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  1. Bug of skin transparent
  2. Help! Can't capture and it freezes!
  3. cant load subtitles
  4. Mpg wont play in BS -Can I choose which decoder it uses?
  5. some 'showing subtitles' errors
  6. subtitles within mkv playback?
  7. RealVideo and BSplayer 1.1 problem...
  8. Subtitles always on between movies with -nsub command
  9. bsplayer pro opening message
  10. Main window gone
  11. Unhandled exception at EIP: 004AF64B out of memory EOutOfMem
  12. play ver network with bsplayer 1.10...?
  13. no video with xvid files
  14. Default brightness is FAR too bright
  15. Can't hear a thing after windows media player 10 installed
  16. BSplayer won't show up in "Open With..." menu
  17. Can`t view certain movies... (format problem)
  18. Dual monitor problem
  19. Problem with ogm files
  20. Color controls bug
  21. problems with tv screen after using bsplayer
  22. [BSPlayer 1.1 Bug] Pan-Scan settings NOT remembered
  23. Prevent applications from stealing focus
  24. Few bugs (build 814)
  25. Some bug reports
  26. srt problems
  27. Crash on VobSub subtitle autoload
  28. Crash with BSI files
  29. Double superimposed subtitles - mpeg2 file
  30. BSPlayer freezes whole computer
  31. Bsplayer Wont Open or Play Anything
  32. TV tuner capture not working any more
  33. Win Server 2003
  34. Black Screen when ALT+CTRL+DEL
  35. Problems with overlay modes
  36. can't play anything
  37. can't open rmvb files with bsplayer
  38. Green dots/garbage fix
  39. BSPlayer can't play MPG but Windows Media Player can???
  40. Problems with tv out
  41. Buggy minimize to tray
  42. Bug
  43. mpeg2 + WinDVD6.00.6 filter + overlay mode2 = crash
  44. Subs: last character in 1st line cut off, still in build814
  45. Long subtitles are not fully shown
  46. Different Mpeg2-Related Problem
  47. Help : I can't open *.mpg files with BSplayer .
  48. BS player fails to keep associations with WM player 10
  49. format problem
  50. Subtitles "auto split" function
  51. New Member Question: Color/Brightness Controls not working?
  52. streaming/buffering problem
  53. MPEG2 files!
  54. cannot play big movie sized(1280x720) avi
  55. Problem with subtitles
  56. Probleman about .bsi files!
  57. volume increase problem when pausing etc...
  58. Problem - black screen + green lines, archive of BSPlayer
  59. Bsplayer crashes after a random time
  60. Problem with stereo
  61. Sound sync problem
  62. 2-byte character's problem
  63. Crash with color control when VMR9
  64. Crash Report
  65. Drag and Drop exception
  66. Subtitle Editor: decimal comma bug
  67. pb sound in playlist?!!
  68. BSPlayer reports bug - bsrendv2.dll is too old
  69. bsplayer vs media player classic
  70. video upside down
  71. Another ASF, WMV problem
  72. No sound after switching from a Windows Media Audio9
  73. BSPlayer 1.01 and 1.02 not working with ACFilter 1.01a RC5?
  74. green screen
  75. Black screen with sound
  76. System crash when trying to play files with BS Player
  77. Same XML file for all users
  78. Capture settings
  79. Saving window-size in fullscreen
  80. bplayer.exe and bsplayer.exe in directory
  81. If you encounter a problem...
  82. Bsplayer plays vob files as audio but its video format
  83. Problem QMB <--> BsPlayer
  84. BSPlayer v1.02.812 crashed on close
  85. BSPlayer has encountered a problem...
  86. BSPlayer has encountered a problem and needs to close.
  87. Crash with avi & mpeg files.
  88. Can't display subtitles
  89. m2v files = no sound
  90. Error message when opening Preferences
  91. BSPlayer / Vobsub Problem: Vobsub is loading, Subs are not
  92. bsplayer 1.02 crash with TvTool 6 (switch back from tv mode)
  93. Bug in v1.02(Graphics)
  94. Unknown file format
  95. Playlist bug v1.02.812, Unhandled exception at EIP: 100057B5
  96. bs playing problem
  97. Full screen "interlacing"
  98. New DVD Rip Site !!!
  99. Subtitles fail on certain computers (v1.02 build812)
  100. Problem among BSPlayer(812), ffdshow+XviD, and Vobsub2.33
  101. Bsplayer 1.02.812 EIP: 7C910C3F ntdll.dll
  102. mov and asf file problems
  103. Films simply don't play anymore
  104. Green green grass of home
  105. Avi files jerk
  106. Avi files jerk
  107. Unhandled Exception Opening GForce2ti Tuner
  108. matroska playback issues
  109. Read this: "How to Report Bugs Effectively"
  110. OGM Chapters Causing Crash
  111. mpeg files is not showing the full time of the movie
  112. Error
  113. Matroska "timing" problem
  114. Impossible to play mms:// link
  115. Can't play some vob. files. Why ?
  116. Desktop mode glitch
  117. problems playing mp3
  118. mp3 not playing
  119. Player changes wave-level in mixer
  120. bsplayer jams my computer
  121. AC3sound + pause/play bug
  122. Problem with frequency 85 Hz
  123. bug with v 1.02
  124. STILL upside down after FAQ/Search
  125. Please help - .avi files
  126. Screencapping Problem
  127. Problems After Installing SP2
  128. No more seeking with asf files after upgrading to wmp 9
  129. BS crach when Subtitle show
  130. snow-green screen
  131. "Can't create DirectDraw surface!"
  132. movie up side down
  133. Seek is not working, window stops or is black
  134. "Always on top" trap
  135. BSplayer hangs when opening .smi subtitle files
  136. OpenDivx 4 video speed problem on BSPlayer 1.02 b 812
  137. "AudioFileX" not back-compatible with old .BSI fil
  138. File association problems
  139. Full screen problem
  140. subtitle problem
  141. HELP!! I dont know how to play xvid.knark.sub as subtitles..
  142. Different color in Screencap?
  143. -AR Command Line Option Not Working
  144. Anoying Screen Size Problem
  145. violation access
  146. Subtitles won't fully show on scrren
  147. v1.02.812, Unhandled exception at EIP: 00494109
  148. broblem playing .mpg
  149. Slowing div3 to 96% for 25-->24fps unsyncs video/audio
  150. Network Buffer Problem
  151. Can't play...................
  152. SPDIF / AC3 output �gets lost’ on pausing or fast-forwar
  153. Bsplayer annoyance
  154. Interval when seeking?
  155. Unhandled exception
  156. BSPlayer 1.02 Build 812 MKV crashing !!
  157. Unable to play any files
  158. Problem playing some mpeg2 files with new nvidia decoders
  159. BSP SkinMaker new version
  160. BSPlayer & Direct VobSub Problem (I need your help pleas
  161. Bsplayer v1.02.812 Unhandled exception at EIP 715f0fd5
  162. BUG!! Autoload playlist (Russia)
  163. En no reply ?
  164. Subtitle Problems with MKV files
  165. Xvid Play problem
  166. Player can`t play online tv in internet.
  167. Playback problems, picture included
  168. SPDIF pass trough
  169. Video starts playing in black
  170. Error...memory could not be "read"
  171. Opens file but cannot play build 812 !! (810 works fine!)
  172. Invalid floating point
  173. A problem with the audio into a matroska
  174. SPDif Output
  175. Separate audio loading (Shift-L) must be activated twice
  176. always on top & file open
  177. Any resolution on the EIP on opening AVI files?
  178. can't read avi files...
  179. (1.02 Non Pro) Screen corruption + Exception on dual screen
  180. Bsplayer can't play this formats, help!
  181. 812 non-Pro fails to open files with special char(s) in name
  182. Using Newest version of BsPlayer. Skin Problem
  183. repeat button not working (812)
  184. Cache playback problem in BS player Pro
  185. Upsidedown OGM and crash
  186. [SOLVED] Full Screening on Cloned Device
  187. VobSub + BSPlayer problem
  188. [SOLVED] reading files ?
  189. pro 1.02 : Error in module 'qcap.dll' in capture mode (ati)
  190. Problem with TV tuner (Unhandled exception at EIP)
  191. Video is slow
  192. A\V problem Genius who solves this. details inside.Help!!!
  193. plz i want the arabic language file for bsplayer , :(
  194. a problem with screen capture option
  195. Annoyng problem...bsplayer look down pc with all video
  196. No subtitles in BSPlayer? (DirectVobSub problems)
  197. Can't seem to get media keys to work with bsPlayer
  198. Unhandled exception
  199. BSPlayer Pro 1.02 stops responding
  200. Language file name
  201. MKV audio stream switching
  202. problems with audio (have no knowledge)
  203. editing subtitles disturbs clipping
  204. TvCapture problem with pro 1.02 build 812
  205. 'color control ' refuses to work!
  206. Versions 1.0*.8** - problem with a movie with 6 audio tracks
  207. BSplayer Error
  208. fullscreen and objectdock
  209. bug: resetting playback
  210. using xvid, video color controls don't work...
  211. Subtitles in AVI container
  212. Buffer and mkv files
  213. Big problem
  214. Full-Screen changes nVidia TV Screen Adjustment
  215. [812] subtitles not showing e.a.
  216. MPEG2 files lack sound
  217. problem with opening movie
  218. Remember "pan-scan settings" doesn't work (anymore
  219. TV-out and monitor stand-by
  220. currently used subtitles
  221. online movie causes crash
  222. Sporadic stuttering with 23.976 fps AVI files
  223. can't load Winamp playlist
  224. let's hope :\
  225. Trouble with Avi-files
  226. all 23.976 fps avi no video
  227. Last line remaining on scrren
  228. -pan doesn't work & fullscreen window size problem
  229. DirectVobSub (VSFilter.dll) won't load with Bsplayer
  230. Open device... crashed v.1.02.812
  231. Only audio is played for file > 6GB
  232. bsplayer crashes
  233. Audio channel selection via bsi file
  234. bs player pro 1.02 not function
  235. player starts playing automatically when running a game
  236. Problem with picture in VMR-9 mode on TV and PC!
  237. The one thing I wanted in Bsplayer Pro isn't working!
  238. DDHELP caused invalid page fault in WINMM.DLL
  239. Movie position stays the same no matter what
  240. two more bugs
  241. Volume slider problem with BSPlayer 1.02
  242. few bugs...
  243. Subtitles on tv ??
  244. Installer language selection
  245. On Running BSP.86 my OS slows down a lot later stabilizes
  246. Build 812 issues
  247. Full screen problem using VMR-9 renderless build 812 *pics
  248. Minor Bugs (build 811)
  249. Button state on start
  250. video with external mp2 Audios didn't work correctly