- Can anyone help with the subtitles
- alternative to bsplayer for subtitles under Mac OS X?
- sub sync
- advice: slow computer or poor videocard playback?? SOLVED!!!
- Disable the File-History
- Play DVD rips in BSplayer???
- Winlirc cfg file?
- XviD
- can anyone help me with green screen?
- can anyone help me with green screen?
- can anyone help me with green screen?
- i need read cd xcd mode 2
- Overlay Mode 2?
- AC3 troubles
- the sound is fine now *points down*
- Video is fine but no sound
- DeDynamic addon..
- subtitles are putting me crazy ... help
- Wishlist for BSPlayer 1.0?!!
- freezes when play a movie encoded with Dr. Divx
- I have no sound ! HELP !
- Audiostream selection changes for 2. moviefile
- Updated languagefiles for the latest builds
- Problem downloading the newest player .496
- BSPlayer -> open source?
- BSPlayer 0.86.496
- I've got a question about the playlist.
- Playing a DVD
- Pro Logic problems!!! Please help
- BSPlayer freezes when using a remote and Girder
- How to use mdvd.ini files with bsplayer?
- format mpeg
- Jerky play from CD
- Grabing jpegs from movie...
- Bsi load maker v.4.0.0
- i need help
- audio cd play
- Frame af last movie, before playing a new one
- subtitle does not wrap or script is wrong?
- Winamp DSP Plugin
- No read SVCD (matrix reloaded) :(
- Playing problem
- No Video
- Error in BSplayer
- How to load 2 different subtitles from the command-line ?
- Can't "SEE" the codecs
- cool but
- WinDVD vs BSplayer
- No Sound
- BSplayer and school computers
- whats the most stable version?
- Edit ac3 filter properties in bsplayer
- BB forum errors
- SPDIF error
- Reversed screen...
- Problems with .vob files
- mounting the controls
- Problem playing files with big resolutions
- Frame Capture
- BSPlayer error - unknown file format (MP43)
- AC3 5.1 question
- BSPlayer and DivX 5.05
- How can i shut down that screen that opens when i open a...
- Occasional crashes playing divx/xvid
- How about a new icon?
- Pro Logic in BSplayer?????
- Question!!!
- subtitle in korean
- DivX / Xvid
- ffdshow doesnt fix brightness
- Fullscreen problems, please help!!!!!!!!!!!
- Subtitle with 2 cds
- License for BSplayer...
- .ogm subtitles
- is this right, divxdec?
- tv out
- problem with subtitels
- BSPlayer is free, but is it open source?
- open URL
- bookmark
- NO SOUND in BSplayer but YES in DivX Player 2.1
- BSCD launcher
- morgan stream switcher
- unknown file format
- Low voice
- Xvid green Picture
- keeping the display window size
- virtual dub reads it, but wm and bsplayer not
- russian subtitles
- where can i find subtitles
- where are the skins?
- No brightness adjustment for mpg!
- dedynamic and Winamp plugs
- Probs with colour subs.. please help!
- For people who can't see the subtitles please read
- Can you help on a strange problem?
- Jump To A Chapter (ogm)
- any chance of new version?
- What about the Shutdown option ?
- Autorun with WinXP?
- divx playback
- subtitle problem
- open movie but don't see anything
- Build 494
- Licence, Pricing, Cost?
- OGM Subtitles and BsPlayer
- dx50 problem..
- Forum login issue, any idea ???
- Resynchro subtitle...
- Using a USB Remote Control for BSPlayer
- strange bug when film finished
- no sound on playing video
- Picture is fliped
- AVI file - plays audio but not picture. Why?
- pentium150+ banshee3d+bsplayer?
- xvid..risolved ,not div5..!!
- No sound in Center speaker, why?????????
- How to play AC3 sounds correctly in BSplayer???
- enhance the Volume of Ac3
- DIV3 and its headache inducing consequences
- xvid-divx5.0 problem..
- xvid problem PLZ HELP!
- Visualizations for BSplayer
- Stop video playing upsidedown
- bsplay support replaygain?
- color space problem
- doesn't play MPEG files!
- Read online streaming with bsplayer ?
- Using BSplayer API
- unable to open files, strange "DirecX 7" error
- Problem with an external audio and INI
- Avantgo channel subtitles
- subs on monitor, not tv
- smi to srt
- cannot play, but can se the picture..
- Why?
- Start BSPlayer from CD
- Bsplayer on TV
- load a second
- Fullscreen problem..
- Green & Black Flashes
- can't log in automatically
- [XviD] Subtitle problems, with !every! XviD movie!
- Fast forward / rewind issue
- A BSplayer script to mIRC??
- Windows ME Autorun Help Please
- What happened to BST ?
- Question about the command line and subtitles
- BSplayer + Vobsub works with ogg/ogm but no avi+ssa
- Cannot play OGM files
- smi again
- I have a problem playing movies in BS Player!!!!!
- How to disable subtitle on start of movie ?
- Subtitles- Please Help
- Color Control
- helpful
- Dedynamic Autorun
- Desktop on Monitor + Video on TV
- Bs-player to play danish letters...
- Custom playback speed?
- Cloning video output
- ATI Theater Mode and pixel ratios ???
- MatrixMixer / AC3-Filter
- Loud scenes, Bass and normal Voices in Movies
- asf files help!!!
- fullscreen pan-scan problem
- subtitles
- Your bspfilters.dat
- Difficulties with XviD files
- 2 avi files on HD opened with a bsi file ?
- How do I permanently add subtitles to avi files?
- Audio
- subtitles in different scripts (central, ANSI, ...)
- equalizer
- how do i save screen caps?
- .INI Files
- Start at specified chapter
- How COMPLETLY uninstall BSplayer?
- getting subs on my film.. using BSplayer
- Help playing OGM files
- Tutorial for BSplayer
- Source code for bsplayer plugin for ATI remote wonder
- looking for a cd image
- pb with DivX4 and set volume on BSP
- Equalizer
- voices out of sync
- How do I uninstall this crashy, won't-play, won't-uninstall
- Sound on playing normal VCD
- synchronise subtitels??
- problem: no image on tv
- I can't play XviD on BSP.
- bsplayer video problems
- Oh no... Movie upsidedown
- div3!? what tha...
- Help!!!! - Can't access temporary directory
- HW BSplayer Autorun
- Choppy/jittery video regardless of zoom...
- Progressive Rendering ?
- equaliser didn't work
- is bsplayer development still alive?
- DivX files
- Double speed on video, normal on audio! What do I do?
- Palmbutler plugin script for BSPlayer is now available
- Esto funciona?
- Strange things happening (film stops, audio continues)
- big problems with subtitles
- Subtitles syncronization
- Having a little trouble starting up with BSp
- Do BSplayer install Codecs?
- DivX Menu
- no sound with div3 film
- command line!!!
- Anyone saw bst recently...?
- Ogg Audio Problems
- no sound with xvid
- problems with bsplayer
- is anywhere a place where i can find subtitles?
- Most stable Bsplayer version?
- Autostart problems
- what is best program to watch dvd:s in pc
- Remote control
- overlay + conversion to RGB failed
- BSPlayer rules
- HELP: problems with BSPlayer latest Version
- information on fichier.dat.... [bspfilter.....]
- back screen on TV-out with nVidia card
- relative path
- relative path
- looking for subtitles for "he got game"
- having a problem with my film
- a real autorun multi avi files cd
- Autorun a playlist from a cd
- Zoekop
- Zoekop
- Zoekop
- Play DivX3 and Xvid without the codecs installed
- question orders -stime=x......
- Is it possible to watch movie without russian translation?
- wma files
- DIV 3
- multisubtitle
- Zoekop_
- Zoekop