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  1. Worked until Widows Re-install
  2. problem in tv-out
  3. BSPlayer v0.86.493, Unhandled exception at EIP: 0044BD22
  4. BSPlayer v0.86.493, Unhandled exception at EIP: 01347201
  5. Can't access temporary directory?
  6. small break moves
  7. idea: when the subline is very long it looks so bad...
  8. bsplayer on my tv
  9. video playback annoyance
  10. error messages everytime!
  11. problem width capture frame
  12. Playback rate ASF trouble
  13. Changing options during playback
  14. Prev keyboard shortcut doesn't work
  15. Can't read a video after it is fixed with DivFix
  16. Problems With NView.......
  17. Can´t play SVCD´and m2v files!
  18. problem with DivX 5.04
  19. unknown file format(xvid)
  20. Bad picture
  21. flipped video when reduce video aceleration in windows98se
  22. FFDShow Problems:Fullscreen black and strange capture files
  23. More than one subtitle stream
  24. Tvout picture not centered :(
  25. cant enter preferences panel
  26. BSPlayer says error before running: Can not access temp dir
  27. Bug while opening the preferences box
  28. slow motion if movie is playing at full screen
  29. Application Error
  30. Access violation at address 065AD755 in module 'DVobSub.ax'
  31. AC3 problem: no frontchannel sound,only surround! no voice!
  33. SB PCI128 vs BSPlayer
  35. Overlay Failed.....??
  36. Video in fullscreen not centered!!! :(
  37. Why ??
  38. Script "Ocidental" not available :(((( ????
  39. File Format .asx
  40. pb overlay ?
  41. 007 Freezes my Bsplayer.
  42. Player uninstall/DirectX 7 prob
  43. Problem with subtitles on Overlay..
  44. str subtitles bug
  45. volume up and down adjustment/button
  47. the bsplayer don't response
  48. Unknown file format (DIVX)
  49. Subtitles screwed up when dispaying character ASCII 0xFE
  50. trouble with sound
  51. Direct VobSub: Part II
  52. Screen Capture?
  53. Unknown File Format
  54. One character in subtitles is not displayed anymore
  55. Grey screen AVI's SCREWED
  56. Weird block flying up and down the screen... :-(
  57. BS Player doesnt start => active system debugger
  58. Problem with multiple audio streams in BSplayer
  59. unusual occurrence of bsplayer starting
  60. Couldn't create primary surface.
  61. "Large fonts" problem
  62. Uknown File Format
  63. doubleclick problem!
  64. BSPLAYER v0.86 problems
  65. "Unknown File Format (DIV3)" Help!
  66. Why doesn't the command line -eend work?
  67. Crash when accessing preferences..
  68. Speciific high res video problem, details inside
  69. Open URL does not work.
  70. Full screen is zoomed in or something like that
  71. Fullscreen is BLACK.. Why?
  72. Swedish letterproblems in BS
  73. 2 Things ive noticed.
  74. Bsplayer doesn't start in windows 98
  75. OGG is not supported ?
  76. Problem with Winamp plug-ins
  77. Close file when finished
  78. Bug with idx/sub files
  79. Video Pauses but audio goes one HELP
  80. OGG audio
  82. Subtitles problem!
  83. Please help with BSPlayer
  84. Cannot open file avi for my camera
  85. [b]urgently please i need help please[/b]
  86. screenshot ?! :(
  87. can't open xvid files correctly
  88. HELP!
  89. cannot play 2 audio streams
  90. Picture plays upside down!!
  91. Problem with Intervideo AC3 decoder dynamic range
  92. OGM Support?
  93. Error at the end of song
  94. "At start switch to" doesn't work?
  95. Problems with Divx 5.0.3. and Bsplayers
  96. Movies on external monitor
  97. Glitch in overlay
  98. can't go back in ogm files...
  99. THE letter "Ä?" doesnt show up in BSPLAYER (I live
  100. If"Overlay failed!" error appear, INI file isn't w
  101. Bitrate
  102. Problem playing MPEG2 files using Elecard codec
  103. resolution switch preferences not saved
  104. Problem with mpeg / SVCD
  105. Windows 2000 bluescreen by bsplayer
  106. big problem, need help!!!
  107. no subtitles with Xvid
  108. Subtitles on overlay not centered!
  109. Audio - Video sync prob
  110. bsplayer does not read WMV, ASF and some AVI : is it a bug ?
  111. Problem when I try to open a movie
  112. help : can't load bsrendv.dll :-(
  113. Half the picture moves up out of view in full screen?
  114. i got trubles with the .avi extencion (all codecs installed)
  115. BSPlayer 0.86.493 crashes at the end of the film!
  116. Remembering movie and position doesn't work w/ exit
  117. I don't have sound
  118. Problems with .wmv files
  119. HELP! My BSplayer isn't working!
  120. Screen goes all black in desktop mode on 0.86b493
  121. How can I delete some MENU item, such as EQ-DSP plugs, etc.
  122. I have this Problem with Bsplayer on win98 SE
  123. problem with ffdshow mpeg-4 video decoder...
  124. BSPlayer 0.86xxxxx native (Russian) language problem (srt).
  125. problem playing ogm...
  126. can't create directdraw overlay
  127. windows 2000 i can c dvd files --very bad sound quality ...
  128. playlist all black
  129. Problems with DIvX 5.03
  130. Double Subtitels
  131. Plays a movie...
  132. Problem with AC3 audio streams
  133. help - bsplayer
  134. double click problems
  135. problem playing larger video files...
  136. Use of ratio (only user added ratio) not work with bsi file
  137. "file not found" error!
  138. Bsplayer V 0.86c build 493 and nimo codecs pack 5.0 build 8
  139. BSPlayer + WinLIRC
  140. Skip Ahead only works on some files?
  141. TFM audio filter doesn't start with Bsplayer
  142. Subtitles editing
  143. Can't start BSPlayer !!
  144. dVobSub properties bug ?
  145. Bsplayer doesn't work on my windows 98
  146. i can't play ogm files in my bsplayer!!!
  147. No Video...
  148. video slow with detanetor 42.90,42.86
  149. Speed on playback
  150. plugin window vs playing window
  151. Need help with Subtitles
  152. new-lines in unicode subtitles
  153. mode 2 cd maker and bsplayer
  154. 3rd audiostream on 2nd CD doesn´t play
  155. DIV3
  156. Crash reading from DVD
  157. bs v 0.86 b 493. Bug with some cirillic letters in .srt
  158. jumping in .OGM files
  159. SDK problem
  160. ATi+BS Player=Problem!!!
  161. Unknown File Format (DIV3)
  162. strange bug....can't play in fullscreen??
  163. Does the "shutdown when finished" really work in W
  164. where is the picture from my TV
  165. "Always on Top Ovr Mode" Inconsistent with Playlis
  166. Picture shift (vertical)
  167. Preferences opening crash
  168. Xvid movie upside down and errors messages
  169. No asian font in playlist under Win2k (fine in skin)
  170. Chapters problem with latest versions
  171. My PC is RESTARTED after 10-20 minutes playing a movie !!!
  172. 494 & OGM files bug report
  173. Black Screen
  174. Repeated crashes related to "bsrendv.dll"
  175. Error Can not access temporary directory
  176. no sound 2
  177. No surround-sound with AC3
  178. when files useing ac3 bs dont play
  179. Unknown File Format (MPEG 1)
  180. Plz, help: screen smaller than image in fullscreen
  181. cannot play movies
  182. they are already installed
  183. There is a sound, but there is no picture
  184. AC3Filter
  185. BS player doesn't recognize ogg file!
  186. no sound
  187. overlay failed all the time......
  188. Studdering
  189. Won't play while downloading!
  190. BSplayer and OGM files
  191. cant play in bs player
  192. Subtitles bugs
  193. Shortcut Z key doesn't work
  194. command line bug?
  195. Big error
  196. Problems with sound in Bsplayer
  197. Divx 5.03 problems
  198. registry error
  199. TiMiD
  200. bug latest version 086.493
  201. shutdown when finished problem
  202. Overlay Mode 2
  203. Subs in 0:00:00 format
  204. Problem when playing in full screen.
  205. HELP!! Need background color for my subtitles
  206. Launching bsplayer by double- clicking on file problem
  207. BSplayer has never worked for me
  208. BSPlayer crashes on XviD movies (coded is installed)
  209. mpeg goes out of sync all the time
  210. 86.494 and vobsub
  211. v0.86.494: stream selection in OGM broken
  212. Strange bug,goddamned
  213. cannot view a movie via my laptop on my TV with BS player
  214. Turkish subtitle problem with srt
  215. BSPlayer 0.8 MP42 format file not viewable...
  216. Make BSP play cd's?
  217. 2 Bug reports - Close on finish, close on cd open
  218. Still a litle bug when using SRT format tags (sorry BST)
  219. "outline font" makes BSplayer crash
  220. [SOLVED] ActiveMovie window? Pb with M2V and some MPEG files
  221. Build 484 skin bug
  223. v0.86.494, subs inside ogm bug
  224. cant choose bsplayer to play avi
  225. bs player stucks
  226. movies in all versions of bsplayers are shown in negative
  227. BSPlayer Crash with DivX 5.0.3 when tryping to view prefs.
  228. XVID files are GREEN!
  229. Unhandled exception at EIP with BSPlayer v0.86.493
  230. crash with 0.86 @ XP Pro
  231. Turkish SubTitle Dipsplay Version in Last Version
  232. no sound
  233. v0.86.494; .BSI files and subtitle section
  234. trouble with .asx fies
  235. How to FLIP SCREEN in BS Player, all movies are flipped vert
  236. overlay with subtiles problem
  237. xvid-ogg (ogm) bug
  238. unknown file format DIV3 again
  239. bsplayer just doesn`t work
  240. problems
  241. Video info (alt-3) doesn't work sometimes?
  242. A problem with FE symbol in SRT file
  243. I can't see DivX 3 Movies!!!
  244. Divx 503 bug with BSP
  245. can anybody help me with my playlist-problem
  246. how can i fix this "Unknown file format XDIV" HELP
  247. Mouse doesn't fade off when "auto hide" is enable
  248. Please Help ;( Error:Can't access temporary directory
  249. Video plays off-center when in full screen
  250. Still fullscreen/windowed mode switch <-> dsp plugin b