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  1. Still fullscreen/windowed mode switch <-> dsp plugin b
  2. Can't get bsplayer to use cyberlink codec
  3. Bug in the newest version (0.86 b493)
  4. netwerk crash
  5. Bug with BSPlayer v0.86.493
  6. NVidia & BSplayer = no subtitles on TV. Why?
  7. Bsplayer 493 + Vobsub ?????
  8. Using directx 9
  9. bsplayer with windows nt
  10. Crashes in XVID
  11. Fullscreen mode switch bug
  12. OSD setting
  13. message box "can't access temporary directory"
  14. 0.86 causes choppy video
  15. Unknown file format
  16. HELP!!! DIV3????
  17. .srt subtitle format no longer suported???
  18. Subtitle and WIn XP crash on 0.86.493
  19. Bug In Options / Prefs / Key Definitions & WinLIRC
  20. Studdering
  21. proper screen setup restoring
  22. doubleclicking file will NOT result in play
  23. MPEG-4 compatible?
  24. Semi's directsound3d don't work
  25. v0.86: Some translations support oversights
  26. bspfilters.dat ??
  27. Upside down video
  28. associated bsplayer files bug..
  29. ogm + subtitles
  30. Problems in Install pack
  31. Frame captures are all black
  32. minor bug
  33. Please help! Can't open anything!
  34. Brightness control doesn't work, v 0.86
  35. I cannot run Bsplayer
  36. Weird Problem, Please Help.
  37. Matrox G550 + subtitles on overlay PROBLEM
  38. Problem with cyrillic "small Yu" (&#1102;, U+0
  39. big big problem
  40. can't uninstall!!
  41. Can't share BSI file on LAN if it contains the DefaultSub.
  42. Playlist screwes up on Fullscreen (Last 3 Builts)
  43. Bottom line of subtitles text is cut
  44. Refuses playing a divx
  45. 100% crash results with .ogm files.
  46. specific character in subtitles with a new version
  47. XviD problem with player 0.86.493
  48. strange problem with XviD B-Frames
  49. 493 crashes with ace mega codecs packs
  50. 493 crashes with ace mega codecs packs
  51. 493 crashes on second OGM, but 492 plays fine
  52. Problem with german special characters in filenames
  53. 493: AC3 through S/PDIF fails when looping
  54. Subtitles search even when supplied in command line
  55. DIV4?
  56. BSPlayer 0.86.493 won't start under Windows ME
  57. Subtitles in .srt format
  58. svcd resolutions 480x480 ?
  59. directx 7 or later
  60. problem with 493
  61. No sound with new BSplayer
  62. BSplayer crashes at loading of most XViD's
  63. Version 0.86 Little date mistake
  64. 3ivx
  65. OGM and BSI files don't register correctly (with new icon)
  66. tray icon, build 493
  67. cant seek back using the arrow keys in ogg files :(
  68. bug with some winamp plugins
  69. Problem with TV,pleease help!
  70. Version 493, Bug in chapter
  71. .asx prob with new build .493
  72. error on eject cdrom
  73. I Need You HELP!!!
  74. Big Bug with the new build
  75. build 493 close file bug - having it to?
  76. sync problems
  77. bsplayer won't start
  78. Bug in style format using SRT subtitles at build 493
  79. scrolling problems when viewing mpg2
  80. Subtitle formatting bug
  81. Overlay Error with Geforce 4 Mx 420 TV-OUT MSI
  82. impossibility to view some movies
  83. Strange Error
  84. Not playing
  85. 5.1-BUG with multiple audiostream
  86. Overlay and YUV -> RGB conversions problems
  87. problems with desktop mode
  88. Weird Probem
  89. someone could help me for chapters on 2cds° please?
  90. green plain on the right of the screen on tv-out
  91. Hey! I can't download the program!
  92. Subtitles and Ä?
  93. unhandeled execption
  94. Overlay mode 2 + subs problem
  95. How do I get BSPlayer to default to WinDVD codecs for MPEG-2
  96. Refresh rate problem
  97. Grey screen when i play divx
  98. nVIDIA Detonator 42.01 fixes the overlay bug!
  99. Capture Frame doesn't work on SIS video cards
  100. 1600x1200 full screen compatibility
  101. No sound at all
  102. Have someone tryed Chapter View with bplay.bsi?
  103. Poor performance with bsplayer?
  104. Overlay bug: XviD and jumping dots
  105. A Question...
  106. Plz help! can't play some movies
  107. no subtitles with XVID and Matrox G400
  108. Picture of divx movie is in negative
  109. Something wrong in Chapter and Skin
  110. [url]www.aldos.si:[/url] Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
  111. Problem on playing xvid files
  112. Green flashes while playing Xvid movies
  113. BS player closes! subtitle bug!
  114. Overlay Failed + Direct Draw Surface / I got the Solution
  115. Green line on the screen
  116. Whats wrong?
  117. downloading the new version
  118. "Can't create DirectDraw surface!" what does it me
  119. Player closes automatically at diff. positions of the film
  120. Cannot play MP3 or most AVI
  121. bs player won't work?
  122. Cannot listen to "radio" music
  123. Unknown file format (DNAF)
  124. Hello : ) Please, help! How to uninstall bsplayer 0.84 ?
  125. BSPlayer Doed Not Player
  126. bsplay and winesd ?
  127. error window when starting a movie with double-click
  128. have reinstalled BSPlayer but sound control is missing ????
  129. Just Downloaded BSPlayer, can't get it to play...
  130. PLEASE help!
  131. bs works on one computer but not the other
  132. Distorded sub titles
  133. Audio crashes with mp3 VBR Sound in Win2000 SP3
  134. Ogm support: rewinding movie....
  135. viewing image inversed
  136. viewing image inversed
  137. movie is tearing apart
  138. Problem with TV-Out
  139. black screen on the Tv (while using the Tv Out) any one?plz?
  140. BSPlayer not run -- Error "Can´t access temporary dire
  141. Xvid codec, solution
  142. crash with play list
  143. Detonator-overlay bug??
  144. Subtitles embedded in OGM files
  145. textstreams with vobsub's submux + overlay mode 2 crashes
  146. Overlay mode 2 crash - with FFD show firlsters, Win2k SP3
  147. Subtitle character errors
  148. custom aspect ratio adjustment is very limited
  149. AC3 (stottering, no AC3 (sometimes))
  150. .ini and skins on cdr
  151. .ini and skins on cdr
  152. Problems with opendivx-Codec - bsplayer plays nothing
  153. Fullscreen resolution switching
  154. MultiMonitor
  155. Problem with WinLirc
  156. Problem with playing MPEG (MS MPEG 1) video
  157. Greyscale movie with green artefact only with bsplayer
  158. Fullscreen problem..
  159. draw subtitles to overlay surface broken in build 492
  160. Bug while switching external OGG file in bsplayer.ini mode
  161. Frame Capture problems
  162. Play in command line BSPlayer list (.bsl) with options
  163. problems to play divx movies
  164. New Chapter feature in 492
  165. Recent Files do not get cleared...
  166. Overlay Bug in BSPlayer 0.85.492
  167. Having a serious problem with b492
  168. .mpg unknown file format ()
  169. BSPlayer freezes when playing mpg movies (build 492)
  170. maybe a bugs with subtitles in build 492 and previous.
  171. Build 492 and SRT tags
  172. Build 492 translation
  173. error 492
  174. BSplayer freezes
  175. Overlay issues
  176. Problems With BSPlayer 0.85 (490) & ssa subtitles muxed.
  177. video tearing !!!
  178. Error msg.... help ..me... plzzzzz
  179. no picture
  180. only 2 speakers avaliable
  181. no subtitels
  182. Desktop mode disabled
  183. federiko_guzman
  184. Problems with Capture Frame -> "What you see"
  185. Subtitles wont work: XP and vobsub involved
  186. Very bad sound
  187. Fullscreen Problems
  188. Weird bug with 2 cds movies & vobsub subtitles
  189. BSplayer does not start
  190. Audio problems
  191. hi
  192. Grey Screen in playing ASF files But OK Sound
  193. Several problems
  194. Subtitles for a 2 cd movie
  195. Geforce 4 Ti 4200 probs
  196. No video after Win+L
  197. subtitles problem
  198. capture frame
  199. ogm crashing
  200. Open Avi
  201. fullscreen next/prev button, movie title
  202. video freeze after 5 mns with .vob files
  203. BSPlayer v0.85.490, Unhandled exception at EIP: 1C40B0E8
  204. I have no audio
  205. Problems with the logfile
  206. DSP Plugins not working on certain output device
  207. BSplayer error! cant see my subtitles! please help!
  208. The "Rewind" feature doesn't work with OGG/OGM fil
  209. Opening multiple movies at once
  210. crash when loading movie
  211. Files are played up side down (xvid)
  212. BSPlayer 0.85 b488 Spelling error on playlist mouse over
  215. Overlay problem
  216. VobSubs don't show in bsplayer.ini mode
  217. skin resets when trying to load file while playing?
  218. Subtitle problems
  219. ogg chapter support not working
  220. Inverted image
  221. Error when pausing mp3 files
  222. pc freezing upon watching divx from hard drive???
  223. Problem when switching to FULLSCREEN on TV
  224. Capture picture function disabled ??
  225. Vertical lines when playing MPEG-2 videos
  227. BSPlayer v0.85.488, Unhandled exception at EIP: 0049306E
  228. Weird crash 0.85.490
  229. Unknown file format ????
  230. Bsplayer crashes on starting Top Gun
  231. Sounds problems...
  232. minimized Icon doesn't disappear when app closes
  233. Bug with the always on top function in 0.85.488 bsplayer..
  234. Jerky playback off of CD
  235. Unknown file format (DIV4) or (DIV3)
  236. Can't play Bsplayer 0.85 (directX version only) in WinME
  237. Remember window position on multimonitor
  238. Warning "Unknown File Format ( MSVC)"
  239. New BSPlayer start too slow
  240. bug : french caracter translation subtitles
  241. Can't acces temporary directory
  242. BSPlayer v.0.85.488 Unhandled exception at EIP:1000F170...
  243. BSPlayer v.0.85.488 Unhandled exception at EIP:1000F170...
  244. CRASH: while seeking
  245. sdk: seek does't work (time>300 000msec)
  246. Some problems...
  247. swedish letter
  248. AC3 Sound Problem
  250. Unable to play more than 2 audio channels !