- divx
- overlay failed!-report
- shake that pic
- Shutdown problems...
- You are not authorized to view this page
- Can't run BSplayer with avi and sub with the same name
- A few bugs!
- captures have blue words on them...
- 499 doesn`t find next CD
- movies not opening
- fast forward bug
- DeDynamic filter doesn"t work in BSplayer
- Help -- Lot's of freezing going on
- Wrong timing!!!
- VMR-9 - dont display OSD Messages
- bug wih sbtitles in version .499 don't show first letter
- the sound comes before the image, because of frame freeze
- call me dumber than dumb but luv bs till i could not workit
- bplay not responding until I click many times...
- Player drops back to Desktop when opening files in explorer
- A problem with my player:
- please help
- BSplayer says not responding when attempting to open file
- No audio in BSplayer
- Volume 0% when opening Ogm via bsi file
- color controls (Build 499)
- $586$ string (bild #500)
- Full screen mode bug
- Problems during playlist playback
- Greatest BSPlayer bug - deletes dir content :)
- Sound but no Video after crash- SOLVED
- Problem with Bsplayer in Win98
- error!!! I can't communicate with developer
- frame freeze but audio keeps running
- XCD Format
- subtitles bug in bsplayer build 500
- VMR-9 related
- Major crash in W2K, WXP.
- Black screen with sound with Elecard
- Have Video but No Sound
- Problem with bill posting with my mouse and others
- BSplayer doesn't want to open my files
- Conflict Between BSPlayer and TV Tool...
- matroska (mkv) support
- display error with mpeg2 decoder
- Some french letters missing
- Crash at right-click Exit
- Bug: Sometimes, the movie stops before it reaches the end.
- Error loading .ogm video with .idx + .sub files (subtitles)
- Error when i play any video
- probleme sur le site !
- subtitle bug with BSPlayer 0.86.499
- Can't seek backwards
- subtitiles bug with build 49x
- Subtitle bug persists
- New xvid problem for me....
- sound goes out during the video
- BSPLAYER have many bugs with win98 (2)
- Memory leak
- Skin changing dialog box bug
- Problems with overlay
- new fuckin' bug report on sound !!!!!!! ==> tag 353 !?
- what's this fuckin'xvid format !!??!!
- Black images on TV-out (Compaq Armada 700)
- Gray image
- player won't load
- problems with chapters
- HW Color controls (499)
- Bug with 499 with two AC3 decoders
- BSPLAYER have many bugs with win98
- Seeking in mpeg2 files
- Sound LAG
- Problem! Please help!
- CRC error with BSplayer under Win4Lin 4
- Meaning of word soon
- Sound lag
- audio stream cycle error persists in version 499
- Strings not loaded from lang files
- Seek bug
- Where to download BsPlayer ?
- [bug] Play incomplete avi files
- Unknown Bug report please help me
- SVCD Prob
- No sound in playback any AVI, MPG using 0.86 build 496, 498
- Mirror reflection
- 4 speakers
- problem with a movie with subs...
- problem with a movie with subs...
- Loading more than one AudioFile
- Skins authors and BST please read this
- BS Player will not play MPEG2, any othe players work with TV
- --[ Download Version 0.86 Build 498 released (18.6.2003) ]--
- crash when trying to see Preferences + DivX movie
- Wierd screenshots...
- Crashes when using build 498
- Streaming Crashes BSplayer
- Alt-Esc dosen't minimize bsplayer
- Bug 497 : Pref -> General -> "Snap play windows..
- MPEG2 playlist problems
- A bug with Russian SRT subtitles
- Can't visualize my movie on TV!
- Next and previous buttons bug on popup window
- OGM w/ dual audio problem
- Why does BSplayer freeze when I try to play an AVI?
- Here is a fran?§ais.lng upgrade for build 497
- what does this mean?
- I Need Help!
- subtitles-overlay related crash still in 497
- Alt-F4 crashes build 496
- BSPlayer 0.86 Build 496/7 Does Not Have Sound
- Div3
- XViD problem in .496
- crash when switching audiostreams beyond the last one
- matrox G100 & problems with bsplayer
- "ş" character can't be seen when loading
- video stutters in wmp but not in bsplayer??
- no effect with DeDynamic.Ax in this version only (86.496)
- Black Screen
- aussie porn
- greek subtitles...
- Display hardware is not capable of color-space conversions.
- It Doesn't Open!!! HELP!!!
- Bug Report: subtitles related crash in 256 color desktop
- help!help!
- white frame capture
- Bug with subtitles on Overlay
- Win2k does not shutdown
- BSplay crashes all the time when sub is auto loaded
- website bug.. cant download...
- Unknown file format 0------> wtf i need to do
- bsplayer can't open .avi's without sub
- No AC3 audio in the new release
- I have a problem
- Bug in bsplayer 86 496.
- DivX with two AC3 tracks PROBLEM!
- BSP needs more system resources? is it a bug?
- !! BUG !!
- DivX 5.03??
- Bizarre view
- no sound mpeg1 with v0.86.493
- Screen capture in Original Size only
- Unable to play VCDs with 496
- Bug !!!!! Unhandled exception at EIP: 1C4036A7......
- Please Help. I see everything GREY
- raelly strange problem in bsplayer
- garbled screen captures
- Playing AVi from Internet
- BS Player does not start
- report on new build 86.496
- Error playing divx movies. Related to minidivx.ax
- DirectVobSub doesn't load with .avi files
- "Can't create DirectDraw surface"
- Problem with Greek
- Won't play some vidz
- dunt work on me com
- Antialiased font
- Frame of last movie, before playing a new one
- Chapters
- Chapters
- capture frame
- subtitle placement pb with bsplayer86
- color controls arent working
- .OGM with soft subs crashes .494 Nightly Build
- Troubles with .bsi files
- 16 colors? but in MS-player ok.
- Speaker Problem also Question on Decoders
- How to get a cbf file
- Automatic transparent subtitles
- unhandled exception on preferences
- Pan-and-scan fails on Radeon mobility card..
- Old version is able to play what the new isn't
- Audio related probs
- bspfilters.dat - Filename to long for SVCD (Iso9000)
- Playing SVCD crashes player
- Always on top bug?
- I have problems with preferences in winxp
- no sound in BSplayer... works fine in WMP8 (divx)
- I have problem with BSplayer unkownon format mpg and asf
- BSPlayer 0.86b493 doesn't accept CHAPTER in FRAME FORMAT
- Volume problem!
- Monitor/TV display shows 'ripple like' effect...
- Green/scrambled video when using 16bit colour
- Problem with French characters
- Access violation at address 004936D6 in modile 'bplay.exe'.
- Here we go again: no subs on overlay mode 2
- keeping the size of the display window
- Can't open the player
- national SRT subtitles + extras
- Is this a bug?
- Another bug with subtitles
- problem
- File not found error, yet file plays fine-
- newbie: simple question plz (audio related)
- Can't resize freely in borderless window
- BSPlayer plays movies upside-down!
- Newbie post bug in BSplayer when playing DivX files.
- Tv with Overlay
- Crash using Visual Chapter
- 2 tiny bugs
- Plays in WMP, but not in BSPlay! Help!
- again mpg bug
- The captures: all in green color
- BSPlay Bug in Playing Movie But Works in WindowsMediaPlayer
- Newbie: is it bug or not?! (.sub - subtitles)
- Two bugs in BSplayer. (please review)
- Problems with .oog file with dual audio and Subtitles!!!!
- Problem with Winamp Plug-Ins
- Bug at BSPlayer using tags in SRT subtitles
- bsplayer won't work properly
- strange unhandled exception
- blit operation with use subtitle
- BSPlayer v0.86.493, Unhandled exception at EIP: 004135D5
- Blank Image on TV
- Doesn't support .rm?????
- fwd, bck not working w/ mpeg
- color control (brightness) rarely working
- Subtitles are cut in half
- Problems with a swedish character...
- My Videos don't work! :(
- 0.86 Build 493 - volume pb
- Semi transparent overlay pops up over movie every 2-3 min???
- No picture - just grey
- bsplayer crashed when I set sub-position.
- [Important] Fullsceen is not fullscreen!!!
- unhandled exception
- BSplayer v086493: Unhandled exception at EIP: 004974D8
- Post Processing
- Mouse cursor vanishes with certain films
- Shutdown with BsPlayerv0.86.493
- strange "DirecX 7" error when trying 2 open files
- bsplayer crashing..wierd error
- Video runs slow, Audio runs normal
- WinXP problem
- Unkown file format (DIV3)
- Problem with BSPlayer 086.494
- crash
- Please, they answer my doubt!
- Another problem with Gordian Knot 0.28!!!???????
- Problem
- Win 98se & BSplayer-Won't run
- Bsplayer ignores aspect ratio changes from dshow filters
- Why?
- I can not see some spanish caracters!!!
- I Found the Solution!! Problems with Gordian Knot (ffshow)
- Problems with a New Gordian Knot 0.28!!!????
- cant access temp directory (i know you ans' this Q..but ...)