- Dual Monitor Issue
- What is an "active system debugger?"
- Help pls. Sound comes 3-4 sec. later than picture
- Help configure the settings of the DivX decoder!
- Second audio stream
- Minimum Hardware requests?
- Adjust bandwidth for mediastreams
- I get sound but no picture?
- bsplayer won't open .wmv files
- How to toggle repeat mode?
- Dancing elecard
- Is there an easy way to make BSplayer your default player?
- help disable ms player and real player
- Playing bin files
- AC3 S/PDIF sound to external AMP
- Problem with fullscreen mode in TV/out
- script .bsi and chapters
- "bsplayer free for non-commercial" logo
- no sound
- screen cap help
- srt sub files
- De-Interlacing
- I search file with setup of predefinites level of equalizer
- Larger seekbar?
- I have subtitels but no sound!
- mov format
- Problem with DVD Menus
- Suggestion for defaul skin
- Autorun disk's
- Can't play AC3 with FFDSHOW
- oh my god please help me
- how can i use dsp plugin for bsplayer??
- tar, dat
- Bsplayer with vobsub
- Subtitels timeing
- Audio Problem?
- new look of menus
- My BS Player stoped working after i reformated.
- Need Help!
- Need help with remember movie window size
- Can audio (AC3) decoding be turned off?
- subtitles
- how to zoom picture vertically?
- How can you make it always play in japanese audio stream?
- files XDIV
- BSplayer can usually play antyhing I chuck at it, but...
- I wish to thank the people behind bsplayer
- BSP_GetFileName and the OSD
- Just wanna say thankyou
- Incorrect resolution detection on TV-out.
- a little help needed
- .bin playing
- Experience with equiliser in 1.0
- How to use Pan&Scan ?
- "Remember last movie position" - problem with Digi
- Converting WMP playlists (.wpl) - how?
- unattended installation
- Another bspfilters.dat question
- BSPlayer 1.0 final!
- Changing skin modes?
- Subtitles in VMR9 mode
- bs player can not open the movie
- Hungarian (Magyar) translation
- phpBB 2.0.9 released
- Missing main control bar
- Where can i find Codec's to BS Player???
- Remote control (not WinLIRC)
- mkv video files have only sound no picture
- subtitles
- Who is best Code Pack with BSPlayer 1.00.8XX
- OGM audio stream
- Using video as desktop wallpaper?
- CLSID for DS filters needed to view Matroska files?
- screen turns green and pc locks
- does bs player rotate the videos frame?
- Vobsub / smi
- MPEG File Time Elapsed/Remaining Broken
- Subtitles on left side not on center of the screen
- BSPlayer can not read SAMI(.smi) subtitle
- Downloading
- Need a little help here...
- BSplayer unable to read .mp4 file
- Subtitles do not show when using TV out.
- Get rid off green text (Current frame, CPU Load...)
- Black screen on multi-CD movies
- continues play
- Why do you need my email?
- Newbie needs some tech advice
- Installation Problem (Win98)
- OGM Files will not play.
- dedynamic
- I cannot see my subtitles!!
- Which is the best font to display subtitles on a TV?
- Registering BSPlayer
- Stuttering
- How to use the subtitles in BSPlayer?
- Where Can I Find Subtitles to Load?
- Thanks DragonFighter
- RadLight TTA DirectShow filter v1.0.0.0
- wireless network?
- Picture Upside down
- Getting BSPlayer
- Why is it stuttering?
- It won't play in 1280x1024 resolution
- green dots on screen--solution
- Question about using ffdshow in standalone cd...
- Help!!1
- Audio/Winamp Plugins ?
- it just rox
- it just sucks
- Very slow playback and inaccessible codec options
- Haphazard Video Image
- Pixelized image while increasing window
- unable to play xvid audio
- Strobing XVid
- Moving forward just a smidge
- copy frames in the clipboard
- Bsplayer
- problem with equalizer
- Why I'm not downloading the program (yet)
- divx and xvid files lack sound in bsplayer
- Audio problem
- subtitles
- Why my bsplayer cannot show chinese subtitle?
- Editing .srt sub files
- 16:9/anamorphic - what's the difference?
- DivX movie on CD stand-alone, again!
- Can BSplayer support MAD or MPG123 plugin?
- DVDs won't play even with PowerDVD MPEG decoder
- It ´s great
- Problem with AVI and MPEG files which appear like MP3
- XviD and DivX AVI files crash BSplayer - force RGB fixed it
- Removing BS Player Explorer Extensions
- no sound in 2 rear speakers.
- posible to keep audio stream set to 2
- Can't download!
- HWmaker v2.2 Final
- Is't possible 2 choose default setting for the audiostream?
- Nightly Build?
- BSPlayer crashes when playing XviD
- desktop mode
- Message on the screen?
- DIVX greyed out in preferences
- active movie screen
- Want to switch to Bsplayer BUT...
- display in bulgarian language is nonsense
- green dots on screen
- Why my BSPlayer play it will have delay when show subtitle
- files Xvid
- real media files
- BSPlayer can't access filters in Win98
- new member
- Poor quality image with BS Player
- Inverted image on BSPlayer
- strange file icons
- Need help with HWmaker!
- Excessive pixelation when playing RAM files
- AD-Ware/Spyware?
- RadLight APE DirectShow filter v.
- Subtitle problems on my TV
- TV pic too small (bsp0.86-501, gfx5200, pal)
- HWmaker v2.0 Final is out!!!
- subtitles appeart on running movies from CD
- help if possiable avi with two audio streams
- How to play DVD's?
- How to enable intervideo audio options for a standalone BSCD
- Wont let me change DivX settings?
- Frame capture freezes BSplayer
- Option's changing
- New Build
- no audio playback
- .ogm files don't work on any version.
- Get this fix for disable the history !
- Lost Video Window
- streaming ogg
- ready for a bit o' the ultraviolence
- bsplayer & ffdshow
- mkv files
- image freezes at the start, but i can get audio and subtitle
- No Codecs work
- opening movies via command line
- 4:3
- codecs
- A book on how to build skins for BSPlayer...
- program bsplayer
- No Image or no sound
- Problem with subtitles/movie length with MPEG/SVCD movies
- Subtitles in AVI container - stream names
- Playing XVID from cd = "unknown file format", not
- Dual Audio
- BSPlayer context menue enhancement
- Need help uninstalling
- unknown file format (div3)
- can bsplayer play .mpc MPEGplus files?
- Subtitles with BSPlayer V 1.00 RC1 Build 808
- 1.00 RC1 Build 808 fails to open ogm files
- Full Screen, no zoom? ('Present Mode' in Quicktime)
- ffdshow audio problem
- Playlist Edition
- First time user For both DVD and BS Player
- DVD?
- fucking tosser
- Audio/video sync
- winxp autoplay
- *.mkv files - subtitles
- Error when trying to play ram files
- Dumb Question....
- remote plugin
- BSP_Seek not working
- Quick BSPlayer/Delphi Tutorial?
- Does BS player.....
- im about to give up....
- What format should playlists be saved as?
- All Codecs?!
- persistent computer hang up playing movie
- Frame by Frame,and capture...
- Very dumb question...
- screenshots captured at wrong size
- equalizer
- langage for jurassic park 2 ??
- Question about OGM files (hopefully not being redundant...)
- How to slow the asf video down, rewind
- High Bitrate mp3s
- Can't create Direct Draw Surface?
- how to activate slim skin mode?
- Still having problems with playing Real "rm" files
- BSplayer doesn't work , help please
- Some problems with BSPlayer...
- Playback rate freeze with wmv
- Movie size (height) not correct
- how to take screenshots?
- Image upside down
- BSPlayer crashes
- BSCDmaker - autorun movie-cds fast and easily:
- Auto exit from BSplayer
- Choice of skin's colors
- 5.1 surround - why does not work with bsplayer
- cant play movies
- Share file ressources
- No video on TV
- OptimFROG playback now possible in BSPlayer
- Plugins
- ffdshow: How to enable?