- Lost registration of BSplayer PRO
- problem wih greek language
- How to uninstall BSplayer
- frame by frame seeking while paused
- When BSplayer will play dvd's ????
- RealPlayer meta file (.ram)
- subtitle help?!
- Shortcut for custom aspect ratio?
- How to set MIME type for cbf embedded in Matroska container?
- Pictures captured in blank.
- what's wrong?
- desktop mode sometimes not working
- help wm recorder
- help
- Play by default?
- Wmv9 with wma9 pro 5.1
- Key Definition
- help
- m2v = no sound
- Help!! Can I play Music CD's
- Video Mixing Renderer - how to use it
- recording a video stream from internet ?
- Playlist
- TV cap ??!@#@$
- Autoshow/Autohiding of menu controls in full screen
- MP3 Tag?
- BSPlayer and graph filters
- Audio-video synchronisation ?
- Turn PBC on to see menu
- New DVD Rip Site !!!
- life after spybot
- mpeg2, vertical lines in the picture, issue
- Problems with resizing & moving window
- synchron start of more bsplayer
- How to change time seek amount?
- Flicker.
- How to install 1.02
- wanted to ask about vobsub subtitles
- help me plzzzzzzz
- Need BSPLayer User guide - soft version
- help me please
- no AC3 Audio (Intervideo codec)
- preferences window sucks
- Bad quality on asx streaming!
- congratulation Bsplayer
- can i play online radio with bsplayer?
- Probblem with openeing films
- Merge .srt into .avi
- Moviewindow is lost... (?)
- No sound
- BS Player recommended - is it suitable?
- help with subtitle!!??
- problems with bsplayer
- About "DO NOT USE CODEC PACKS!!" warning in FAQ.
- WinLIRC auto start
- Re: Plays BSplayer File as an Audio File
- black screen
- can i let the song overlap each other?
- double audio track
- Video over network
- Distorsive image on clone mode with Full screen device dis..
- video keeps repeating
- How to change the position of time in full mode?
- Font style modifiers for .sub file don't work in 1.0 release
- Display oftions full or wide screen on TV
- Time in full mode?
- Can only play some rmvb files?
- Incorrect subtitles in 800x600 mode
- BSPlayer can't open wmv and asf after upgrading to Win2003
- Playing rm file gives Exception
- can't play avi file that wmp10 plays
- Advanced Manual ?
- Install Questions: Associate with suppoorted files
- Rendering quality compared to TV
- XVid files won't load and will freeze BSPlayer
- Bsplay and remote control
- Plug-ins
- Time is not correct
- no movie, only sound on tv
- Help with subtitles
- TV-picture "Zooming" in when in TV-mode problem :/
- Please, help me with codecs
- Image controls with .mpg files
- Turn off popup bsplayer
- Slooooooooooooow playback
- BSPlayer 1.02 Build 812 MKV crashing !!
- No chinese, but weird symbols
- BSP SkinMaker new version
- Autoplay movie from CD-ROM on Win2000 ...
- jerky playback with old video card
- bs player image problem
- Problem using bsplayer on tv...
- no delay?
- BSPlayer 1.02.821 Pro installer
- BSPlayer 1.02.821 Pro installer
- How to save a picture from a film????
- Closing BSPlayer
- Closing BSPlayer
- problems with subtitels
- RealPlayer CoDec with BSPlayer
- capturing movie from bsplayer
- Exporting Video via analog/DV Firewire Device?
- In fullscreen mode sound and video problem
- How to seput BSplayer to play on TV?
- vid caps
- subtitles playing smi
- Crossfading
- BSplayer resource problem
- How to playback .TS Transport Stream File
- CoDec Suggestions
- is there a way to get previous to 9/14 install exe?
- Subtitles Help
- what codecs/filters BSP use?
- fresh install, now bsplayer no worky..wmp&zoom work fine
- Playing Mov files
- Please Help....Problem with Video Capture
- Problem with volume
- More divx movies on a dvd and an autostart "menu"
- Videos Freezing/crashing laptop
- Keeps deleting
- 6 ch sound
- Shaking picture
- Hide main window while opening file
- Night builds
- BS problemita....
- bsplayer no subtitles on tv
- sreenshots ??
- Movie don't start
- Aspectratio on tv wrong, no black area under movie
- sound problem
- PLZ help with subtitles
- When will the RunHD=0|1|2 option be supported in INI files?
- auto autoplay in Win XP
- 2 File Divx Movie Playback
- shame!
- Reduced Dialog Volume but Normal Ambient Sounds
- Problem with pan-scan options
- Color controls mpeg
- automatic power saving for monitor works with playing movie
- How Does One Enable TV Tuner Support
- Where I can find file with predefinites setup of level of eq
- Help VobSub isnt loading on bsplayer!!!
- Help menu??????
- standalone-playable disk minimum
- Pro Update?
- Can a playlist include several avi's with subtitles?
- BSPlayer 1.* Crashes
- MV2P vs BSP
- Guest could start new thread, but not reply ?!
- where is 1.02?
- Please help. I can't get .avi's to work with BSPlayer.
- Which version name is right?
- "Check for new version" problem.
- How do you turn off fast forward or fast reverse?
- bs player & aac format
- BSPlayer Pro version 1.00 Build 811
- How can I use the subtitle editor?
- CRC error
- An early x-mas gift
- pro version? - "free for non-commercial use" messa
- easy way to make key defns for window & full screen the
- how to ear dual films???
- Upgrading-What files to backup to keep prefs and key defn?
- Anyone uses Girder with BsPlayer? I do, It works! Need group
- BSPlayer Pro Capture?
- How to turn off repeat?
- Pro version and future releases??
- New Free Build
- capture frame zero size
- open file
- CD Audio Files
- Brightness controls
- Always will be free
- Pro ver translations?
- Where do I get a free DVD Decoder?
- problem with sound
- AVSEQ01.MPG - Cant open file - Help Pls
- Question about skins and the BSplayer update (0.86-> 1.00
- Equalizer...saved preset(updated)
- Equalizer....saved preset.
- no video
- DivX -> TV
- Audiostream?
- Sound Problem - mpeg2 & mpeg1
- subtitles problem (omes on opposite)
- Aaagghhhh!!!!!
- Need help with capture frame
- Use DEE2 in BSPlayer WITHOUT Having to Install Winamp
- mkv file ticked but bs doesn't read it
- Error while loading BSplayer v1.00.810.
- How to auto-load chapters?
- Bsplayer default player
- problem with bsplayer, ffdshow and ac3filter
- bsplayer logo font
- settings in autorun cd
- Elecard Decoder Pkg 2.0beta
- Losing the center channel when using 4.1 speakers
- Error: File is corrupted! Seeking will be very slow!
- No sound with BSPlayer
- BSPlayer Icons
- Very slow frame rate and poor quality problem.
- playback
- FFDshow as last filter for postprocessing
- Question about Screen Capturing
- Intervideo channel setting via bsi file
- download issue
- movies
- vobsub subtitles in matroska files
- Does BSPlayer need codecs and filters?
- BSplayer 1 (final) + mkv+ SP2 = Problems !!
- problem with the video playback
- XP style dialogs
- Position of subtitles in 16:9 and 4:3 films
- The file doesent play.
- Can u put BSplayer on a website?
- vids:xvid...
- Newbie with question
- 100% processor usage
- processing power taken?
- Bogus version of BSplayer?
- HELP: SUB file not loading!
- mkv subtitles and vobsob
- RM-X Media Edition for BSplayer
- Translation for BSplayer
- problem with vcd
- Bs player
- System requirements
- New BSplayer 1.00.811
- How to start BSPlayer with the playlist window open
- ATI 7500 Dual Head and Full Screen
- subtitles on TV
- EQUALIZER doesn't work
- Command Line - Is there a command line for loop or repeat?
- can't see the movie on TV
- Secondary monitor...
- Movies with subtitles jump
- Still no audio
- Capture frame
- Some avi files lock the system
- Audio directory
- Just to say thank you...
- Picture is upside down.
- damn subtitles!
- instaler Vs. Zip
- Using BSPlayer on notebook - general questions
- About EQ again...*SOLVED*
- Plugins
- Need help after virus and trojan attack
- Out-of-sync