- Still fullscreen/windowed mode switch <-> dsp plugin b
- Can't get bsplayer to use cyberlink codec
- Bug in the newest version (0.86 b493)
- netwerk crash
- Bug with BSPlayer v0.86.493
- NVidia & BSplayer = no subtitles on TV. Why?
- Bsplayer 493 + Vobsub ?????
- Using directx 9
- bsplayer with windows nt
- Crashes in XVID
- Fullscreen mode switch bug
- OSD setting
- message box "can't access temporary directory"
- 0.86 causes choppy video
- Unknown file format
- HELP!!! DIV3????
- .srt subtitle format no longer suported???
- Subtitle and WIn XP crash on 0.86.493
- Bug In Options / Prefs / Key Definitions & WinLIRC
- Studdering
- proper screen setup restoring
- doubleclicking file will NOT result in play
- MPEG-4 compatible?
- Semi's directsound3d don't work
- v0.86: Some translations support oversights
- bspfilters.dat ??
- Upside down video
- associated bsplayer files bug..
- ogm + subtitles
- Problems in Install pack
- Frame captures are all black
- minor bug
- Please help! Can't open anything!
- Brightness control doesn't work, v 0.86
- I cannot run Bsplayer
- Weird Problem, Please Help.
- Matrox G550 + subtitles on overlay PROBLEM
- Problem with cyrillic "small Yu" (ю, U+0
- big big problem
- can't uninstall!!
- Can't share BSI file on LAN if it contains the DefaultSub.
- Playlist screwes up on Fullscreen (Last 3 Builts)
- Bottom line of subtitles text is cut
- Refuses playing a divx
- 100% crash results with .ogm files.
- specific character in subtitles with a new version
- XviD problem with player 0.86.493
- strange problem with XviD B-Frames
- 493 crashes with ace mega codecs packs
- 493 crashes with ace mega codecs packs
- 493 crashes on second OGM, but 492 plays fine
- Problem with german special characters in filenames
- 493: AC3 through S/PDIF fails when looping
- Subtitles search even when supplied in command line
- DIV4?
- BSPlayer 0.86.493 won't start under Windows ME
- Subtitles in .srt format
- svcd resolutions 480x480 ?
- directx 7 or later
- problem with 493
- No sound with new BSplayer
- BSplayer crashes at loading of most XViD's
- Version 0.86 Little date mistake
- 3ivx
- OGM and BSI files don't register correctly (with new icon)
- tray icon, build 493
- cant seek back using the arrow keys in ogg files :(
- bug with some winamp plugins
- Problem with TV,pleease help!
- Version 493, Bug in chapter
- .asx prob with new build .493
- error on eject cdrom
- I Need You HELP!!!
- Big Bug with the new build
- build 493 close file bug - having it to?
- sync problems
- bsplayer won't start
- Bug in style format using SRT subtitles at build 493
- scrolling problems when viewing mpg2
- Subtitle formatting bug
- Overlay Error with Geforce 4 Mx 420 TV-OUT MSI
- impossibility to view some movies
- Strange Error
- Not playing
- 5.1-BUG with multiple audiostream
- Overlay and YUV -> RGB conversions problems
- problems with desktop mode
- Weird Probem
- someone could help me for chapters on 2cds° please?
- green plain on the right of the screen on tv-out
- Hey! I can't download the program!
- Subtitles and Ä?
- unhandeled execption
- Overlay mode 2 + subs problem
- How do I get BSPlayer to default to WinDVD codecs for MPEG-2
- Refresh rate problem
- Grey screen when i play divx
- nVIDIA Detonator 42.01 fixes the overlay bug!
- Capture Frame doesn't work on SIS video cards
- 1600x1200 full screen compatibility
- No sound at all
- Have someone tryed Chapter View with bplay.bsi?
- Poor performance with bsplayer?
- Overlay bug: XviD and jumping dots
- A Question...
- Plz help! can't play some movies
- no subtitles with XVID and Matrox G400
- Picture of divx movie is in negative
- Something wrong in Chapter and Skin
- [url]www.aldos.si:[/url] Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
- Problem on playing xvid files
- Green flashes while playing Xvid movies
- BS player closes! subtitle bug!
- Overlay Failed + Direct Draw Surface / I got the Solution
- Green line on the screen
- Whats wrong?
- downloading the new version
- "Can't create DirectDraw surface!" what does it me
- Player closes automatically at diff. positions of the film
- Cannot play MP3 or most AVI
- bs player won't work?
- Cannot listen to "radio" music
- Unknown file format (DNAF)
- Hello : ) Please, help! How to uninstall bsplayer 0.84 ?
- BSPlayer Doed Not Player
- bsplay and winesd ?
- error window when starting a movie with double-click
- have reinstalled BSPlayer but sound control is missing ????
- Just Downloaded BSPlayer, can't get it to play...
- PLEASE help!
- bs works on one computer but not the other
- Distorded sub titles
- Audio crashes with mp3 VBR Sound in Win2000 SP3
- Ogm support: rewinding movie....
- viewing image inversed
- viewing image inversed
- movie is tearing apart
- Problem with TV-Out
- black screen on the Tv (while using the Tv Out) any one?plz?
- BSPlayer not run -- Error "Can´t access temporary dire
- Xvid codec, solution
- crash with play list
- Detonator-overlay bug??
- Subtitles embedded in OGM files
- textstreams with vobsub's submux + overlay mode 2 crashes
- Overlay mode 2 crash - with FFD show firlsters, Win2k SP3
- Subtitle character errors
- custom aspect ratio adjustment is very limited
- AC3 (stottering, no AC3 (sometimes))
- .ini and skins on cdr
- .ini and skins on cdr
- Problems with opendivx-Codec - bsplayer plays nothing
- Fullscreen resolution switching
- MultiMonitor
- Problem with WinLirc
- Problem with playing MPEG (MS MPEG 1) video
- Greyscale movie with green artefact only with bsplayer
- Fullscreen problem..
- draw subtitles to overlay surface broken in build 492
- Bug while switching external OGG file in bsplayer.ini mode
- Frame Capture problems
- Play in command line BSPlayer list (.bsl) with options
- problems to play divx movies
- New Chapter feature in 492
- Recent Files do not get cleared...
- Overlay Bug in BSPlayer 0.85.492
- Having a serious problem with b492
- .mpg unknown file format ()
- BSPlayer freezes when playing mpg movies (build 492)
- maybe a bugs with subtitles in build 492 and previous.
- Build 492 and SRT tags
- Build 492 translation
- error 492
- BSplayer freezes
- Overlay issues
- Problems With BSPlayer 0.85 (490) & ssa subtitles muxed.
- video tearing !!!
- Error msg.... help ..me... plzzzzz
- no picture
- only 2 speakers avaliable
- no subtitels
- Desktop mode disabled
- federiko_guzman
- Problems with Capture Frame -> "What you see"
- Subtitles wont work: XP and vobsub involved
- Very bad sound
- Fullscreen Problems
- Weird bug with 2 cds movies & vobsub subtitles
- BSplayer does not start
- Audio problems
- hi
- Grey Screen in playing ASF files But OK Sound
- Several problems
- Subtitles for a 2 cd movie
- Geforce 4 Ti 4200 probs
- No video after Win+L
- subtitles problem
- capture frame
- ogm crashing
- Open Avi
- fullscreen next/prev button, movie title
- video freeze after 5 mns with .vob files
- BSPlayer v0.85.490, Unhandled exception at EIP: 1C40B0E8
- I have no audio
- Problems with the logfile
- DSP Plugins not working on certain output device
- BSplayer error! cant see my subtitles! please help!
- The "Rewind" feature doesn't work with OGG/OGM fil
- Opening multiple movies at once
- crash when loading movie
- Files are played up side down (xvid)
- BSPlayer 0.85 b488 Spelling error on playlist mouse over
- Overlay problem
- VobSubs don't show in bsplayer.ini mode
- skin resets when trying to load file while playing?
- Subtitle problems
- ogg chapter support not working
- Inverted image
- Error when pausing mp3 files
- pc freezing upon watching divx from hard drive???
- Problem when switching to FULLSCREEN on TV
- Capture picture function disabled ??
- Vertical lines when playing MPEG-2 videos
- BSPlayer v0.85.488, Unhandled exception at EIP: 0049306E
- Weird crash 0.85.490
- Unknown file format ????
- Bsplayer crashes on starting Top Gun
- Sounds problems...
- minimized Icon doesn't disappear when app closes
- Bug with the always on top function in 0.85.488 bsplayer..
- Jerky playback off of CD
- Unknown file format (DIV4) or (DIV3)
- Can't play Bsplayer 0.85 (directX version only) in WinME
- Remember window position on multimonitor
- Warning "Unknown File Format ( MSVC)"
- New BSPlayer start too slow
- bug : french caracter translation subtitles
- Can't acces temporary directory
- BSPlayer v.0.85.488 Unhandled exception at EIP:1000F170...
- BSPlayer v.0.85.488 Unhandled exception at EIP:1000F170...
- CRASH: while seeking
- sdk: seek does't work (time>300 000msec)
- Some problems...
- swedish letter
- AC3 Sound Problem
- Unable to play more than 2 audio channels !