- Bug of skin transparent
- Help! Can't capture and it freezes!
- cant load subtitles
- Mpg wont play in BS -Can I choose which decoder it uses?
- some 'showing subtitles' errors
- subtitles within mkv playback?
- RealVideo and BSplayer 1.1 problem...
- Subtitles always on between movies with -nsub command
- bsplayer pro opening message
- Main window gone
- Unhandled exception at EIP: 004AF64B out of memory EOutOfMem
- play ver network with bsplayer 1.10...?
- no video with xvid files
- Default brightness is FAR too bright
- Can't hear a thing after windows media player 10 installed
- BSplayer won't show up in "Open With..." menu
- Can`t view certain movies... (format problem)
- Dual monitor problem
- Problem with ogm files
- Color controls bug
- problems with tv screen after using bsplayer
- [BSPlayer 1.1 Bug] Pan-Scan settings NOT remembered
- Prevent applications from stealing focus
- Few bugs (build 814)
- Some bug reports
- srt problems
- Crash on VobSub subtitle autoload
- Crash with BSI files
- Double superimposed subtitles - mpeg2 file
- BSPlayer freezes whole computer
- Bsplayer Wont Open or Play Anything
- TV tuner capture not working any more
- Win Server 2003
- Black Screen when ALT+CTRL+DEL
- Problems with overlay modes
- can't play anything
- can't open rmvb files with bsplayer
- Green dots/garbage fix
- BSPlayer can't play MPG but Windows Media Player can???
- Problems with tv out
- Buggy minimize to tray
- Bug
- mpeg2 + WinDVD6.00.6 filter + overlay mode2 = crash
- Subs: last character in 1st line cut off, still in build814
- Long subtitles are not fully shown
- Different Mpeg2-Related Problem
- Help : I can't open *.mpg files with BSplayer .
- BS player fails to keep associations with WM player 10
- format problem
- Subtitles "auto split" function
- New Member Question: Color/Brightness Controls not working?
- streaming/buffering problem
- MPEG2 files!
- cannot play big movie sized(1280x720) avi
- Problem with subtitles
- Probleman about .bsi files!
- volume increase problem when pausing etc...
- Problem - black screen + green lines, archive of BSPlayer
- Bsplayer crashes after a random time
- Problem with stereo
- Sound sync problem
- 2-byte character's problem
- Crash with color control when VMR9
- Crash Report
- Drag and Drop exception
- Subtitle Editor: decimal comma bug
- pb sound in playlist?!!
- BSPlayer reports bug - bsrendv2.dll is too old
- bsplayer vs media player classic
- video upside down
- Another ASF, WMV problem
- No sound after switching from a Windows Media Audio9
- BSPlayer 1.01 and 1.02 not working with ACFilter 1.01a RC5?
- green screen
- Black screen with sound
- System crash when trying to play files with BS Player
- Same XML file for all users
- Capture settings
- Saving window-size in fullscreen
- bplayer.exe and bsplayer.exe in directory
- If you encounter a problem...
- Bsplayer plays vob files as audio but its video format
- Problem QMB <--> BsPlayer
- BSPlayer v1.02.812 crashed on close
- BSPlayer has encountered a problem...
- BSPlayer has encountered a problem and needs to close.
- Crash with avi & mpeg files.
- Can't display subtitles
- m2v files = no sound
- Error message when opening Preferences
- BSPlayer / Vobsub Problem: Vobsub is loading, Subs are not
- bsplayer 1.02 crash with TvTool 6 (switch back from tv mode)
- Bug in v1.02(Graphics)
- Unknown file format
- Playlist bug v1.02.812, Unhandled exception at EIP: 100057B5
- bs playing problem
- Full screen "interlacing"
- New DVD Rip Site !!!
- Subtitles fail on certain computers (v1.02 build812)
- Problem among BSPlayer(812), ffdshow+XviD, and Vobsub2.33
- Bsplayer 1.02.812 EIP: 7C910C3F ntdll.dll
- mov and asf file problems
- Films simply don't play anymore
- Green green grass of home
- Avi files jerk
- Avi files jerk
- Unhandled Exception Opening GForce2ti Tuner
- matroska playback issues
- Read this: "How to Report Bugs Effectively"
- OGM Chapters Causing Crash
- mpeg files is not showing the full time of the movie
- Error
- Matroska "timing" problem
- Impossible to play mms:// link
- Can't play some vob. files. Why ?
- Desktop mode glitch
- problems playing mp3
- mp3 not playing
- Player changes wave-level in mixer
- bsplayer jams my computer
- AC3sound + pause/play bug
- Problem with frequency 85 Hz
- bug with v 1.02
- STILL upside down after FAQ/Search
- Please help - .avi files
- Screencapping Problem
- Problems After Installing SP2
- No more seeking with asf files after upgrading to wmp 9
- BS crach when Subtitle show
- snow-green screen
- "Can't create DirectDraw surface!"
- movie up side down
- Seek is not working, window stops or is black
- "Always on top" trap
- BSplayer hangs when opening .smi subtitle files
- OpenDivx 4 video speed problem on BSPlayer 1.02 b 812
- "AudioFileX" not back-compatible with old .BSI fil
- File association problems
- Full screen problem
- subtitle problem
- HELP!! I dont know how to play xvid.knark.sub as subtitles..
- Different color in Screencap?
- -AR Command Line Option Not Working
- Anoying Screen Size Problem
- violation access
- Subtitles won't fully show on scrren
- v1.02.812, Unhandled exception at EIP: 00494109
- broblem playing .mpg
- Slowing div3 to 96% for 25-->24fps unsyncs video/audio
- Network Buffer Problem
- Can't play...................
- SPDIF / AC3 output �gets lost’ on pausing or fast-forwar
- Bsplayer annoyance
- Interval when seeking?
- Unhandled exception
- BSPlayer 1.02 Build 812 MKV crashing !!
- Unable to play any files
- Problem playing some mpeg2 files with new nvidia decoders
- BSP SkinMaker new version
- BSPlayer & Direct VobSub Problem (I need your help pleas
- Bsplayer v1.02.812 Unhandled exception at EIP 715f0fd5
- BUG!! Autoload playlist (Russia)
- En no reply ?
- Subtitle Problems with MKV files
- Xvid Play problem
- Player can`t play online tv in internet.
- Playback problems, picture included
- SPDIF pass trough
- Video starts playing in black
- Error...memory could not be "read"
- Opens file but cannot play build 812 !! (810 works fine!)
- Invalid floating point
- A problem with the audio into a matroska
- SPDif Output
- Separate audio loading (Shift-L) must be activated twice
- always on top & file open
- Any resolution on the EIP on opening AVI files?
- can't read avi files...
- (1.02 Non Pro) Screen corruption + Exception on dual screen
- Bsplayer can't play this formats, help!
- 812 non-Pro fails to open files with special char(s) in name
- Using Newest version of BsPlayer. Skin Problem
- repeat button not working (812)
- Cache playback problem in BS player Pro
- Upsidedown OGM and crash
- [SOLVED] Full Screening on Cloned Device
- VobSub + BSPlayer problem
- [SOLVED] reading files ?
- pro 1.02 : Error in module 'qcap.dll' in capture mode (ati)
- Problem with TV tuner (Unhandled exception at EIP)
- Video is slow
- A\V problem Genius who solves this. details inside.Help!!!
- plz i want the arabic language file for bsplayer , :(
- a problem with screen capture option
- Annoyng problem...bsplayer look down pc with all video
- No subtitles in BSPlayer? (DirectVobSub problems)
- Can't seem to get media keys to work with bsPlayer
- Unhandled exception
- BSPlayer Pro 1.02 stops responding
- Language file name
- MKV audio stream switching
- problems with audio (have no knowledge)
- editing subtitles disturbs clipping
- TvCapture problem with pro 1.02 build 812
- 'color control ' refuses to work!
- Versions 1.0*.8** - problem with a movie with 6 audio tracks
- BSplayer Error
- fullscreen and objectdock
- bug: resetting playback
- using xvid, video color controls don't work...
- Subtitles in AVI container
- Buffer and mkv files
- Big problem
- Full-Screen changes nVidia TV Screen Adjustment
- [812] subtitles not showing e.a.
- MPEG2 files lack sound
- problem with opening movie
- Remember "pan-scan settings" doesn't work (anymore
- TV-out and monitor stand-by
- currently used subtitles
- online movie causes crash
- Sporadic stuttering with 23.976 fps AVI files
- can't load Winamp playlist
- let's hope :\
- Trouble with Avi-files
- all 23.976 fps avi no video
- Last line remaining on scrren
- -pan doesn't work & fullscreen window size problem
- DirectVobSub (VSFilter.dll) won't load with Bsplayer
- Open device... crashed v.1.02.812
- Only audio is played for file > 6GB
- bsplayer crashes
- Audio channel selection via bsi file
- bs player pro 1.02 not function
- player starts playing automatically when running a game
- Problem with picture in VMR-9 mode on TV and PC!
- The one thing I wanted in Bsplayer Pro isn't working!
- DDHELP caused invalid page fault in WINMM.DLL
- Movie position stays the same no matter what
- two more bugs
- Volume slider problem with BSPlayer 1.02
- few bugs...
- Subtitles on tv ??
- Installer language selection
- On Running BSP.86 my OS slows down a lot later stabilizes
- Build 812 issues
- Full screen problem using VMR-9 renderless build 812 *pics
- Minor Bugs (build 811)
- Button state on start
- video with external mp2 Audios didn't work correctly