder
  241. [SOLVED] BS Plyer unable to play its own CHF file
  242. [SOLVED] Problems with full-screen on LCD TV
  243. [CONFIRMED] 1st and 2nd subtitles won't display together
  244. [SOLVED] Volume boost (Gretech Audio Decoder)
  245. Subtitle resizing & screen resolution
  246. [SOLVED] Problems with installation
  247. BsText on captures
  248. [SOLVED] MKV Playback Problems
  249. BS.Player 2.31.974 frozen when tried to close
  250. BSplayer dual screen problem