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  1. divx
  2. overlay failed!-report
  3. shake that pic
  4. Shutdown problems...
  5. You are not authorized to view this page
  6. Can't run BSplayer with avi and sub with the same name
  7. A few bugs!
  8. captures have blue words on them...
  9. 499 doesn`t find next CD
  10. movies not opening
  12. fast forward bug
  13. DeDynamic filter doesn"t work in BSplayer
  14. Help -- Lot's of freezing going on
  15. Wrong timing!!!
  16. VMR-9 - dont display OSD Messages
  17. bug wih sbtitles in version .499 don't show first letter
  18. the sound comes before the image, because of frame freeze
  19. call me dumber than dumb but luv bs till i could not workit
  20. bplay not responding until I click many times...
  21. Player drops back to Desktop when opening files in explorer
  22. A problem with my player:
  23. please help
  24. BSplayer says not responding when attempting to open file
  25. No audio in BSplayer
  26. Volume 0% when opening Ogm via bsi file
  27. color controls (Build 499)
  28. $586$ string (bild #500)
  29. Full screen mode bug
  30. Problems during playlist playback
  31. Greatest BSPlayer bug - deletes dir content :)
  32. Sound but no Video after crash- SOLVED
  33. Problem with Bsplayer in Win98
  34. error!!! I can't communicate with developer
  35. frame freeze but audio keeps running
  36. XCD Format
  37. subtitles bug in bsplayer build 500
  38. VMR-9 related
  39. Major crash in W2K, WXP.
  40. Black screen with sound with Elecard
  41. Have Video but No Sound
  42. Problem with bill posting with my mouse and others
  43. BSplayer doesn't want to open my files
  44. Conflict Between BSPlayer and TV Tool...
  45. matroska (mkv) support
  46. display error with mpeg2 decoder
  47. Some french letters missing
  48. Crash at right-click Exit
  49. Bug: Sometimes, the movie stops before it reaches the end.
  50. Error loading .ogm video with .idx + .sub files (subtitles)
  51. Error when i play any video
  52. probleme sur le site !
  53. subtitle bug with BSPlayer 0.86.499
  54. Can't seek backwards
  55. subtitiles bug with build 49x
  56. Subtitle bug persists
  57. New xvid problem for me....
  58. sound goes out during the video
  59. BSPLAYER have many bugs with win98 (2)
  60. Memory leak
  61. Skin changing dialog box bug
  62. Problems with overlay
  63. new fuckin' bug report on sound !!!!!!! ==> tag 353 !?
  64. what's this fuckin'xvid format !!??!!
  65. Black images on TV-out (Compaq Armada 700)
  66. Gray image
  67. player won't load
  68. problems with chapters
  69. HW Color controls (499)
  70. Bug with 499 with two AC3 decoders
  71. BSPLAYER have many bugs with win98
  72. Seeking in mpeg2 files
  73. Sound LAG
  74. Problem! Please help!
  75. CRC error with BSplayer under Win4Lin 4
  76. Meaning of word soon
  77. Sound lag
  78. audio stream cycle error persists in version 499
  79. Strings not loaded from lang files
  80. Seek bug
  81. Where to download BsPlayer ?
  82. [bug] Play incomplete avi files
  83. Unknown Bug report please help me
  84. SVCD Prob
  85. No sound in playback any AVI, MPG using 0.86 build 496, 498
  86. Mirror reflection
  87. 4 speakers
  88. problem with a movie with subs...
  89. problem with a movie with subs...
  90. Loading more than one AudioFile
  91. Skins authors and BST please read this
  92. BS Player will not play MPEG2, any othe players work with TV
  93. --[ Download Version 0.86 Build 498 released (18.6.2003) ]--
  94. crash when trying to see Preferences + DivX movie
  95. Wierd screenshots...
  96. Crashes when using build 498
  97. Streaming Crashes BSplayer
  98. Alt-Esc dosen't minimize bsplayer
  99. Bug 497 : Pref -> General -> "Snap play windows..
  100. MPEG2 playlist problems
  101. A bug with Russian SRT subtitles
  102. Can't visualize my movie on TV!
  103. Next and previous buttons bug on popup window
  104. OGM w/ dual audio problem
  105. Why does BSplayer freeze when I try to play an AVI?
  106. Here is a fran?§ais.lng upgrade for build 497
  107. what does this mean?
  108. I Need Help!
  109. subtitles-overlay related crash still in 497
  110. Alt-F4 crashes build 496
  111. BSPlayer 0.86 Build 496/7 Does Not Have Sound
  112. Div3
  113. XViD problem in .496
  114. crash when switching audiostreams beyond the last one
  115. matrox G100 & problems with bsplayer
  116. "ş" character can't be seen when loading
  117. video stutters in wmp but not in bsplayer??
  118. no effect with DeDynamic.Ax in this version only (86.496)
  119. Black Screen
  120. aussie porn
  121. greek subtitles...
  122. Display hardware is not capable of color-space conversions.
  123. It Doesn't Open!!! HELP!!!
  124. Bug Report: subtitles related crash in 256 color desktop
  125. help!help!
  126. white frame capture
  127. Bug with subtitles on Overlay
  128. Win2k does not shutdown
  129. BSplay crashes all the time when sub is auto loaded
  130. website bug.. cant download...
  131. Unknown file format 0------> wtf i need to do
  132. bsplayer can't open .avi's without sub
  133. No AC3 audio in the new release
  134. I have a problem
  135. Bug in bsplayer 86 496.
  136. DivX with two AC3 tracks PROBLEM!
  137. BSP needs more system resources? is it a bug?
  138. !! BUG !!
  139. DivX 5.03??
  140. Bizarre view
  141. no sound mpeg1 with v0.86.493
  142. Screen capture in Original Size only
  143. Unable to play VCDs with 496
  144. Bug !!!!! Unhandled exception at EIP: 1C4036A7......
  145. Please Help. I see everything GREY
  146. raelly strange problem in bsplayer
  147. garbled screen captures
  148. Playing AVi from Internet
  149. BS Player does not start
  150. report on new build 86.496
  151. Error playing divx movies. Related to minidivx.ax
  152. DirectVobSub doesn't load with .avi files
  153. "Can't create DirectDraw surface"
  154. Problem with Greek
  155. Won't play some vidz
  156. dunt work on me com
  157. Antialiased font
  158. Frame of last movie, before playing a new one
  159. Chapters
  160. Chapters
  161. capture frame
  162. subtitle placement pb with bsplayer86
  163. color controls arent working
  164. .OGM with soft subs crashes .494 Nightly Build
  165. Troubles with .bsi files
  166. 16 colors? but in MS-player ok.
  167. Speaker Problem also Question on Decoders
  168. How to get a cbf file
  169. Automatic transparent subtitles
  170. unhandled exception on preferences
  171. Pan-and-scan fails on Radeon mobility card..
  172. Old version is able to play what the new isn't
  173. Audio related probs
  174. bspfilters.dat - Filename to long for SVCD (Iso9000)
  175. Playing SVCD crashes player
  176. Always on top bug?
  177. I have problems with preferences in winxp
  178. no sound in BSplayer... works fine in WMP8 (divx)
  179. I have problem with BSplayer unkownon format mpg and asf
  180. BSPlayer 0.86b493 doesn't accept CHAPTER in FRAME FORMAT
  181. Volume problem!
  182. Monitor/TV display shows 'ripple like' effect...
  183. Green/scrambled video when using 16bit colour
  184. Problem with French characters
  185. Access violation at address 004936D6 in modile 'bplay.exe'.
  186. Here we go again: no subs on overlay mode 2
  187. keeping the size of the display window
  188. Can't open the player
  189. national SRT subtitles + extras
  190. Is this a bug?
  191. Another bug with subtitles
  192. problem
  193. File not found error, yet file plays fine-
  194. newbie: simple question plz (audio related)
  195. Can't resize freely in borderless window
  196. BSPlayer plays movies upside-down!
  197. Newbie post bug in BSplayer when playing DivX files.
  198. Tv with Overlay
  199. Crash using Visual Chapter
  200. 2 tiny bugs
  201. Plays in WMP, but not in BSPlay! Help!
  202. again mpg bug
  203. The captures: all in green color
  204. BSPlay Bug in Playing Movie But Works in WindowsMediaPlayer
  205. Newbie: is it bug or not?! (.sub - subtitles)
  206. Two bugs in BSplayer. (please review)
  207. Problems with .oog file with dual audio and Subtitles!!!!
  208. Problem with Winamp Plug-Ins
  209. Bug at BSPlayer using tags in SRT subtitles
  211. bsplayer won't work properly
  212. strange unhandled exception
  213. blit operation with use subtitle
  214. BSPlayer v0.86.493, Unhandled exception at EIP: 004135D5
  215. Blank Image on TV
  217. Doesn't support .rm?????
  218. fwd, bck not working w/ mpeg
  219. color control (brightness) rarely working
  220. Subtitles are cut in half
  221. Problems with a swedish character...
  222. My Videos don't work! :(
  223. 0.86 Build 493 - volume pb
  224. Semi transparent overlay pops up over movie every 2-3 min???
  225. No picture - just grey
  226. bsplayer crashed when I set sub-position.
  227. [Important] Fullsceen is not fullscreen!!!
  228. unhandled exception
  229. BSplayer v086493: Unhandled exception at EIP: 004974D8
  230. Post Processing
  231. Mouse cursor vanishes with certain films
  232. Shutdown with BsPlayerv0.86.493
  233. strange "DirecX 7" error when trying 2 open files
  234. bsplayer crashing..wierd error
  235. Video runs slow, Audio runs normal
  236. WinXP problem
  237. Unkown file format (DIV3)
  238. Problem with BSPlayer 086.494
  239. crash
  240. Please, they answer my doubt!
  241. Another problem with Gordian Knot 0.28!!!???????
  242. Problem
  243. Win 98se & BSplayer-Won't run
  244. Bsplayer ignores aspect ratio changes from dshow filters
  245. Why?
  246. I can not see some spanish caracters!!!
  247. I Found the Solution!! Problems with Gordian Knot (ffshow)
  249. Problems with a New Gordian Knot 0.28!!!????
  250. cant access temp directory (i know you ans' this Q..but ...)