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  1. Subtitles not cleared properly
  2. capture images
  3. What codec is the best???
  4. phacking shit help!
  5. got a .dll problem, not sure why...
  6. build 501 - hell, grabing is broken - again! =:-(
  7. hauppauge ir
  8. Full screen lag
  9. I can't listen AC3
  10. Full Screen en ecoute audio
  11. Changing Codec Merit Rating makes BS Player do strange stuff
  12. K-Lite Codec Pack
  13. :: I CAN'T OPEN BSPlayer :( ::
  14. Two serious unreported bugs! Help please.
  15. some bugs when automaticly changing resolution
  16. Enable spdif output
  17. problems with viewing video-cd's
  18. green picture
  19. Poor picture quality for screen captures
  20. Videos not Centered in Full Screen Mode
  21. Problems with MPEG playback
  22. No center in 5.1
  23. Crashes on Loading Video
  24. DTS via S/PDIF not possible
  25. DIV3
  26. Taskbar disappers in Desktop Mode
  27. Change subtitle position in overlay mode
  28. Problem with Full Screen Mode
  29. Directvobsub (always load mode) doesn't load anymore
  30. Cannot play T2 terminator hi def
  31. Overlay: Mode2 => Video Info & Capture Frame don't wo
  32. help!!
  33. StartTime=HH:MM:SS Not work
  34. Movies does't pause on a mouse left click
  35. FullScreen problem in res. bellow 640 pixels wide
  36. 5.1 repro - silent CENTER...!
  37. Cant Play Any DVD Movie! Help!
  38. inversed image when playing bruce almighty
  39. "Fixed" volume
  40. vmr-9 and subtitles
  41. API VB Troubles BSP_GetFilename
  42. Problems with image playing .avi file
  43. help with unknown formats
  44. Desktop Mode Still Doesnt Work
  45. Slow picture
  46. Error while trying to watch .AVI files..
  47. BsPlayer and Nvidia Detonator...
  48. Green colour on the screen
  49. full screen problem
  50. Keyboard shortcuts function does not work anymore
  51. desktop mode issue
  52. Access violation
  53. problems to launch .ogm files in bsplayer
  54. weird picture quality bug
  55. 2 Bugs - AVI, Skins
  56. Just another bug posting...
  57. VMR9 OSD
  58. Codecs / Skips / New Version
  59. mod2cdmaker problem...
  60. v501: some fixed bugs (not complete) ...and new ones
  61. The program stops when I try to open a file
  62. Subtitles don't show in MPEG2 movies after installing Nero 6
  63. options don´t work properly from command line with ini file
  64. Install matroska, lose audio
  65. Jerking playback over a 100MB switched network
  66. yet another overlay bug report
  67. Tip for overlay problems
  68. subtitles displayed too short time
  69. when launging BSplayer message: error while locating a dll
  70. Matroska srt subtitles support?
  71. Sound and Subtitle doesn't match picture!
  72. Files stopped working.
  73. play... problem...
  74. problem with subtitles
  75. can anyone help me please my subtitels apear in black !!!!!!
  76. Once again, I need help with bsplayer
  77. vbr and bsplayer bug ??
  78. Serious bug: all files in TMP dir can be deleted after crash
  79. Subtitles not load when loading movie second time
  80. Subtitle diagnostics?
  81. Unknown file format
  82. Stream problems
  83. minimizing player and movie window does not work
  84. Problems with Xabre 400, 128 mb videocard
  85. Where to send .LOG file
  86. picture problems
  87. subtitle overlay mode 1 re-position crash + mode 2 not work
  88. SDK message exit
  89. ripple effect/lagging when watching film using tv out ?!?
  90. incomplete fullscreen
  91. VBR movies get audio sync problems bsplayer 500?
  92. Can't rewind OGM files using left arrow key
  93. movie never opens
  94. Minor video problem - In fast scenes the screen splits in 2
  95. My Bsplayer does not work
  96. Subs does not appear on tv, but ok on pc
  97. Unknown file format (DIV3)
  98. mouse cursor in fullscreen mode doesn't disappear...
  99. Grey Screen?
  100. Overlay Failed.
  101. problems with some files...
  102. subs dissapear when pausing with mouse click
  103. BSPlayer is very slow to launch
  104. Bug with subtitres
  105. error message
  106. Screen Capture problem
  107. TVTool and 'Desktop Extension Mode'
  108. Error when i'm trying to go to config menu with divx 5.1
  109. Error when opening
  110. Jump feature does not work properly in frames
  111. Crashes when trying to play
  112. BS Player "Freezes" with certain files ...
  113. start of next avi in playlist kills icq
  114. "bsplay086.500" Don't show avi-tags
  115. Divx-file
  116. I have error about running unreg.bat
  117. all versions fullscreen next movie load bug
  118. BSPLAY+ZoneAlarm Pro= CHOKE Why your BSPLAY will not open
  119. BSPLAY does not like .WMV formats
  120. Goto Time with MPEG2 files
  121. Volume reset to highest volume
  122. My BSplayer randomly crashes
  123. BSplayer hangs up when loading .avi movie
  124. Bsplayer Says Failed
  125. player plays only mpeg.
  126. div3
  127. How I can syncronize substitles on bsplayer
  128. Swedish letter in overlay subtitles
  129. [bug?] unable to delete video files "in use" [XP]
  130. .wmv display problem, history and FIX
  131. IM Definatly Having some problems
  132. Problems with selecting subtitles position.
  133. faulty matroska support persists in 501
  134. please help me
  135. HIGH BUG
  136. video window gone
  137. problem with a xvid video
  138. movie doesn't play
  139. Problem with HW Color Controls
  140. Builds 500 and 501 Preferences bug
  141. nightly build 501 problem
  142. all the people have Bsplayer gui disapear on win98 read this
  143. Extremely Skewed
  144. Problem not working
  145. Can't change volume!
  146. BSPlayer 500,xvid,divx and subtitles-to bst and mv encoders
  147. controls not working
  148. i couldn`t download the bsplayer
  149. error in ivivideo.ax
  150. BSPlayer v0.86.500, Unhandled exception at EIP: 0A8F3697
  151. why can't i take screencaptures from CD ROM drive?
  153. Dr. Watson closes the player with "illegal instruction&
  154. bsplayer CRASH when moving subtitles
  155. playlist side effects
  156. I fixed the problem of the Bsplaye will not play on win98 SE
  157. black screen with sound and subtitles on tvout
  158. Snapshots won't work!
  159. None of my Players Work!
  160. Unhandled Exception at EIP...
  161. "Can't load bsrendv.dll" message in debug mode
  162. BS player crashes windows upon AVI playing
  163. flipped image (up is down & down is up)
  164. AVI ceases after 21 sec of play
  165. Another little bug
  166. Desktop mode and WMV
  167. Two little bugs
  168. 2. Audio file makes disturbing noises only in bsplayer
  169. To author: your mailbox is full
  170. ogm files w/ ogg audio while playing ogg files in winamp
  171. i have found two problems
  172. Danish Subtitles / Danske Undertekster
  173. Resolution changes at startup
  174. About audio streams
  175. Volume & Time Stamp Won't Disappear..
  176. BSPlayer doesn't start on Win98SE
  177. I have sound, but no picture
  178. White captured frames
  179. Problems with DANISH subtitles!!!
  180. Click movie clip on webpage not working for some files
  181. audio/video asynchronised
  182. Audio and Video get asynchron
  183. Fullscreen Probs
  184. Autorun via INI file
  185. DLL Function problems!!!
  186. Background noise and equalizer
  187. Bug with file associations
  188. BSPlayer v0.86.499, Unhandled exception at EIP: 004C8365
  189. bplay.exe - ordinal not found
  190. Anti-aliasing is gone from video files!(After installing XP)
  191. DVobSub stopped loading
  192. unknown file format ()
  193. :? I see picture but hear no sound
  194. I have sound but not picture
  195. Unknown File Format (XCD)
  196. [Help] A strange bug....
  197. remembering intervideo settings doesn't work properly
  198. BsPlayer doesn't work with Xvid Codec?
  199. ??Screen Cap not happening... ??FTW
  200. Problem with showing movie on second monitor
  201. BSplayer hangs in opening
  202. Unknown file format (DIV3)
  203. Player crashes when Newsbin Pro is running at the same time
  204. Have got image but no sounds (= -0,01%)
  205. problem with mpeg movie windows size
  206. Runtime error while trying to output subtitles to overlay :(
  207. [b]Double row of subtitles[/b]
  208. quicktime movie's
  209. problems after upgrade to XP
  210. BSPlayer v0.86.499, Unhandled exception at EIP: 0012F19D
  211. Subtitle bug plz plz plzzzz help me guys
  212. BSplayer won't open. "active system debugger"
  213. Player Crashes When seeking in OGM Files
  214. WARNING ! unknown file format ()
  215. Problem with playlists when using TVTool
  216. Scaling bug (not just BSplayer!)
  217. "Overlay mode 2" and "draw subtitle to overla
  218. transparent subtitles always on
  219. a few bug reports
  220. zoom doesn't preserve
  221. Crackling sound and error message
  222. Conflict Bsplayer/Winamp
  223. missing dll message when launching BSplayer
  224. Black images with some movies
  225. Playlist doesn't open mpeg files (svcd) from virtual drives
  226. Bsplayer 499 crashes when playing avi (xvid) movie
  227. Fails to Access Windows Media type streaming file
  228. Dedynamic makes crash BSPlayer
  229. Playlist bug?
  230. Error In BSPLAYER
  231. problem with corupted OSD
  232. Player wont use DivX codec
  233. Second monitor and subtitles
  234. Stops after 5 seconds :(
  235. Which is the most stable version?
  236. HW brightness shortcut only adjusts up to 7.6 (b500)
  237. AC3 and Ogg in one OGM
  238. AC-3 difficulties
  239. multiple instances ... trouble with opening files
  240. video-tags bugs
  241. "on top" not authorized
  242. Audio problem (NOT codec or volume)
  243. I have problems, please need help
  244. Posting bug
  245. same
  246. capture problem
  247. Wrong timing please help
  248. audio
  249. can't open movie
  250. Please don't use direct linking.