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  1. Please help!! Playback problems
  2. CanĀ“t adjust contrast, saturation, brightness any more
  3. Why can't I add MOV files to the playlist?
  4. Can't see video in BSplayer, WMP only in Virtualdub
  5. Subtitle margin width problem
  6. BSPlayer Error : Access Violation 0040643A
  7. Error on enabling ffdshow Decoder for Xvid,Divx !
  8. screenshot size question
  9. claud.ax
  10. subtitles two time,s
  11. film ends and repeat again, why???
  12. can't register version 1.36
  13. Can't adjust satuaration , constrast , color ...etc
  14. Problem runnig bsplayer burnning in DVD
  15. Movie only recognizing .sub subtitle file
  16. Error: (VRM9) Not available on this system..
  17. Xvid Problem x_x
  18. All key definitions list
  19. problem
  20. Subtitle Problem
  21. Help loading Subtitles!
  22. Crashes when ajusting volume in full screen [v1.36 build825]
  23. broken timer
  24. Messed up Video
  25. i need help
  26. subtitle position change
  27. Control and progress bar in full screen
  28. BUG: focus lost when transitioning to another file in FS
  29. Video over network is closed after being paused
  30. 100% cpu usage
  31. Bsplayer option
  32. full screen pb
  33. BS Player not working!!
  34. AC3Filter Bug
  35. No sound after resume play
  36. Which video rendering mode?
  37. Playlist size
  38. overlay failed problem
  39. please help pro 1.35 823 captur cras
  40. BsPlayer and unknown file extensions.
  41. bs pro eerrrooorr
  42. Screen Shots & Skins
  43. files disappear when player close
  44. can play but no sound!!!!
  45. Hepl!!! ERROR:
  46. BSPlayer won't play anything at all
  47. bsplayer error
  48. Firefox mediaplayer connectivity
  49. Long one-line subs
  50. How to extend video to defined height
  51. Fullscreen Problem @ 1280x1024
  52. Vista tests
  53. ERROR: ERROR: It says INFORM the author
  54. screenshot a movie
  55. Configuring the AC3 Sound
  56. Audio Configuration
  57. ERROR message when using Windows XP with NTDLL.DLL
  58. .mkv
  59. BSplayer v1.35.823, Unhandled exception
  60. receiving a multicast stream with BSlayer
  61. What good is "Desktop Mode" if.......
  62. error: exeption in module oldskin.dll at 00014B49
  63. How to make Japanese default audio stream?
  64. WMV playback ????
  65. Vobsub (.idx) subtitles in new BSplayer v 1.35 (b823)
  66. video optimizing
  67. Native support for H.264 content,when?
  68. Movies are dark except in full screen mode
  69. Double subtitles
  70. Subtitles async
  71. PLEASE HELP - PROBLEM:Unknown file format (FMP4)????
  72. Subtitles under the movie ??
  73. BSPlayer Pro "Open device" and other menu items, i
  74. Can't play 640x480 wmv
  75. Sound timing doesn't match that of the video
  76. Unknown File Format (DIV3)
  77. Audio Layer Problem
  78. How to play copied DVD movie on HD?
  79. subtitles
  80. PLZ HELP ME!!!!!! LOOK HERE!
  81. Cropping - Not just the black borders
  82. DSP plugins
  83. caturing videos
  84. subtitles are not saved
  85. Problem playing an .avi file -- freezing & crashing
  86. Video Quality Help
  87. bsplayer colour settings fuck up the pic
  88. subtitles on the top of the screen
  89. Audio Track switching problem
  90. Quick-time files in BS player
  91. CDDB problem in 1.33.821
  92. working video not playing in BSplayer
  93. How can Wincinema Remote Control be used w/bsplayer??
  94. Shutdown bug
  95. Freeze problem
  96. Keyboard inactive after file "opened".
  97. TV-OUT Problem
  98. BSPlayer Manual or Help file or Function list?
  99. Problems With Video
  100. BSP freezes when pausing
  101. BSPlayer MKV Issue
  102. Problems playing rm/ram file
  103. Since BSPlayer cant do dvds...
  104. Skin question?
  105. Live Streaming Links (Url's) dont work in my bsplayer.
  106. "Buffer is empty" info message
  107. Color corruption in avi files
  108. 5.1 problem ( no center satalite sound)
  109. Problems with OGM playback (BSplayer 1.32.820)
  110. .sub files
  111. Arifacts with video full screen
  112. Plugins registration in BS 1.32
  113. Why Does'nt My Bs Player Any Links?
  114. Subtitle editor in the BSplayer menus
  115. Fullscreen Problem @ 1920x1200
  116. Can't Open Video File With Chinese Characters Filename
  117. I'm having trouble to see an AVI in BSP but no in WMP
  118. How do I register the Bsplayer pro 1.31 ???
  119. [Bug] Keep aspect ratio no longer works in v.132
  120. BsPlayer tuner recognize problem
  121. Subtitle semi-transparent option?
  122. Problem with XviD
  123. Regarding the loading of subtitles
  124. MPEG 2 Video, BSPlayer won't Play !!!!
  125. Burning Subs?
  126. Video rendering per file type?
  127. Backup/Save my Prefences
  128. Anyone Ever get BSP_GetFileName working in VB6?
  129. wmv files and slow motion
  130. [Bug]BS not support DTS in VOBs
  131. Can't load ASX streams ?
  132. Need Help
  133. movie is moving all over the place
  134. Porblem with WMV files
  135. How can i open a subtitle file which is "unicode"
  136. CRASH when player Avi using HDX4 codecs
  137. DVD Playback
  138. Why length of film less present?
  139. problems only with bsplayer
  140. What is new or fixed in v1.32?
  141. using "old" .bsi files in new bsplayer
  142. problems displaying subtitles when using VMR-9 video render
  143. no video on 1280 x 1024 resolution
  144. [FIXED] Change background colour for 16/9 movies
  145. Why is the announcement forum not updated?
  146. No sound in TV
  147. Plugin to set default audio stream and subtitle
  148. Subtitles in bsplayer movie on laptop but not on TV
  149. TV-out prob
  150. Why my screen captures look so weird?
  151. Multimedia keys supported?
  152. Problem with Nero Recode
  153. divx 6 + bsplayer 1.22.817 = CRASH
  154. DivX 6
  155. Problem with preferences
  156. how to change BSplayer's play-able file icon with regedit
  157. H264 codec
  158. MKV issues
  159. How to move the movie ???
  160. MSN plugin for BSplayer
  161. No audio in VBR mp3 avi's.
  162. Video playback problem
  163. How to use : BSP_FRSizeLeft ?
  164. Default language fo subtitles
  165. watching movies with two languages simultaneosly
  166. Cant load bsrendv2.dll???
  167. Access Violation in module "BSPlayer.exe"
  168. BSPlayer as a replacement
  169. Where to download the BSPlayer SDK ???
  170. playback rate returns to default when movie repeats?
  171. no video, shocking screen
  172. Is it possible to watch an avi with two different subtitle?
  173. .bsi file for v1.22
  174. ? about equalizer
  175. Importing music folders
  176. Is there a way to start up in "Show/Hide Main Window mo
  177. Scrol up and scroll down shortcut key
  178. BSP_GetFileName and VB 6
  179. Playlist problem
  180. Not so new a topic, but...
  181. Movie Position
  182. Bsplayer problem w/t sound in AVI files
  183. Apprehension of photos
  184. Mobile phone BSplayer remote control
  185. bsplayer steels my media key button on keyboard
  186. .IDX subtitles.
  187. writing plugins for bsplayer
  188. capturing frames matters
  189. Can BSPlayer start in Anamorphic Ratio automatically
  190. Division by zero
  191. suddenly wont play Mpgs
  192. Great, Now theyve screwed DIVX PLAYBACK!
  193. Only a chapter
  194. Audio is skipping, never had this b4???
  195. Video Fade out/Fade in ?
  196. BSplayer is buffering WMV's all of a sudden
  197. Playing some mpgs that are 12 min long. BS player reads...
  198. tv doesn't work?
  199. Full Screen Aspect Ratio
  200. [ATI TV Output] PanScan zoom in theatre mode not working :(
  201. BSPlayer error while watching movies on TV!!! ERROR
  202. Audio Speed Change, or Audio Offset for playback
  203. vsfilter/vobsub refuses to load
  204. download old versions, where?
  205. MKV file won't play
  206. Logitech Mouse Buttons
  207. the best video mode for a crt projector ????
  208. Will not open ASX files
  209. Subtitle Timing
  210. How can i make BS to play this file
  211. Set specific Repeat mode via code
  212. DVD - Vob files in BS Player
  213. Fusion of a subtitle and a movie
  214. Subtitles in mode theater
  215. cannot load subtitles
  216. BSP SkinMaker v1.02
  217. can't open quicktime movies
  218. Command line for specifing monitor
  219. Bulgarian Translation
  220. problem playing cd with bsplayerpro
  221. Streaming Video
  222. Manual loading vobsub subtitles
  223. Keyboard shortcut for context menu
  224. how to switch in "movie mode" by commands lines ?
  225. how to change the resolution in desktop mode ?
  226. Some mp3s will play in WMP but not BSPlayer. Help!
  227. Captured Image (Reduced Quality?)
  228. Player crashes
  229. BSplayer crashes when I open OGM files
  230. Additional keyboard buttons such as Play and Pause
  231. Please help with Playback rate 1/2 problem
  232. Equilizer Preset File
  233. Movie split in half no longer plays both halves
  234. re regester bsplayer pro after formatting hard drive.??
  235. Network Buffer - crash the player
  236. help with BS Player (can't open certain file, can't delete)
  237. VobSub+BSPlayer+DivX - no subtitles
  238. from Playlist, .avi with no audio
  239. Bsplayer Doesn't Play Movie With Foreign Character Title?!!
  240. Can't Play audio -"0x0055(MP3) ID'd as MPEG-1 Layer 3&q
  241. Can anyone help me with the BS Player??
  242. Externar Exception 80000003....Help plz
  243. Something is wrong with my audio
  244. Trouble opening DVDs
  245. All was well until yesterday!!...BSPlayer is gone and died!
  246. No Front Center Channel Output
  247. Whole screen issues
  248. Rewind/FFWD Causes System Freeze
  249. bsplayer and remote control
  250. Help me