- Please help!! Playback problems
- CanĀ“t adjust contrast, saturation, brightness any more
- Why can't I add MOV files to the playlist?
- Can't see video in BSplayer, WMP only in Virtualdub
- Subtitle margin width problem
- BSPlayer Error : Access Violation 0040643A
- Error on enabling ffdshow Decoder for Xvid,Divx !
- screenshot size question
- claud.ax
- subtitles two time,s
- film ends and repeat again, why???
- can't register version 1.36
- Can't adjust satuaration , constrast , color ...etc
- Problem runnig bsplayer burnning in DVD
- Movie only recognizing .sub subtitle file
- Error: (VRM9) Not available on this system..
- Xvid Problem x_x
- All key definitions list
- problem
- Subtitle Problem
- Help loading Subtitles!
- Crashes when ajusting volume in full screen [v1.36 build825]
- broken timer
- Messed up Video
- i need help
- subtitle position change
- Control and progress bar in full screen
- BUG: focus lost when transitioning to another file in FS
- Video over network is closed after being paused
- 100% cpu usage
- Bsplayer option
- full screen pb
- BS Player not working!!
- AC3Filter Bug
- No sound after resume play
- Which video rendering mode?
- Playlist size
- overlay failed problem
- please help pro 1.35 823 captur cras
- BsPlayer and unknown file extensions.
- bs pro eerrrooorr
- Screen Shots & Skins
- files disappear when player close
- can play but no sound!!!!
- Hepl!!! ERROR:
- BSPlayer won't play anything at all
- bsplayer error
- Firefox mediaplayer connectivity
- Long one-line subs
- How to extend video to defined height
- Fullscreen Problem @ 1280x1024
- Vista tests
- ERROR: ERROR: It says INFORM the author
- screenshot a movie
- Configuring the AC3 Sound
- Audio Configuration
- ERROR message when using Windows XP with NTDLL.DLL
- .mkv
- BSplayer v1.35.823, Unhandled exception
- receiving a multicast stream with BSlayer
- What good is "Desktop Mode" if.......
- error: exeption in module oldskin.dll at 00014B49
- How to make Japanese default audio stream?
- WMV playback ????
- Vobsub (.idx) subtitles in new BSplayer v 1.35 (b823)
- video optimizing
- Native support for H.264 content,when?
- Movies are dark except in full screen mode
- Double subtitles
- Subtitles async
- PLEASE HELP - PROBLEM:Unknown file format (FMP4)????
- Subtitles under the movie ??
- BSPlayer Pro "Open device" and other menu items, i
- Can't play 640x480 wmv
- Sound timing doesn't match that of the video
- Unknown File Format (DIV3)
- Audio Layer Problem
- How to play copied DVD movie on HD?
- subtitles
- Cropping - Not just the black borders
- DSP plugins
- caturing videos
- subtitles are not saved
- Problem playing an .avi file -- freezing & crashing
- Video Quality Help
- bsplayer colour settings fuck up the pic
- subtitles on the top of the screen
- Audio Track switching problem
- Quick-time files in BS player
- CDDB problem in 1.33.821
- working video not playing in BSplayer
- How can Wincinema Remote Control be used w/bsplayer??
- Shutdown bug
- Freeze problem
- Keyboard inactive after file "opened".
- TV-OUT Problem
- BSPlayer Manual or Help file or Function list?
- Problems With Video
- BSP freezes when pausing
- BSPlayer MKV Issue
- Problems playing rm/ram file
- Since BSPlayer cant do dvds...
- Skin question?
- Live Streaming Links (Url's) dont work in my bsplayer.
- "Buffer is empty" info message
- Color corruption in avi files
- 5.1 problem ( no center satalite sound)
- Problems with OGM playback (BSplayer 1.32.820)
- .sub files
- Arifacts with video full screen
- Plugins registration in BS 1.32
- Why Does'nt My Bs Player Any Links?
- Subtitle editor in the BSplayer menus
- Fullscreen Problem @ 1920x1200
- Can't Open Video File With Chinese Characters Filename
- I'm having trouble to see an AVI in BSP but no in WMP
- How do I register the Bsplayer pro 1.31 ???
- [Bug] Keep aspect ratio no longer works in v.132
- BsPlayer tuner recognize problem
- Subtitle semi-transparent option?
- Problem with XviD
- Regarding the loading of subtitles
- MPEG 2 Video, BSPlayer won't Play !!!!
- Burning Subs?
- Video rendering per file type?
- Backup/Save my Prefences
- Anyone Ever get BSP_GetFileName working in VB6?
- wmv files and slow motion
- [Bug]BS not support DTS in VOBs
- Can't load ASX streams ?
- Need Help
- movie is moving all over the place
- Porblem with WMV files
- How can i open a subtitle file which is "unicode"
- CRASH when player Avi using HDX4 codecs
- DVD Playback
- Why length of film less present?
- problems only with bsplayer
- What is new or fixed in v1.32?
- using "old" .bsi files in new bsplayer
- problems displaying subtitles when using VMR-9 video render
- no video on 1280 x 1024 resolution
- [FIXED] Change background colour for 16/9 movies
- Why is the announcement forum not updated?
- No sound in TV
- Plugin to set default audio stream and subtitle
- Subtitles in bsplayer movie on laptop but not on TV
- TV-out prob
- Why my screen captures look so weird?
- Multimedia keys supported?
- Problem with Nero Recode
- divx 6 + bsplayer 1.22.817 = CRASH
- DivX 6
- Problem with preferences
- how to change BSplayer's play-able file icon with regedit
- H264 codec
- MKV issues
- How to move the movie ???
- MSN plugin for BSplayer
- No audio in VBR mp3 avi's.
- Video playback problem
- How to use : BSP_FRSizeLeft ?
- Default language fo subtitles
- watching movies with two languages simultaneosly
- Cant load bsrendv2.dll???
- Access Violation in module "BSPlayer.exe"
- BSPlayer as a replacement
- Where to download the BSPlayer SDK ???
- playback rate returns to default when movie repeats?
- no video, shocking screen
- Is it possible to watch an avi with two different subtitle?
- .bsi file for v1.22
- ? about equalizer
- Importing music folders
- Is there a way to start up in "Show/Hide Main Window mo
- Scrol up and scroll down shortcut key
- BSP_GetFileName and VB 6
- Playlist problem
- Not so new a topic, but...
- Movie Position
- Bsplayer problem w/t sound in AVI files
- Apprehension of photos
- Mobile phone BSplayer remote control
- bsplayer steels my media key button on keyboard
- .IDX subtitles.
- writing plugins for bsplayer
- capturing frames matters
- Can BSPlayer start in Anamorphic Ratio automatically
- Division by zero
- suddenly wont play Mpgs
- Great, Now theyve screwed DIVX PLAYBACK!
- Only a chapter
- Audio is skipping, never had this b4???
- Video Fade out/Fade in ?
- BSplayer is buffering WMV's all of a sudden
- Playing some mpgs that are 12 min long. BS player reads...
- tv doesn't work?
- Full Screen Aspect Ratio
- [ATI TV Output] PanScan zoom in theatre mode not working :(
- BSPlayer error while watching movies on TV!!! ERROR
- Audio Speed Change, or Audio Offset for playback
- vsfilter/vobsub refuses to load
- download old versions, where?
- MKV file won't play
- Logitech Mouse Buttons
- the best video mode for a crt projector ????
- Will not open ASX files
- Subtitle Timing
- How can i make BS to play this file
- Set specific Repeat mode via code
- DVD - Vob files in BS Player
- Fusion of a subtitle and a movie
- Subtitles in mode theater
- cannot load subtitles
- BSP SkinMaker v1.02
- can't open quicktime movies
- Command line for specifing monitor
- Bulgarian Translation
- problem playing cd with bsplayerpro
- Streaming Video
- Manual loading vobsub subtitles
- Keyboard shortcut for context menu
- how to switch in "movie mode" by commands lines ?
- how to change the resolution in desktop mode ?
- Some mp3s will play in WMP but not BSPlayer. Help!
- Captured Image (Reduced Quality?)
- Player crashes
- BSplayer crashes when I open OGM files
- Additional keyboard buttons such as Play and Pause
- Please help with Playback rate 1/2 problem
- Equilizer Preset File
- Movie split in half no longer plays both halves
- re regester bsplayer pro after formatting hard drive.??
- Network Buffer - crash the player
- help with BS Player (can't open certain file, can't delete)
- VobSub+BSPlayer+DivX - no subtitles
- from Playlist, .avi with no audio
- Bsplayer Doesn't Play Movie With Foreign Character Title?!!
- Can't Play audio -"0x0055(MP3) ID'd as MPEG-1 Layer 3&q
- Can anyone help me with the BS Player??
- Externar Exception 80000003....Help plz
- Something is wrong with my audio
- Trouble opening DVDs
- All was well until yesterday!!...BSPlayer is gone and died!
- No Front Center Channel Output
- Whole screen issues
- Rewind/FFWD Causes System Freeze
- bsplayer and remote control
- Help me