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  1. Bug playing ogg files with multiple audio streams (1.0 803)
  2. Still having a problem
  3. 1.00 b803: MicroDVD subtitle file format problem
  4. .BSI file error crashes BSPlayer
  5. Sound device problem
  6. ogm/ogg subtitles
  7. Video playing is laggy...
  8. Bug loading external audio string (in BSPlayer 1.00 RC1)
  9. [BUG?] PAN-SCAN doesn't work on TV-OUT!
  10. black captured image b800 v1.00 RC1
  11. bsplayer v1.00.800 crashing "Canvas does not allow draw
  12. subtitles, overlay etc on bsplayer v1
  13. Clear history isn't working well
  14. The new version STEALS FILE ASSOCIATIONS without asking!
  15. Fullscreen Resolution Switch Mode
  16. can't open some RMVBs
  17. serious decrease in performance of bsplayer1.0rc1
  18. BSPlayer crashes, "cannot create canvas"
  19. Playlist bug - Next key goes to random file
  20. Can't open file from VCD (.dat)
  21. RC 1 crashes on Dedynamic 0.2
  22. v1.00 RC 1 Crash Report
  23. Visual Info
  24. Video quality
  25. can´t play *.mkv files with >2GB filesize?!
  26. Bug exiting fullscreen mode
  27. Another lost audio post
  28. playing video but no audio
  29. Subtitles in ogm files
  30. BSPlayer v1.00.800 + DivX 5.1.1 does'nt play AC3 audio
  31. Video is inverted and upside down when playing?
  32. subtitle & file bsi problem
  33. no sound playback in MPEG 4 file
  34. Loss of all Sound
  35. Vid Capture Frame-What You See?
  36. some problems with decoding file and audio....
  37. Overlay with Start Menu on left side
  38. BSPlayer v1.00.800, Unhandled exception
  39. Green screen
  40. A/V Stops when I try to FF of Rewind from the progress bar
  41. Where's equalizer?
  42. subtitles don't remember settings
  43. AC3 crashesh bsplayer
  44. voice-noise when subtitle appears
  45. Help w/ Upside Down (I HAVE read all previous posts)
  46. subtitle appear on pause
  47. Edit Bookmark->Exports have Chapters
  48. bsplayer won't load ANYTHING
  49. Subtitles in fullscreen/window mode
  50. Zoom Player & BS Player Conflict
  51. No subtitles on VMR-9
  52. SEEKING VERY SLOW with BSPlayer 1.0 RC800
  53. crash on ctrl-f4
  54. Changing output device doesnt work.
  55. Show main window on mouse move.
  56. Always on top error mesasge.
  57. How can I install a skin?
  58. Bsplayer v1.00 Disappears Totally!!!
  59. optimizing quality - crystal clear!
  60. Subtitle Position
  61. I don't have the video for some films
  62. 1.00.800: Cannot adjust settings for (audio/video)decoders
  63. "What You See" Captures on v1.0
  64. Player hang when I try to open folder
  65. BS Player will not do anything!
  66. Audio Preferences menu "Unhandled exception"
  67. BSPlayer 1.00RC1-800 associate but doesn't play .ASX files
  68. BSPlayer 1.00 RC1 Build800 visible borders in fullscreen mod
  69. Grab Bug, version 1.00.800,plz help!
  70. 1.00 RC1 Problems with playlist.txt
  71. mouse does not disappear (please, reply)
  72. v1.00 RC1: space key as pause
  73. v1.00 RC1: "default" name of subtitles file
  74. Strange message from Bsplayer
  75. Skin change bug
  76. Subtitles antialising dont work
  77. BSPlayer won"t work....HELP...
  78. I can't play any AVI film on BSPLayer 1.0
  79. Some Bugs
  80. mouse in full mode????
  81. full screen mode on double click" function doesn´t wor
  82. Fileicons not set correctly & 0.86 base skin
  83. Can't change Skin while playing some videos
  84. negative pan problem
  85. Subtitle bug
  86. subtitle solution?
  87. BSPlayer v1.0 RC1 Bug Thread
  88. the new bsplayer crash when i click on audio in menu
  89. [BUG 1.0 RC1] 2 VGA / 2 CRT: Remember Positions
  90. BSplayer crash with Xvid files
  91. Italic in Micro DVD subtitles don't display correctly
  92. Bsplayer 1.0 RC1: Selecting different sound output bug!
  93. BSP 1.00 B800 Subtitle font bug
  94. skins...
  95. BsPlayer 1 RC1 error when trying to see audio options
  96. Black Video
  97. overlay mode2/overlay mixer problems
  98. Version 1.00 RC1 Build 800 freeze explorer win2k
  99. a bug in movie playlist
  100. ogg file can't play fullscreen in bsplayer 1.0
  101. Argh! Subtitles won't show
  102. Spelling Error
  103. strange video problem
  104. Can't play avi files in BSplayer
  105. far taller screen than my monitor.
  106. Parts of lang files that BSPlayer ignores
  107. problem with subtitules in OGM with bsplayer 1
  108. Subtitles
  109. Version 1, autorun cds and *.bsi (again)
  110. V.1: access to DivX decoder otions ...
  111. Problem with Windows 2000 and BSplayer (some Versions)
  112. BSPlayer 1.0 RC1 Pan&Scan bug
  113. SDK 1.1 (1.0.800) Bugs
  114. Keys in 1.0 RC1 build 800
  115. [FIXED] mouse middle button and mouse wheel?
  116. [BSPlayer 1.00RC1 build 800] Panning/zooming inconsistent
  117. version 1.00 RC1
  118. Show me ERRORS everitime between 2min 20sec and 2min 55sec
  119. 2 other bugs in 1.00
  120. Black border on the right in desktop mode
  121. Version 1 and "bsplayer.bsi" files made for versio
  122. 2 bugs in full screen
  123. New version won't play wmv files
  124. Problem with Overnet and maybe other soft
  125. A Small Aspect Ratio and Zoom Bug
  126. [BSPlayer RC1]: Bug mainwindow doesn't appear in fullscreen
  127. 1.0R1 Bugs
  128. [1.0RC1] Overlay windows "lags"
  129. multiple languages in subs?
  130. How to load .mjpg movies !!!!!!!????????
  131. sound problem in .bsi files
  132. not the *best* quality?
  133. Problem with caps/green text.
  134. ffdshow multiple formats in 0.86
  135. Lose audio when Matroska is installed
  136. Problems with SVCD MPEG2 and BSPlayer
  137. LIST OF CODECS (optional if BS.Player Codec Manager is used)
  138. Serious MultiMonitor bug (window vanishes)
  139. Weird!!
  140. CRC Error
  141. When 'Play' a movie, my whole PC is FREEEZING. Have 2 Reboot
  142. BSplayer refuse to open .ogm files
  143. Sound and Video plugins
  144. Bug post
  145. Computer hang on ASF/WDM file play
  146. Ä? shown as Äš
  147. Subtitle Position on "Select" but it doesn't work
  148. Sound vs. Picture
  149. srt subtitles
  150. Unknown file format (RV40)
  151. screencaps green!
  152. avisynth files and DivX
  153. black screen on notebook after standbymodus
  154. WXP CRASHES sometime memory out ?
  155. XVID
  156. Crashes my PC!!!
  157. black screen??
  158. Problem with autorun....
  159. Unknown file format (SAN3)
  160. Stating a movie when network connection is off
  161. Equalizer not working and also subtitle proposition
  162. BSplayer..sound keeps on going but the screen freezes
  163. Sound goes faster than picture, and Complete System Shutdown
  164. Full screen on TV problems
  165. Cannot start BS player
  166. BSplayer crashes
  167. Problems with "Wonderful Days" using XviD
  168. Problem Playing The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen.avi
  169. Resize Bug with 4:3 Movie on 1600x1024 Resolution
  170. bug
  171. Error "can't create directDraw surface" ??
  172. Overlay: mode2: subtitles aren't show on tv
  173. where is codec properties ? ? ?
  174. VIDEO SETTINGS in BSplayer 0.86
  175. edonkey
  176. bug in bsplayer 086 501
  177. unknown file format (TSCC)
  178. asx & relative paths
  179. This error ocurred after I made a copy in a cd and tried to
  180. Increase / Decrease Brightness instead shuffles movie
  181. can't play multiple languages in subtitle files
  182. bsrendv.dll what gives?
  183. reset BSplayer
  184. help help help!
  185. SSA subtitle in BSPLAYER
  186. SVCD Video and SOUnd is screwed up
  187. Window switches to Always on top when repeating...
  188. RealMedia Splitter HOW?
  189. Unhandled exception at EIP: 027B4E86 - Access violation at a
  190. problems playing some avi-files - player shuts down
  191. sometimes its working sometimes not
  192. OGM + OGG codec error
  193. No sound
  194. Problem with movie display on a clone (TV PAL)
  195. Translation problem
  196. Problem With Italic Font
  197. Overlay Tv-Out
  198. Unknown file format (DIVX)
  199. Problem with taking screenshots =(
  201. tv out
  202. Can't play movies anymore
  203. playlist problem
  204. ogm movies bug
  205. problem playing movies
  206. A few minor problems
  207. OSD and mouse bug in 501
  208. Help - Error after installing K-Lite Codec Pack
  209. Sound is ok but i get no picture
  210. NT Error
  211. UPSIDE DOWN!!
  212. How do I know if DSP Plugins are loading?
  213. Overlay turns black when ATI primary display is changed
  214. brightness not working
  215. Can't download bsplayer
  216. Finding Nemo only sound!
  217. ogg audio messed up in bsplayer
  218. Progress bar incorrect while playin m2v files
  219. Unknown filformat (XVID)
  220. "unknown file format" with XCD
  221. -=- Some *USUAL* video formats can't be show on BSPLAYER -=-
  222. mouth down
  223. No Overlay possible while
  224. cant load subtitles
  225. no reaction
  226. The application or DLL C:\WINDOWS...
  227. Bugeye Vision
  228. GRRRRRgreen lines!"??*&^%?@:¬!
  229. bsplayer shows me unknown ... help me please!!
  230. Unknown File Format () with uncompressed AVI
  231. Problem Cant create DirectDraw surfase
  232. Error while I was watching 2 different movies
  233. Video brightness settings not remembered?
  234. xvid and avisynth
  235. Does not Start
  236. window resizing BUG
  237. help
  238. "" DirectShow Not installed! " ???????
  239. Not jumping to chapter
  240. Font for subtitles and OSD message
  241. --- NO SOUNDS --- ???
  242. movie to VHS Tape
  243. Is it just me or can some1 rewind a .ogm movie using left ..
  244. TV-OUT and subtitles
  245. Overlay failed resolved
  246. PVA
  247. somebody hel me please!! i cant see my movies!! =0(
  248. Capture:Overlay Problem
  249. SDK : Exit code not correct in bsp.h
  250. mpeg-1 layer 2 problem