- android vixeo players
- CANNOT INSTALL ON Win8.1. Possible cause?
- cannot install latest update of bsplayer
- the tiny main BS window is gone?
- BS player cleared the errors
- BSP Installation virus warning
- Android BSPlayer: How can you do continuous playback?
- BS player in one window?
- washed out colors
- Can't see Hebrew correctly (BS Player PRO v2.66)
- Remove watermark with Pro version?
- Bsplayer don't install
- Bsplayer won't play anything from my D drive
- show menu on mouse move
- Queue a song to play next
- no drag and drop !!!
- rotate video 90 degrees
- BS player crush
- where is the captured images path ?
- bsplayer in external hard drive
- Need help
- No video via HDMI
- how to integrate external audio to a video?
- Playing 3D SBS movie in 2D
- cant run videos on bsplayers
- Main window size
- Date and Time stamp
- BS.Player crashes on Windows 8 when started
- Please help, sudden image worsening
- Sub Problem
- Make BS Default player for Kindle Fire HD
- BSplayer codecs
- Drag and Drop to Playlist Not Working - Windows 8
- Desktop Mode Windows 8
- BSplayer for Smart TV?
- is not writable / "must be restarted" infinitely
- Audio / Video Out Of Sync Only With BSPlayer
- A really weird problem with BS player
- please help me
- Chromecast support
- BSplayer and Windows RT
- Do Not Ask Me To Download Subtitles
- Multiscreen Problem
- Not Open a MOV file size 3.6GB
- Screen is black in full screen
- BSPlayer stutter problems in certain files when subtitles are enabled
- .sub files' timing not working when using EVR (win7)
- cant uninstall / install
- Eset smart Security block www.bsplayer.com
- Big volume differential to other apps
- I need help getting Ctrl-B (next chapter) to work!
- BsPlayer can't play mp4
- Is there a way to set the Video Background BEFORE playing a file?
- Is it possible to jump ahead in a video using a keyboard shortcut?
- Warning
- Is it possible to put video window and buttons control window together?
- VLC Media Player
- capture
- User Manual for BS.Player Pro
- video
- -hide command line parm still lets controller appear momentarily
- HW accelerated playing?
- Fullscreen no video, Moviemode works fine
- Watching sbs (side by side) movies in BS.Player
- Problem: can watch videos only on fullscreen
- Freeware version at work?
- Gibberish instead of Hebrew
- BS.Player finds ArchLinux SAMBA share but won't connect.
- subtitles error
- Playlist with URL not loading
- Very strange problem - Pause does not work
- Audio problem ! (not the first not the last)
- BIG problem generating thumbnails
- Problem with mkv and subtitles
- Free version of BSPlayer ?
- Subtitles Auto Split Problem
- Hardware Decoding supported for Note 2?
- Bsplayer requires Admin priviledges every time it starts
- 'DivX 4+ properties' is gray (disabled).
- [FIXED] Update Info Fails
- How to properly enable AC3filter in bsplayer
- No Audio on any files
- Playback speed problem
- Problem with BS Player PRO and Win 8
- Embed BSPlayer
- Major Problems
- skips a song when in other window
- display action / status question
- No audio on single AVI file
- Playlist. SDK Troubles.
- CodecManager not working
- BSplayer as default for JustinTV
- MP4 Broadcom Crystal HD
- How to run codecs check again?
- Caps
- Playing a list
- ERROR: Always playing slow-motion and low pitch audio! Why?
- BS player does not open a file when I do double click on it
- problem with subttitles
- Frame rate indication
- BSPlayer exits Full Screen Mode
- How to use Color Controls with AMD Radeon 5450?
- black video in win7 64 with overlay mixer
- Darkish movies
- Sound disappear after 30 seconds
- BSplayer files
- Always on Top does not always work
- Slow video = Audio distorted
- Movie Size 1280 x 720 @ 25 frames.
- Problem with displaying VobSub subtitles
- What about a MAC OS version?
- Getting best resolution for screen capture
- deleting unwanted video
- BS Player rewinds to a certain point all the time
- How do i move the codecs that i got from codecmanager.exe
- The video freezes
- BS Player crashes at once
- Skip forward amount
- How do you restore screen saver settings?
- Subtitle position going wrong
- When in fill-screen on second display via HDMI image jumps
- Chapter viewer
- How can i cancel the "PLAY" "STOP" etc.. pop ups at the video window?
- 5.1 Sony Surround Sound, Sound Blaster X-fi Card, BS Player no playing 5.1...Help!!
- BSPlayer problem movie width
- how do i bitstream?
- Moving window off-screen
- Streaming problem
- can't save configuration file ERROR
- packed x264 video file opening problem
- BSplayer plays video, no sound at all, reinstalling doesnt help.
- Problems with 'Multiple Instances'
- Ver 1.41 Time counts down instead of up...
- Info on screen ...
- Problem when i open video files and with utf-8 greek subtitles
- Bsplayer and PLAY TO (right click) option
- Full screen 720p movie glitches
- who can help who has the answers PLEEEAASE HELP
- Fully hardware accelerated playback: Radeon HD 6000 + BSPlayer. How?
- Bsplayer Stuttering with subtitles in fullscreen Problem
- Playback rate and Minnie Mouse syndrome
- Video and Audi lagg
- help me please!
- bs jumps forward when i alt tab
- Framerate limit/cap on BS Player. How to?
- Enable DIVX, Disable FFDSHOW
- audio streams
- My Movies
- Pinacle remote control/name of the fullscreen process
- Problem with file associations
- Loading Subtitles & Maximizing Causes Terrible Screen Lags
- DirectShow not installed! 004A for LAV filter
- Mac version pleaseeee!
- Overlay mixer for Windows 7
- free licence - commercial usage
- BSplayer crashes in subtitlemenu
- tag identity removed
- send/receive commands from/to bsplayer using c#
- Subtitles
- how to reset settings in bs player
- sbs movie subtitles
- Diff Size error
- is there a file that holds all the settings?
- Open Locked Media Files in Win7 isn't working
- Help?
- bsplayer259.1059 - no Dolby DTS output anymore
- Upgrade resets some settings to defaults?
- BS Player keep switching default Opening Files' Programs
- video freezes on startup
- [SOLVED] Problem with sound in mp4 file
- [SOLVED] Capture youtube resolution
- Removing overdubbing.
- [SOLVED] No audio on .mov file
- Automatic Aspect Ratio on TV-OUT
- play movie backward
- How to Generate Thumbnails from Streaming Videos
- Cannot download subs
- Windows media Player 12 vs. BSplayer
- BSplayer OK on full screen but pixelated on window
- = ¿Umek video "Posing As Me"? =
- Weird issue on Asus EEE PC
- Horrible movie/player/windows lags when watching movie over 20 min??
- = Problem to buy the Pro version =
- BSP_OpenFile, Unicode and C++
- SDK help
- Keyboard shortcut to change audio stream
- BS player pref. Filter Management Add Filter works for you?
- Bs player mp3 album Art Cover ??
- DSP plugs don´t load in BS player!! plz!
- 10-bit: how to make it work?
- Time Seek not working (jump to keyframe unchecked)
- Use BSplayer on TV Is it possible ?
- "closed playlist"
- Seeking is laggy with720p and 1080p wmv files
- screenshot with subtitle bsplayer
- FLV Frame-by-frame
- Subtitle auto resizing
- My screen turned off
- Chapter viewer start automatically?
- private use notice
- Need any useful suggestions for first steps.
- Problem viewing videos on my BS Player.
- Problem with coreavc 2.5 and ac3 filter
- Force to use ffdshow?
- Malware in bsplayer [FALSE REPORT]
- Frame stepping issue... not working as I'd like it to...
- picture does not fit
- Mkv. data plays too fast
- Audio
- Control panel gone!!
- Video previews
- Strange problem with WD Mybook Live nas
- Lock video screen
- No sound - MOV files
- Pro Question
- functions not working
- back up codec
- can't hear
- How to prohibite for BSPLayer to set itself as a default player?
- Help! Can't play 1080p D=
- few subtitles
- change the direction of subtitles
- shoffle question
- Subtitles, ATI extend and Theatre mode
- Problem playing in 16:9 mode
- playing 1080i
- BSPlayer SDK question.
- Full Screen Skips with Subs
- Logging played files
- Why bsplayer can't play some aac radio streams
- [Lang. Problem] Seeing gibberish instead of Hebrew.
- Disable "Unable to play media file" popup permanently
- BS Player crashing near the end of file
- bs player
- BSPlayer and Winlirc
- Flicker when fullscreen and showing subs
- Frame by frame, backwards ?
- Don't play the Google VP8 videos!
- Playlists
- MKV playing fast, skipping seconds and gets stuck
- Drag and Drop - Music
- Do I have an official bs player pro or fake?
- Problem with .wmv
- Lag on 1080p playback for ONE video
- Bs Player PRO 2.57.1051 versiyonda birçok bug var
- BS player playing videos wrong
- Plugin cannot be configured
- great player