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  1. Dual Monitor Issue
  2. MKV
  4. What is an "active system debugger?"
  5. Help pls. Sound comes 3-4 sec. later than picture
  6. Help configure the settings of the DivX decoder!
  7. Second audio stream
  8. Minimum Hardware requests?
  9. Adjust bandwidth for mediastreams
  10. I get sound but no picture?
  11. bsplayer won't open .wmv files
  12. How to toggle repeat mode?
  13. Dancing elecard
  14. Is there an easy way to make BSplayer your default player?
  15. help disable ms player and real player
  16. Playing bin files
  17. AC3 S/PDIF sound to external AMP
  18. Problem with fullscreen mode in TV/out
  19. script .bsi and chapters
  20. "bsplayer free for non-commercial" logo
  21. no sound
  22. screen cap help
  23. srt sub files
  24. De-Interlacing
  26. I search file with setup of predefinites level of equalizer
  27. Larger seekbar?
  28. I have subtitels but no sound!
  29. mov format
  30. Problem with DVD Menus
  31. Suggestion for defaul skin
  32. Autorun disk's
  33. Can't play AC3 with FFDSHOW
  34. oh my god please help me
  35. how can i use dsp plugin for bsplayer??
  36. tar, dat
  37. Bsplayer with vobsub
  38. Subtitels timeing
  40. Audio Problem?
  41. new look of menus
  42. My BS Player stoped working after i reformated.
  43. Need Help!
  44. Need help with remember movie window size
  45. Can audio (AC3) decoding be turned off?
  46. subtitles
  47. how to zoom picture vertically?
  48. How can you make it always play in japanese audio stream?
  49. files XDIV
  50. BSplayer can usually play antyhing I chuck at it, but...
  51. I wish to thank the people behind bsplayer
  52. BSP_GetFileName and the OSD
  53. Just wanna say thankyou
  54. Incorrect resolution detection on TV-out.
  55. a little help needed
  56. .bin playing
  57. Experience with equiliser in 1.0
  58. How to use Pan&Scan ?
  59. "Remember last movie position" - problem with Digi
  60. Converting WMP playlists (.wpl) - how?
  61. unattended installation
  62. Another bspfilters.dat question
  63. BSPlayer 1.0 final!
  64. Changing skin modes?
  65. Subtitles in VMR9 mode
  66. bs player can not open the movie
  67. Hungarian (Magyar) translation
  68. phpBB 2.0.9 released
  69. Missing main control bar
  70. Where can i find Codec's to BS Player???
  71. Remote control (not WinLIRC)
  72. mkv video files have only sound no picture
  73. subtitles
  74. Who is best Code Pack with BSPlayer 1.00.8XX
  75. OGM audio stream
  76. Using video as desktop wallpaper?
  77. CLSID for DS filters needed to view Matroska files?
  78. screen turns green and pc locks
  79. does bs player rotate the videos frame?
  80. Vobsub / smi
  81. MPEG + AAC
  82. MPEG File Time Elapsed/Remaining Broken
  83. Subtitles on left side not on center of the screen
  84. BSPlayer can not read SAMI(.smi) subtitle
  85. Downloading
  86. Need a little help here...
  87. BSplayer unable to read .mp4 file
  88. Subtitles do not show when using TV out.
  89. Get rid off green text (Current frame, CPU Load...)
  90. Black screen on multi-CD movies
  91. continues play
  92. Why do you need my email?
  93. Newbie needs some tech advice
  94. Installation Problem (Win98)
  95. OGM Files will not play.
  96. dedynamic
  97. I cannot see my subtitles!!
  99. Which is the best font to display subtitles on a TV?
  100. Registering BSPlayer
  101. Stuttering
  102. How to use the subtitles in BSPlayer?
  103. Where Can I Find Subtitles to Load?
  104. Thanks DragonFighter
  105. RadLight TTA DirectShow filter v1.0.0.0
  106. wireless network?
  107. Picture Upside down
  108. Getting BSPlayer
  109. Why is it stuttering?
  110. It won't play in 1280x1024 resolution
  111. green dots on screen--solution
  112. Question about using ffdshow in standalone cd...
  113. Help!!1
  114. Audio/Winamp Plugins ?
  115. it just rox
  116. it just sucks
  117. Very slow playback and inaccessible codec options
  118. Haphazard Video Image
  119. Pixelized image while increasing window
  120. unable to play xvid audio
  121. Strobing XVid
  122. Moving forward just a smidge
  123. copy frames in the clipboard
  124. Bsplayer
  125. problem with equalizer
  126. Why I'm not downloading the program (yet)
  127. divx and xvid files lack sound in bsplayer
  128. Audio problem
  129. subtitles
  130. Why my bsplayer cannot show chinese subtitle?
  131. Editing .srt sub files
  132. 16:9/anamorphic - what's the difference?
  133. DivX movie on CD stand-alone, again!
  134. Can BSplayer support MAD or MPG123 plugin?
  135. DVDs won't play even with PowerDVD MPEG decoder
  136. It ´s great
  137. Problem with AVI and MPEG files which appear like MP3
  138. XviD and DivX AVI files crash BSplayer - force RGB fixed it
  139. Removing BS Player Explorer Extensions
  140. no sound in 2 rear speakers.
  141. posible to keep audio stream set to 2
  142. Can't download!
  143. HWmaker v2.2 Final
  144. Is't possible 2 choose default setting for the audiostream?
  145. Nightly Build?
  146. BSPlayer crashes when playing XviD
  147. desktop mode
  148. Message on the screen?
  149. DIVX greyed out in preferences
  150. active movie screen
  151. Want to switch to Bsplayer BUT...
  152. display in bulgarian language is nonsense
  153. green dots on screen
  154. Why my BSPlayer play it will have delay when show subtitle
  155. files Xvid
  156. real media files
  157. BSPlayer can't access filters in Win98
  158. new member
  159. Poor quality image with BS Player
  160. Inverted image on BSPlayer
  161. strange file icons
  162. Need help with HWmaker!
  163. Excessive pixelation when playing RAM files
  164. AD-Ware/Spyware?
  165. RadLight APE DirectShow filter v.
  166. Subtitle problems on my TV
  167. TV pic too small (bsp0.86-501, gfx5200, pal)
  168. HWmaker v2.0 Final is out!!!
  169. subtitles appeart on running movies from CD
  170. help if possiable avi with two audio streams
  171. How to play DVD's?
  172. How to enable intervideo audio options for a standalone BSCD
  173. Wont let me change DivX settings?
  174. Frame capture freezes BSplayer
  175. Option's changing
  176. New Build
  177. no audio playback
  178. .ogm files don't work on any version.
  179. Get this fix for disable the history !
  180. Lost Video Window
  181. streaming ogg
  182. ready for a bit o' the ultraviolence
  183. bsplayer & ffdshow
  184. mkv files
  185. image freezes at the start, but i can get audio and subtitle
  186. No Codecs work
  187. opening movies via command line
  188. 4:3
  189. codecs
  190. A book on how to build skins for BSPlayer...
  191. program bsplayer
  192. No Image or no sound
  193. Problem with subtitles/movie length with MPEG/SVCD movies
  194. Subtitles in AVI container - stream names
  195. Playing XVID from cd = "unknown file format", not
  196. Dual Audio
  197. BSPlayer context menue enhancement
  198. Need help uninstalling
  199. unknown file format (div3)
  200. can bsplayer play .mpc MPEGplus files?
  201. Subtitles with BSPlayer V 1.00 RC1 Build 808
  202. 1.00 RC1 Build 808 fails to open ogm files
  203. Full Screen, no zoom? ('Present Mode' in Quicktime)
  204. ffdshow audio problem
  205. Playlist Edition
  206. First time user For both DVD and BS Player
  207. DVD?
  208. fucking tosser
  209. Audio/video sync
  210. winxp autoplay
  211. *.mkv files - subtitles
  212. Error when trying to play ram files
  213. Dumb Question....
  214. remote plugin
  215. BSP_Seek not working
  216. FFDSHOW
  217. Quick BSPlayer/Delphi Tutorial?
  218. Does BS player.....
  219. im about to give up....
  220. What format should playlists be saved as?
  221. All Codecs?!
  222. persistent computer hang up playing movie
  223. Frame by Frame,and capture...
  224. Very dumb question...
  225. screenshots captured at wrong size
  226. equalizer
  227. langage for jurassic park 2 ??
  228. Question about OGM files (hopefully not being redundant...)
  229. How to slow the asf video down, rewind
  230. High Bitrate mp3s
  231. Can't create Direct Draw Surface?
  232. how to activate slim skin mode?
  233. Still having problems with playing Real "rm" files
  234. BSplayer doesn't work , help please
  235. Some problems with BSPlayer...
  236. Playback rate freeze with wmv
  237. Movie size (height) not correct
  238. how to take screenshots?
  239. Image upside down
  240. BSPlayer crashes
  241. BSCDmaker - autorun movie-cds fast and easily:
  242. Auto exit from BSplayer
  243. Choice of skin's colors
  244. 5.1 surround - why does not work with bsplayer
  245. cant play movies
  246. Share file ressources
  247. No video on TV
  248. OptimFROG playback now possible in BSPlayer
  249. Plugins
  250. ffdshow: How to enable?