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  1. Subtitle problem
  2. Error message when starting BSPlayer
  3. playing vide with multiple audio tracks in it.
  4. bs player subtitle problem
  5. Always Autoplay
  6. BS Player is playing .mp4 VIDEOS as AUDIO files?!
  7. HELP! Subs is not working
  8. Flash and subs Bug
  9. can't play mp4 videos
  10. Error sounds while playing video files
  11. Youtube doesnt work
  12. BS Player with Windows 8 Problems
  13. codec x64
  14. BS.Player Free full screen tremble
  15. Subtile fail
  16. Can't drag & drop files to the playlist of the player
  17. 5.1 Surround on BSPlayer
  18. [CONFIRMED] MPA Decoder Filter Bug
  19. codec problem in resolution 1080 and above
  20. Color problem
  21. Bsplayer bug check it
  22. BSPlayer crash when open url (see video attach)
  23. BS.Player has stopped working after too many pauses or jumps
  24. subtitel SPU in MKV
  25. bsplayer's codec manager
  26. REPEAT doesn't work?
  27. Playlist not close or minimize
  28. auto subtitle errors
  29. Bs Player 2.61 are always open win mp3
  30. Number of audiostream in a container
  31. [CONFIRMED] Total time of all files is not visible in playlist in 2.62.1068
  32. DirectShow not installed! 003F
  34. screen shaking
  35. Subtitle editor bug
  36. BS Player stop working
  37. BS.Player Pro 2.61 DirectShow not installed! 0048
  38. BS Player Codec Manager don't works through proxy
  39. BS.Player not play all videos with two audio streams
  40. The BSPlayer get stuck while trying to move the video forward.
  41. Big problem with BS
  42. Runtime error
  43. everything gets stuck and my windows starts to give critical error sound
  44. cant open anything
  45. BS.Player PRO 2.61 does not support DFX Audio Enhancer 10.
  46. new problem - film hangs like it goes from and back with 2 frames
  47. Language (or codepage ?) problem...
  48. Bug in 2.61.1065 version after loading any EQ preset
  49. Click on audio options shuts down BSPlayer
  50. Embedded subtitles from MKV DO NOT work properly
  51. New LED screen - Clips playing too fast
  52. Do DVD Buttons work at all?
  53. BS player crashes when opening AVI
  54. [FIXED in 1066beta] Radio crashes BSP 2.61.1065 (but not 2.57)
  55. Error by starting BS player about subtitles
  56. keyboard shortcut B
  57. Part of the subtitle at the end is cropped
  58. [SOLVED/Cause: Samsung Kies on XP] bsplayer.exe - Entry Point Not Found
  59. Video windows off-screen
  60. DVD playback
  61. can't play rm files
  62. Changing format
  63. New subtitle engine
  64. Weird Problem
  65. TS splitter
  66. HTML code error
  67. OSD does not show up
  68. Broken after update
  69. BS player error message with EVR, Vista
  70. picture slow audio un sync
  71. BS Player Problem
  72. dual screen issue with new nvidia drivers
  73. Codec Manager not installing codecs
  74. [CONFIRMED] space before youtube
  75. Multiple bugs
  76. DTS/AC3 problem with SPDIF (for DTS WAV works ok))
  77. [FIXED] Some chars from previous sub stuck in the black border
  78. Flac support
  79. Rewind & Fast-forward with arrow keys, etc. not working.
  80. Draw subtitles to Overlay surface Bug v2.59.1059B
  81. a s h r a c k 's thread about _f o r u m _ s p e e d
  82. [SOLVED (not a bug)] Play another movie bug
  83. Forums very slow
  84. .m2ts file streams not recognized
  85. [FIXED] Minor OSD Information Bug v2.58.1058
  86. BS Player plays video file as audio file...please help!
  87. crash after about 1h
  88. BSPlayer Crashes when I turn on my TV
  89. Dts-hd problem
  90. [SOLVED] Image is upside-down
  91. [SOLVED] song file not reproduced
  92. I can't open Youtube URLs
  93. Video settings keep resetting
  94. Problem with option "when finished"
  95. Can't save Configuration File
  96. an error occurred in the aplication. when I open a video...
  97. 2.85 another Security issue?
  98. BSP_Mute on bug
  99. dany_bdL: Bug in new beta 2.58.1053 !
  100. BSPLAYER crashes randomly when using 5 sec jump
  101. Cannot jump back(rewind) movie starts from the beginning
  102. Cannot fast forward or rewind *.wmv steaming files
  103. 2nd subtitle display problem
  104. Problem with fullscreen HD playback on 2.5.7
  105. Having problem with BS.Player
  106. Unicode file names displayed wrongly with enqueue command
  108. Control panel animation is choppy
  109. Subtitles not updating
  110. Bs.player crashing while playing mkv
  111. windows gets stuck with bs player version 2.57.1051
  112. BSp crashes first time on startup after computer restart?
  113. Full Screen Control bar bug
  114. Double click on and off fullscreen gives me trouble.
  115. Random problems with new release
  116. problems with playback on netbook
  117. Bugs i found in BS.Player over time
  118. BSPlayer crashes on files >2GB
  119. Problem with file path / can't open file / no message
  120. problems with flv
  121. Windows 7, 64bit, Problem with flv aavd svcd files
  122. Player wont run movie
  123. [SOLVED] Log-off Problem
  124. , key sometimes jumps back 10minutes instead of 10seconds
  125. 2.57 subtitles bugs
  126. Playing different files
  127. Problem with Fullscreen and subtitles
  128. option to remember movie/video position doesn't work.
  129. Bugs related chitchat with no new info concerning content
  130. [CONFIRMED] BsPlayer.Pro 1050 - 1051 subtitle position bug + the fix here
  131. 1051 pro
  132. Security issue BS.Player Free?
  133. [CONFIRMED +fix] Hungarian language version mayor bug.
  134. codecs download and install
  135. [CONFIRMED] 2.57 bug - subtitles no longer download automatically
  136. Color problems
  137. Cycle Video Streams shortcut doesn't work
  138. [CONFIRMED for right to left subs] The subtitles are reversed !
  139. [FIXED] new bug for Central European
  140. Overlapping SECONDARY subtitles in full screen mode [EXPLAINED]
  141. can't see subtitles in sub folder submovie
  142. Keyboard shortcuts don't work...
  143. Multimedia Keys are Locked
  144. Overlapping subtitles in full screen mode//BS freezes once in a while
  145. Error message "There was a problem sending the command to the program"
  146. Subtitle window doesn't allow pausing the video
  147. how to bookmark radio stations
  148. Not recognizing Dolby TrueHD track in Matroska
  149. BS Player not playing AVI files at all
  150. Can't erase movie(directory) after watching it with bsplayer
  151. Filename, Symbols and Subtitles
  152. Strange skin
  153. Bug with real media files
  154. BS player cant be default
  155. subtitle bug?
  156. bug with some folder letters
  157. Bugs in Betas 2.57 [Bug 2nd subs FIXED in 1050 build]
  158. Weird mkv sound bug...
  159. With Internal rendere DirectDraw... i can't capture subtitles
  160. Close button crash
  161. Bsplayer doesn't remember my icon!
  162. I can't reopen the same film BS 2.56 is playing!!!
  163. Option bug
  164. Subtitles with language suffix doesn't work ?
  165. Access violation : advapi32.dll
  166. Bug on radio playing
  167. MKW with internal and external subtitles
  168. 2.56 Bug adding subtitle boost audio ac3
  169. Bugs/cosmetical issues re GUI/translation of BS.Player versions 256.1043-258.1056β
  170. [FIXED] 2 language subtitles show fine but are not saved after closing BSPlayer
  171. BSplayer playing video upside down
  172. Error msg when opening/closing a file in BS player 2.56
  173. M2TS files no video
  174. Lag at the end of the movies/videos
  175. Subtitles always visible when EVR renderer is used
  176. Playlist limitation
  177. Bsplayer hangs
  178. Can't open more than 15 files in Windows 7 at once.
  179. m4v codec
  180. [SOLVED] keyboard = key not working when BSplayer running
  181. Launch videos from inside WhereIsIt
  182. Screen Saver is disabled always
  183. [FIXED] Position of the video window
  184. No Video Acceleration (DXVA) in Windows 7
  185. bs player crashes on win 7
  186. Custom ratios
  187. blacks out entire screen for all other programs also
  188. Cropped subtitles problem in BS.Player v2.53
  189. AC-3 Problem
  190. Crash on file play!
  191. Static frame shown when on screen text displayed
  192. Download bsplayer codecs separately
  193. Hardcore Pan-Scan troubles
  194. Problem with some subtitles
  195. Xvid with Pal frame rate error
  196. [bug] OSD color not keeped after legal notice
  197. Color controls dont save my personal settings
  198. full screen problem
  199. "KNOWN ISSUES" (accepted issues)
  200. Bugs in new version
  201. BS Player Pro Latest bugs
  202. Incorrect "Original" aspect ration with anamorphic AVIs
  203. ['FIXED' by new option in preferences] bug in the playlist
  204. Some bugs I found
  205. .ts file. only sound plays.
  206. A simple LIST of BUGS, marked as confirmed (and still outstanding)
  207. Video allways starts in full screen mode
  208. [FIXED] subtitle problem: background always transparent in Vista/7
  209. Subtitles stretched in fullscreen (EVR)
  210. Frame fields displayed concurrently
  211. Cannot step more than 6 frames
  212. There is a bug with the X buton in playlist
  213. [CAUSED BY A WINDOWS ISSUE] bsplayer pro252.1030 is crashing a lot
  214. BSPlayer stuck when moving back/forward
  215. Bsplayer PRO v2.52.1030 BUGs
  216. [CONFIRMED] WinLirc key assigning problem
  217. Some Movies not working now with Upgrade to 2.52 build 1031
  218. [FIXED] Impossible to drag/drop to bottom position of new style playlist
  219. Bugs/cosmetical issues re GUI/translation of BS.Player versions 252/253/254
  220. [FIXED] Auto add all files from folder in playlist
  221. bass effect is very weak compare to other media players
  222. bsplayer process remains in memory
  223. Subtitles disappear
  224. Error in codecmanager
  225. [FIXED in 1031 build] BS.Player-PRO's Subtitle editor doesn't work in 1029-build!
  226. Key definition bug
  227. Taking snapshot and subtitle doesn't show
  228. Video not playing,Time NOT EVEN MOVING!!!
  229. Error Occured when opening movie on 2 screens
  230. Codec Error in BS Player 2.51 Build 1022
  231. [FIXED] Problem re. rarred subs in (sub)folder 'Subtitles'
  232. [FIXED in build 1026] Pro-beta's 1025 crash when trying to run.
  233. subtitles black-out video
  234. [FIXED] Upgraded from 1.37 to 2.51 Now having problems w/autoplay next part.
  235. [FIXED] Display of free version start-up message
  236. Bsplayer 2.51 b1022 is crashing a lot in windows 7
  237. New subtitle renderer
  238. No sound in Windows 7
  239. Equalizer window issue
  240. [CONFIRMED] No sound at playback of HD recording (Haali problem?)
  241. [SOLVED] jpg screen capture problems in EVR
  242. BS 2.51 crashing with ffdshow mplayer postprocessing
  243. [FIXED AGAIN in 1031] [unfixed in 1028/29/30] [fixed in build 1026] Subtitle Editor
  244. [FIXED] BS.Player crashes under Windows 7 (libavcodec.dll)
  245. picture is cutting a bit
  246. Pixelation
  247. Bs player problems with windows 7 Aero
  248. Turning monitor off is not working
  249. The cooler turns on
  250. Graphic bug or whatewer.