- Downloads
- Seeing the video while skipping forward/backwards??
- Downloads
- BSplayer for Mac (OS X) ????
- What difference between Overlay Mode 1 and Mode 2...
- Stored info
- equalizer as of winamp? Were?
- cannot get desktop mode to work
- Need help with subs
- is there any hope for my old laptop?
- Blue screen and Save Dump in Windows XP's Event Viewer
- Multiple Avi's, 1 subtitle file...
- Vsync problem
- About BSI...
- damn it.. the skin makers work more than BST himself :(
- 2 subs on the same time - How
- REQ: One more 0.86 version please!
- Thanks
- Just wanna say thanks!
- Buid 805 released
- sound problem
- How to get BSPlayer, VobSub and ffdshow work together?
- Multiple Users
- which MP3 codec brings the best quality?
- Subtitles with XviD
- Global Hotkeys?
- Diference bsplay.com and bsplayer.com
- No sound...
- Croatian language
- How to get the subtitles working for divx...
- Language
- Fliped Picture
- Does Registered Elecard Decoder Have annoying squares?
- "shaking" picture in some dc++ downloaded films
- new build
- BSPayer in Russia??? Pogovorim po russki?
- How to View a Movie VideoCD
- load playlist with bsplayer and auto play on startup
- problem playing file- which codec to use to play ac3 sound??
- BSPlayer resetting ATI Radeon overlay settings?
- Subtitles in overlay mode - need help
- xp compatability with BS player
- capture images all of a sudden a black screen
- Subtitles problem
- saving only 1 audio stream
- Possibly off topic: Question about DivX-enabled DVD-players
- In BSPlayer sound without picture in MicroDVD OK
- How to remove big black frame/border in FullScreen mode ??
- Subtitles covering movie
- Cheers!!
- mv2 codec required
- Exception EAccessViolation...
- 2nd AC3 audio streams
- Subtitles(covering movie)
- Subtitles(covering movie)
- System Crash when starting movie
- Black screen on my computer
- about playing .VOBs
- m2v problem floating (annoying) little squares
- bs looks good but.....
- problem with playlist
- Need your recommendations for a slow machine.
- Divx 3.11 and BSplayer won't work
- Need Help With VOB file
- Problem with the WinLirc communication?!?
- Please help a newbie....
- How to read a divx/xvid without any codec installed
- playing dvds
- I hear music of the movie but I don't see anything!
- Buffering is "0", why ?
- I need help about my installation
- Upside down image in W95!?
- How do I play downloaded .avi files?
- CD Autoplay with bsi doesn't work in 100.803 RC1
- Where Is The Volume Control On The "nickyz DVP" Sk
- How Do I Use the DivX Properties I Need To Brighten My Video
- head
- Screen Size
- vid cap folder
- udp
- Can't see anything
- Rtsp:// links (Real) not supported or I have a problem ?
- What DVD player do BSPlayer users like?
- how to watch downloaded movies.
- Mpegs in BSplayer
- Autoload movie on 2 CD
- Capture Frame
- Thanks, great program
- KVCD ?!
- Croatian/Hrvatski language support
- Audio Problem
- help: creating a dvd
- Capture Frame
- Macedonian Support v.100803
- How do I get my movie on tv and monitor
- Probs with AC3
- size of display window
- copying movies from cd to hard drive
- Macedonian support
- BsPlayer the best player??
- Next new build?
- Embed bsplayer
- Player don't play video stream (grey window)
- Can't set things in video properties / BSplayer preferences
- problem wizh playing some movies
- new version VCD dual language audio not functioning
- thanks for the quick ansewer. It's ok
- chapters
- BSplayer icons, better ones here
- Problem with audio volume in ac3
- franse ondertitels voor divx
- Download broken?
- direct draw error message
- is bsplayer works on win95? i have a dll masage
- Hello gentlemen .
- playlist works with Internet explorer but not firebird
- [ver0.8] Problem with MP42 AVIs
- Playing up side down
- Multiple Audio Feed Slection
- Eck! nero video decoder!
- Can't get BSplayer to play video
- Tc Native DirectX plugin with Bsplayer
- Playing faster? (details in topic...)
- Radeon overlay settings reset
- question about Real Alternative 1.11
- NOT bsp related question!
- Command Line
- Overlay 1,2 or what?
- InterVideo AC3 Problem
- Equalizer doen't Work ??
- MatrixMixer Problem :?
- HW BSplayer Autorun V2
- Double click to full screen video
- fixed auto hide problem
- can't get auto hide to work
- Best movie player ever!!
- HELP! Message in Windows NT
- Greetings
- Multi CD Movie With Single Subtitle File
- how do I make subtitles match with the images?
- Intervideo
- "Properties" menu item
- TV-out to 16:9
- Hauppauge Nexus IR-Control
- Problem with DivX v5.1.1
- old version (<1.0) key bindings
- vertical bar with horizontal stripes at the left
- Subtitles not working in MPEG files, AVI ok!
- AVI playback problems
- Using Chapter Files from ZoomPlayer?
- Total video time disappeared!
- how to have BSPlayer play DVD movie
- OGM with 2 Audio Streams
- Volume level.
- Possible for player to open media with a fixed aspect ratio?
- IE will not send file to BS player to buffer
- How can I select subtitles from the command line?
- Bsplayer can't open ssa subs?
- Xvid 1 beta2 Config?
- playlist
- Script feature
- Codec Clean Up
- winamp's plugins
- DIVX5 Ogm Files
- Command Line Options.
- Convert Playlist to html-page... it is possible?
- Just wanted to thank you guys
- BSPlayer vs Viplay
- Videos at wrong aspect ratio?
- Problem: Video is 'zoomed in' about 30%
- Black screen with green strips :(
- About mouse pointer
- Wierd BSplayer problem
- Movie won't show
- DivXG400
- Remote control for bsplayer
- My MPEG-files are not showing correct
- Speakers problem with BS or Intervideo AC3 Codec... not sure
- command lines to use subtitles in BsPlayer 1.0 ?
- Install skins in bsplayer?
- Screen capture size
- I got subtitle problems with Bs Player 1.0 803
- ERROR when dl BSPlayer READ!!!
- compressor/editor: best against cost
- Does the newest verison suppor overlay?
- Does the newest verison suppor overlay?
- ive got a problem with opening div3 files...
- winlirc / remote wonder
- Multiply avi-files on a DVD
- have picher an sound now but ..
- .MKV
- HELP!!!!!!
- avi file..
- problem with TV !
- old version bsplayer
- playback quality
- Has bs got its own equalizer?
- To @ FEL
- how to load chaper with command lines ?
- capture frame this for real?
- Registering at BSPlayer forum results in SPAM?
- error message "can't open file" .ogm
- Error Message when opening an avi or xvid file
- X10 and BSplayer
- XviD 1
- AVI file with two audio tracks
- Grey screen?
- to bspeter
- Getting Error messages, Please help
- Found great utility to use with BsPlayer [SmartPlay]
- I found a solution with AVI files, WMP and sound!!!!
- What the hell is going on?
- I need help!
- No Video
- Which player is the best?
- Problem while trying to open AVI files
- about key definition
- Problems with Direct VobSub
- Can't play RM or RAM files
- Need help please
- Download page dont work
- Removing older BSPLAYER
- How to convert skin from 0.86 to 1.0 format?
- divx + elecard = choppy playback at times...
- thank you
- Chapter viewer
- little bit Offtopic question: DVD Player?
- question about rc1
- why i can't see nothing?
- Open a File and select it with WINLIRC ???
- Can´t register mpg/mpeg extensions
- BIG SHIT !!!
- 2 versions installed?
- Where can i download bsplayer 0.86 Build 498???
- Mpeg upside down
- why don't you try to make a new installer ?
- what about the hebrew translation ?
- I think you should add a button for the aspect ratio
- I loved version 1.00!!!!
- More than 9 Chapters
- Congratulations on Build 803
- Time format in chapter file hh:mm:ss.xxx
- 2 languages
- No syncronism
- What's the difference (Videp Mixings)?
- BS Player installer BS Player.exe & BS Player.zip
- video options problem
- Adjusting Audio Pitch W/ Playback Speed
- Adjusting color HELP!!!