- Whats this?" Unknown file format(DIV3)???? Help!!!
- mms:// Streaming video possible
- codec question
- Assigning the space bar as Play/Pause
- help with bsplayer
- Multiple users in XP
- Can't change repeat settings with vb
- Change overlay to view on TV (Home theater)
- Popup /w Overlay failed!
- codes that change color of subtitles. and the unicode issue.
- hwo i register to BSPlayer?
- Desktop Mode (no longer working)
- Uninstall old version first ???
- how do i change the chanel?
- frame capture
- Subtitles crashing with OGM files
- tv tuner
- Newbie with BS problems
- access violation at 004ef395 in module 'bsplayer.exe'. Read
- Fuzzy image on DV AVI files?
- how do i uninstall BSplayer?
- Gray bordes in TV OUT
- ListOfCodecs MISSING??
- Can I make a standalone CD with a Matroska file?
- no video on 1280 x 1024 resolution
- BSPlayer very slow to open
- problems with BSPlayer
- BSplayer, subtitles & processor load
- crash on loading mpg files (Free build 1.22 (b817))
- access violation at address 0050a5ce
- please help
- BSPlayer and VOBSUB
- "unknown file format ()" message
- new version AC3 filter+bsplayer+Audigy 2 NX = no 5.1 sound!.
- when i turn to tv, picture goes over the border???
- How to keep playback rate the same when movie repeats?
- Bugs I've noticed
- Avi's play fine, but it always tells me the file is corrupt?
- 2 subtitles in the same time
- Subtitles not even loading?!?!
- BSPlayer freezes with AC3 Files
- XVid decoder
- BSPlayer not playing ASF (WMV/WMA) files
- I can ask a question in Russian?
- transparent subtitles
- Command Line Help
- diabolical audio stream !
- Wierd Bug? Black Screen.
- I can´t use my new pc? BSPlayer not compatible?
- No Intervideo AC3 5.1 audio
- New remote control
- just bought BS pro
- sound level control
- Setting Default Audio Stream to Japanese for OGM
- This program is the best
- Unable to MPG file...
- Anyone here never get Errors when using BSplayer?
- bsplayer fails opening asx files
- Subtitles
- Home-theater
- framing issues
- How can i synchronize a movie?
- .vcr files
- Win98 crashes with b815/6 . . . Solved with build 817
- Does BSPlayer Pro Support Hauppauge?
- Problems with Subtitles in Matroska File
- Capture frame problems
- Subtitle problems
- bs player freezing with dual monitor setup
- how do i make it move frame by frame?
- Time stops running - Movie continues
- This may sound stupid...but
- Deleting cached video files?
- Picture freezes
- key definitions
- getting bsplayer to switch between languages
- BSPLayer plays avi files as audio -- no video
- Decrease/Increase playback rate not working for me
- No subtitles..
- crashes playing ogm or mkv files
- ac3 audio won't play
- codec question
- Playback files that are currently in creation.
- Paid 2 days ago for BSplayer PRO, but haven't got any reply!
- rmvb file can't put it in playlist???
- What about Russia?
- Autostart fullscreen not working
- A question of filters... which one make my movies jerk? :)
- .DVDr.img
- Jerking
- when usine "m?©moire tampon"
- Strange sound in fullscreen mode
- Trouble with downloading PRO-version
- How to desable playlist?
- Sound Problems
- Volume control problems
- turning off
- .ogm files
- Subtitle position in fullscreen mode on the TV
- Girder: Navigating problem with BSplayer 1.22 b817
- dolby 5.1 not working
- subtitles eat cpu resource
- Divx 3.11 issue
- vob files
- Uninstall before Installing New Version?
- no RMVB video from 1.2 Build 815, but OK with 1.02.812
- fullscreen problem
- External audio file problem
- PRO is NON PRO Vrrsion (same)
- Are there these features in BSplayer?
- BS player and meedio problem
- Can't open file Error
- BSplayer crashes with the bsrendv2.dll
- Keeping the same audio stream in ogm files
- wmv9 runningn without audio
- BSplayer v1.10.814, Unhandled exception at EIP: 01C21E7D
- De-Interlaced?
- No sound from AVI file right after playing a rmvb file
- file only plays for a minute until slider reaches end
- 2 .sub from two cd's for one .avi file ???
- Possible , remove widescreen blackbars in windowed?
- Creative remote control RM-1000
- Live feed from camera
- wmv no sound
- DVD don't run
- very strange problem I need the creator of bsp here...
- 1 Chapter image per file
- ogm for mac?
- New Ogg Media DirectShow splitter
- serial key
- Where should I fill my reg key?
- Does Bsplayer support VOB or DVD?
- Help: Sound but no video on type xvideo
- How do you get .avi files to play in BSPlayer please?
- @ Adil a.k.a. Adilc a.k.a. Guest from Australia
- Come registrare con BSPlayer Pro?
- damn the torpedoes
- mpg video doesn't work. purple and black screen
- BS PLAYER ne trouve pas mon lecteur de DVD
- All player play, but BSplayer is out of sync
- The dreaded s/pdif problem again...
- Plugins?
- How can i put under title in a film?
- Save screencaps to movie folder?
- Problem with screen capping..
- could BSPlayer do this?
- cant open this mp3 file
- AutoPlay
- Can BSplayer play asf/asx audio files from sites like Amazon
- ffdshow and divx settings
- Forum sig settings :(
- BS Player Pro new version download
- please help
- capture7record divx/mpeg-4 in to file from ip camera?
- Problems reading a video
- How to switch back to older version???
- VMR-9 renderless mode 1 vs. mode 2
- Bsplayer.org is down? (Edit: FIXED)
- video
- Can't Play files in japanese filename format
- Looping Video
- HD-WMV: audio issues on a 4.1 speaker system
- bsplayer and *wmv files
- key definition of increase/decrease brightness does not work
- no audio in bsplayer
- BSplayer and Internet Explorer
- help
- need help pan and scan zoom
- big PROBLEM!
- audio ok, black screen
- Screencapping in BSplayer
- Bsplayer doesn´t play hyperlinks
- Bsplayer and .MPG files
- How to load subtitles?
- How to tell BSPlayer NOT to use FFDShow filter
- any new version?
- enable Features for BS Player Pro
- new Bs - messes up overlay settings.
- good program
- Boss Button
- My subs want show.
- Vob format question?
- Tool that puts black bars on screen?
- How to change the subtitles timing in movie
- Determice Which Codec BSplayer is Using
- I know it's cold, but BSPlayer should'nt be shivering..
- Small guide to TV capture.
- what is dub
- using ac-3filter for movies with mp3 sound
- how can i play dvd movie using my bsplayer ...plz help!
- Navigation in BSplayer
- Idiots at BSPLAYER.COM could use common sense
- What happened to Shift + 2 Now its to SMALL!!!
- VMR seems to lose vsync on fx5200 (card too slow?)
- Toshiba Notebook Media Buttons / Dritek Easy Buttons
- sound in mono, how can i put on the 2 speakers ????
- questions
- Reading SVCD
- Sync Issues with HDTV TS files and AC3
- Crop the black top and buttom?
- Having "Weird" problem with "Frame Capture&qu
- some OGG files don't play back anymore!
- BSPlayer Rocks!!!
- darkness
- Parental Controls
- it's sorry that Bsplayer doesn't support MOV,it's very sad
- Rip Subtitles
- Progress Bar
- how to open playlist (text format) with cmd line?
- Slight shift when reaching a chapter
- About .bsi files! How I run 2 films in one .bsi file?
- How can I get bigger images with BSplayer?
- Audio noise on TV
- How do you change the brightness
- How do you dock both boxes
- How to do subtitles appear on the position defined in *.BSI?
- How to read *.cda with BSPlayer ?
- Filter control
- Wishing you all: HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
- DIVX movies
- Unable to Reach DVD Movie Point
- no sound with mp4 files!! Is there a chance??
- can't play WMV files in bsplayer
- mpeg audio video sync problems
- capture images
- The colour controls have no effect
- equalizer preset?
- tv capture
- How can I view a DVD movie in BSPlayer Pro
- can u set the brightness in BS player
- How do I get subtitles to appear beneath the actual movie
- problem with BSplayer
- Ini files and Bsplayer
- does bsplayer supports mpeg4 video files?
- Video is jerky
- HWmaker v2.5 Alpha is out!
- Playing a .mov file - I see the picture, but no sound!
- I dream a day when BSPLAYER will hit us with support for DVD
- sound problem
- what's the deal with xvid avi's not playing in latest build?
- .mvb format
- Maximize windows not full screen
- Subtitles not loading?
- k-lite...i want it out!!!
- synchronisation